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16 hours ago, The Unknown Poster said:

He was in many storylines including being a leprechaun, Finlay's son, Vince's son, anonymous GM. Pretty high profile stuff 

He hasn't been used in a long time though. One thing about Disney is they seem pretty savvy about buying valuable properties and using them correctly.  I hope WWE remains in McMahon hands forever though. 

I wouldn't call it high profile. More like low brow.

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5 hours ago, The Unknown Poster said:

Potential angle alert. But can't blame him. He's still young and studied to be an actor. They dropped the ball with him. Not saying he's the next ric flair or anything but the stardust angle is atrocious and only works if there was a payoff which their wasn't. 

When dusty died he should have been pushed as Cody going on an inspirational run in his fathers memory. Still crowds chant Cody Cody at him and WWE just goes on blissfully unaware. 

Like always...

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Two awesome matches and a couple of decent ones and then filler. But those two awesome ones were top notch.  Four way and the main event. 

Huge put over for roman though. He better take AJ out for a steak after this program made roman as a top guy. 

Mans ofcourse the surprise return although off they'd bring him back as a heel (even though the reaction was all face)

Cody got his release and then issued a statement burying wwe somewhat. Good for him. Now to see what WWE does to his brother and wife who still work there 

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Romans is the golden boy. Wouldn't surprise me to see him beat Seth too. Imagine a better outcome where AJ wins and Seth attacks and we get AJ vs Seth. Those matches would be incredible. 

I didn't like that Roman took so much a use and kicked out and Styles lost to a spear. Hopefully they hbe something strong for raw. I could see them building to a three way with Seth AJ and Roman actually. Mostly because it's an easy way to make people think roman is having good matches. 

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Anonymous GM was pretty high profile. By the reveal it was way past its best before date but it was still something that impacted RAW every week. 

Finley was a strong mid card guy 

Vince's son was high profile although played for laughs with Hornswoggle. The original idea was Ken Kennedy was going to be the illegitimate son and battle for control of WWE. 

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According to JBL (ie Vince) the title match last night was an all time classic thanks to Roman. I hope they're paying AJ a lot of money. 

The top face is a guy lost fans want to boo and the top heel is a guy most fans want to cheer.  And Hunter will give interviews saying the fans have changed and this is the new norm. Nope. It's just lousy booking. 

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Can't let a man with that much brain damage do an important interview. And it wasn't tell all at all. 

The only interesting thing was Shane's body language concerning Hunter. 

The Montreal Screwjob was garbage revisionist history and shouldn't even be asked anymore 

Ugh what a waste. 

The way AJ is doing jobs they might be turning him heel. 

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10 hours ago, Goalie said:

I'd generally agree but when Vince is involved, that's pretty high profile. 

No idea what they're doing with Styles but I knew once Zayn beat Sheamus that Owens would not lose tonight. Don't count me in as someone who is blown away by Zayn.

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4 hours ago, iso_55 said:

No idea what they're doing with Styles but I knew once Zayn beat Sheamus that Owens would not lose tonight. Don't count me in as someone who is blown away by Zayn.

He's been rusty since coming back from the injury. There are many who felt he was the best worker in the world before WWE signed him. 

I had him here twice. He was a good friend of Omega's. 

The injury set him back. If they book him right he could become the next Bryan. Needs to just fall short for awhile which has been the booking so far. 

I hope the promo between styles and Club wasn't it. Needs to be more story there.  The "I'm not your friend anymore" break up is lame. They keep teasing AJ subtle heel. Usually when a top guy does several jobs he's either switching heel/face alignment or winning a strap. 

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Zayn is a great worker, you can see it every time he wrestles but there's no pop to the guy. I've seen a lot of wrestlers just like him. I like Cesaro a lot more than Zayn & he's buried as a mid carder... If they bury Cesaro then they'll eventually bury Zayn as well. He's getting a push right now but how long will it last?

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In the latest effort to take advantage of that, WWE announced Wednesday morning that Smackdown will not only air live starting on July 19th, but it will officially move to Tuesday nights at 8 PM. The announcement was made in Variety.

A twist that was buried in the story also indicates a brand split may be coming as well:

"A draft will be held before the “Smackdown” launch date to determine which wrestlers on the company’s talent roster will be assigned to which program. Each show is expected to feature separate cast, plots and writing teams."

The initial brand split happened in 2002 and ran through 2011, long after fans realized that it was pointless considering talents from both show were regularly appearing on the other show on a weekly basis. There was a yearly draft that started in 2004 that always shook up the deck a bit, but over time, the main stars were on both shows anyway.


This is interesting.  When USA took on Smackdown, there was talk of moving it to Tuesday.  If you go live, you pretty much need to run Tuesday because of the WWE's production schedule making it very tough to run live on Thursday.  I had heard a few weeks ago about new belts being made but it seemed so odd that no one paid it much attention.  If Shane is sticking around, it makes sense to a degree.  Although not doing Shane vs Hunter seems liked a missed opportunity.  it would explain why Steph is playing babyface right now as her natural inclination would be to cut Shane's balls off as a face.

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8 minutes ago, Goalie said:

3 hour raws with half a roster? 

It would definitely be better to go back to two hours.  They've been loading up their roster so this starts to make sense.  Its never been about talent - its always about how they use their talent.

But lots of questions remain.  If it ends up like the original brand split then it will eventually fail.  They need to make the two shows look different and thats not going to happen with Kevin Dunn producing.  Dunn is not a Triple H guy so I wonder if this is another step in Hunter's development and whether he will get his own production team.  His NXT booker Ryan Ward was just re-assigned to SD so that's possible. 

Back when they did it originally, Paul Heyman was booker of SD and treated it like a real competition.  One of the things that got him heat with Steph was competing with RAW.  SD actually drew better ratings than RAW and was a better product at the time.  Heyman even secretly listened in on RAW creative meetings until Steph found out.

Will they have two World Champions?  What will they do with the women?

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