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- Stephanie McMahon writing her memoirs, due out in September

- Emma suffered back injury on Sunday, undergoing evaluations

- Seth Rollins due back imminently (working out at the performance centre currently)

- Rumor has it Del Rio had a brief fling with Charlotte before getting involved with Paige, causing a bit of heat.  Del Rio has taken Batista's spot as the resident Diva Hunter (though I think Punk has dated the most wrestlers).

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15 minutes ago, Goalie said:

And apparently Del Rio and his wife have been divorced for over a year now. LOL 

Yeah that slipped under the radar.  The photos of him and Paige were at Disney World which seemed a bit unusual until it came out there had his child with them.  Its definitely an odd pairing but they both come from long time wrestling families so they have some in common.  Good for him as she is very young and attractive.  Good for her as he's a good looking dude.  Love is in the air.  This should make for a great next season of Total Divas.

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Kalisto is cool. Has great matches. He's from Chicago tho but still he's very good. Innovative. Just needs to talk more. Raw has been relatively good the last several weeks now. Gotta get the belt off Reigns ASAP tho. Would love to see Rey come back and have Rey vs Kalisto. I don't think Kalisto is a Mysterio rip off tho. He just wears a mask. All "luchadores" are similar. I really like Kalisto tho. 

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They have the former LA Sombra in nxt wrestling as Manny Andrade. He very well could be that Latino star.  They are apparently quite high on him. I also think no way Jose even tho he's Puerto Rican I think... he could get over big with the kids. 

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2 hours ago, Goalie said:

Kalisto is cool. Has great matches. He's from Chicago tho but still he's very good. Innovative. Just needs to talk more. Raw has been relatively good the last several weeks now. Gotta get the belt off Reigns ASAP tho. Would love to see Rey come back and have Rey vs Kalisto. I don't think Kalisto is a Mysterio rip off tho. He just wears a mask. All "luchadores" are similar. I really like Kalisto tho. 

I agree that Del Rio is the guy that should be pushed. Not Kalisto. How can you say he isn't a Rey Mysterio rip off? He does just what Rey does, flies around the ring in a mask with gymnastic moves beating guys 150 to 200 lbs heavier than him. It's the same old story. Seen it before. Speaking of Reigns, well not really.... is AJ Styles ever over with the fans. Even after that abortion of a storyline with Chris Jerico.




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7 hours ago, iso_55 said:

I agree that Del Rio is the guy that should be pushed. Not Kalisto. How can you say he isn't a Rey Mysterio rip off? He does just what Rey does, flies around the ring in a mask with gymnastic moves beating guys 150 to 200 lbs heavier than him. It's the same old story. Seen it before. Speaking of Reigns, well not really.... is AJ Styles ever over with the fans. Even after that abortion of a storyline with Chris Jerico.

You've seen it before because that style has been around for a long time.  That must mean Rey is a rip-off of Jushin Liger or Ultimo Dragon then because those guys (amongst many others) were doing that well before Rey was.

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I guess it's Rey ripoff in the sense he was the most popular in modern American wrestling but as Bigg Jay said, Ultimo and Liger were masked Luchadores too.  Liger would have been the first modern one as far as I recall when he was brought in for the program with Brian Pillman in WCW in the early 90's.

Kalisto isnt that good but the team is fine.  They sell merchandise and appeal to kids.  But they arent the big Latino star WWE wants (and needs).  Del Rio has everything they could ever want in a top guy, let alone a top Latino guy.

Its possible Rey ends up back with WWE at some point.  In fact I would assume he does.

Vince sold 2 million shares worth just under $40 million for "estate planning".  Family now controls around 48% of WWE stock.

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12 hours ago, The Unknown Poster said:

Del rio is the Latino star they should be pushing. 

But luchadores are big with the younger demos and at house shows 


9 hours ago, iso_55 said:

I agree that Del Rio is the guy that should be pushed. Not Kalisto.


Y'all are joking right?  They did push him.  Hard.  And when it failed in a big way they kept at it for another year or two...  Still didn't take.

This isn't me trashing the guy because I don't like him in the way hipster smarks won't either.  In fact I'd say he's, no exaggeration, the best pure in ring guy in the company today.  Back then he pulled off the classic "rich guy that thinks he's better than everyone" heel role extremely well.  Good talker, has "Da Look" and for good measure seems like a really good dude outside the ring.

He's the total package really, and yet when he's on TV the audience, myself included, has zero F's to give.  He's the antithesis of the "It" factor...

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2 minutes ago, Y2C said:



Y'all are joking right?  They did push him.  Hard.  And when it failed in a big way they kept at it for another year or two...  Still didn't take.

This isn't me trashing the guy because I don't like him in the way hipster smarks won't either.  In fact I'd say he's, no exaggeration, the best pure in ring guy in the company today.  Back then he pulled off the classic "rich guy that thinks he's better than everyone" heel role extremely well.  Good talker, has "Da Look" and for good measure seems like a really good dude outside the ring.

