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  3. Legendary lol that guy sucks edit: big time
  4. The legendary Irish Paul of Winnipeg has made it his go-to place, since the closing of Stone Angel Brewing. That's all you need to know. It's legit.
  5. Pretty much agree. Bailey annoyed me for the same reason.
  6. Took Rasheed 1.5 years on the PR to break him of the habit, but just wait till he comes back, he's set to unleash some pent up emotions.
  7. Wicked deal. Is that place any good? Is it a proper Irish public house place? That’s a damn good point. I mean not doing what it takes to stay healthy and competitive in the off season is fo stuff. I don’t think he was an fo guy around the team but in his exit and off season? I could see it. Still got lots of love for the guy though.
  8. welp, I guess we're going to be hearing La Bamba til the Cows come home
  9. Based on what we've heard and "heard", it seems like maybe Andrew Harris was not very FIFO at the end of his run in Winnipeg.... And not just the players but the families... They're all very close/welcoming from what I've read...
  10. I agree to an extent. But the culture is part of what built this team to begin with. They were doing it despite not winning Grey cups. A lot of different things make up a culture though. One of the biggest things from what I've heard is how close knit the entire team is. Not cliquey like other places. Celebrating after a good play is a grey area IMO. It depends on a lot. I'm hoping that the guys in the room will rein someone in if they are being stupid about it. Mitchell has only been here for a couple weeks.
  11. I think all we are proving here is that it's easy to claim you have the best room or culture when you are winning. The second the winning stops is when you really see what the culture is like.
  12. I really have no idea but I would assume FIFO means more like “don’t be a malcontent in the room and do your job on the field within the scheme.” I don’t think it means “have no personality” I doubt the leadership cares about the colour of a guys gloves. In Mitchell’s case FIFO definitely means he’ll have to catch a football pretty soon though.
  13. When’s the last time we had a player like that though? Or the last team with a strong culture that did? On the other hand the toxic teams have had lots of those guys. Guys acting a fool is 100% a part of team culture.
  14. Except like I said you benefit as much from having those guys around the team as ahead of young guys, and that is a normal Stage in turn over. Plus defensive players translate to the cfl quickly. You are always either working on getting guys more experience or getting younger. That’s pro sports.
  15. Nope not at all. Role vs position. He started about half the season too. Parker did that before and not since. Happens frequently at db in the cfl.
  16. What is this a change from if not the starting positions from last year?
  17. So either it's not enough experience in the lineup, or too much experience because O'Shea doesn't play anyone new?
  18. You can love the code of conduct and recognize that a player celebrating on the field has nothing to do with it. I’ll absolutely make fun of players who do crap like that, on my team or not, has nothing to do with culture though.
  19. yes, 20 minutes in the film room should give them all they need to know. CoFaj is indeed a one-trick pony.
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