He's the total package really, and yet when he's on TV the audience, myself included, has zero F's to give.  He's the antithesis of the "It" factor...

Del Rio didnt screw Del Rio.  WWE's creative team did.  Heel face heel face.  When he came back, beat Cena clean and then got saddled with the terrible gimmick with Dutch and then League of Nations.

Sometimes a guy can seem to have it all and still not resonate (Randy Orton much of the time, hell even Roman currently).  But often its lousy booking.  And in the case of Del Rio (and Randy and Roman), its the booking.

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Nah, he had the proverbial rocket strapped to his ass and had good stuff to work with with the fancy cars, multiple title reigns and all that and the fans completely rejected it.

Obviously I agree with you the stuff since he returned with Colter, the League of Jobbers and before that the nonsensical "I luv Murica now!" face turn were just flat out god awful booking.

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"Over big time" is being very generous.

He wasn't coming out to crickets or anything but I feel a lot of his heat was "stop shoving him down our throats" heat.

I hate to keep on it, because I like the guy in a lot of ways, but that's how it came across to me. Though I must brought up the ire drawn from WWE fans for the Del Rio-Sheamus feud no one asked for that went on and on and on and on and on and.....:wacko:

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When Del Rio had the rocket strapped to him he was very over.  Keep in mind this is the era where they dont really want anyone over, save for Cena and Stephanie.  So over is open to interpretation.  Then he turned babyface and feuded with Big Show and Swagger which did him no favours.  WWE tried to make him the new Eddie and shoved him down our throats which failed as it usually does.  And sure, Del Rio vs Shaeamus but thats as much on Sheaumus and as you said a feud no one wanted - thats on the bookers, not the workers.

One of his best attributes is his promos.  He's VERY good on promos, very natural.  Solid actor.  And they hardly every let him talk.  If he did an actual storyline that required backstage vignettes and such, he'd get it over.  He has natural charisma. 

His match last night was solid.  He's such a strong worker.

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3 hours ago, The Unknown Poster said:

Del Rio didnt screw Del Rio.  WWE's creative team did.  Heel face heel face.  When he came back, beat Cena clean and then got saddled with the terrible gimmick with Dutch and then League of Nations.

Sometimes a guy can seem to have it all and still not resonate (Randy Orton much of the time, hell even Roman currently).  But often its lousy booking.  And in the case of Del Rio (and Randy and Roman), its the booking.

Thank you. It was lousy booking for Del Rio. Same with Cesaro, both guys should be pushed harder. Instead you get a little guy Kalisto beating guys twice his size. While the other two are held back.




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3 hours ago, Y2C said:

"Over big time" is being very generous.

He wasn't coming out to crickets or anything but I feel a lot of his heat was "stop shoving him down our throats" heat.

I hate to keep on it, because I like the guy in a lot of ways, but that's how it came across to me. Though I must brought up the ire drawn from WWE fans for the Del Rio-Sheamus feud no one asked for that went on and on and on and on and on and.....:wacko:

Like TUP said, lousy booking.

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2 hours ago, The Unknown Poster said:

When Del Rio had the rocket strapped to him he was very over.  Keep in mind this is the era where they dont really want anyone over, save for Cena and Stephanie.  So over is open to interpretation.  Then he turned babyface and feuded with Big Show and Swagger which did him no favours.  WWE tried to make him the new Eddie and shoved him down our throats which failed as it usually does.  And sure, Del Rio vs Shaeamus but thats as much on Sheaumus and as you said a feud no one wanted - thats on the bookers, not the workers.

One of his best attributes is his promos.  He's VERY good on promos, very natural.  Solid actor.  And they hardly every let him talk.  If he did an actual storyline that required backstage vignettes and such, he'd get it over.  He has natural charisma. 

His match last night was solid.  He's such a strong worker.

Except for that stomp. That looked bad. That move needs to stop as it is so phoney.

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Yeah the stomp just cant be done safely without looking bad.  And it replies on the guy taking it to sit up and the right moment.  I'd cut it too. It can be done well but requires great timing and the guy taking it to have great timing in taking it.  Not easy.  But its one of those set up moves WWE likes because fans see it coming, react to it etc.

Cesaro is a tough one.  I agree he got screwed by the booking.  He got a push at first because he was Cena's work out buddy.  Then WWE did what they always do - over-estimate how popular someone is.  Cesaro had a good heel run in him and they flipped him face due to the swing being over complete with Dunn doing the stupid zoom in zoom out.  Then back heel to be with Heyman which should have been awesome except Heyman just talked about Brock and Cesaro looked like a forgotten man.  Vince didnt like his look and that was that.

Cesaro is good.  But he lacks something.  Some call it "babyface fire", he doesnt have fire on his comeback so its hard to get into.  But at least they seem to be going with it now.  keep in mind the only reason they are going with it now is because a group of fans made it their mission including printing their own Cesaro Section signs to distribute to other fans.  Voila. 

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