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23 hours ago, bearpants said:

Thanks for the info... sounds like just watching them in order 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3 is the best way to go about it...

Actually, I would recommend the "Machete Mash-up".

Watch in this order:

IV: A New Hope

V: Empire Strikes Back

II: Attack of the clones

III: Revenge of the Sith

VI: Return of The Jedi


Skip I: The Phantom Menace all together.


It helps preserve the surprise factor in many instances and sets up nicely Luke's struggle. Huge bonus... Jar Jar Binks gets less than a dozen lines.


Interesting tidbit to make II much less painful to watch: There is a rumour that Obi Wan and Padme might have had some fling early on, or something but are downplaying it. 



Edit: But really, you don't even need to bother with I, II or II. Its more there for back story more than anything really. 


As long as you watch IV, V and VI- that's integral.

Edited by wanna-b-fanboy
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17 minutes ago, Taynted_Fayth said:

I guess ol ben kenobi coulda hit up padme while anakin was still a little kid. She never looks like she ages and portman/McGregor are probably more compatible in phantom menace age wise.  Padmes lack of aging with the story timeline always bothered me a little

Well Portman ages nicely so there is that. She was as tall as she was gonna get in SW1 despite being what 16 character wise?


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Just looking at the upcoming movies for 2016 should be a good year, star wars rogue one, xmen apocalypse,  batman v superman, captain ameria civil war, deadpool, ghostbusters, suicide squad, assassins creed, doctor strange, 


Does anyone know anything about this gods of egypt? 




Also wonder when rogue one starts getting hyped, I guess with ep 7 still a month in they wanna pump those tires long and hard

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31 minutes ago, Noeller said:

????  They're the two best Marvel movies!!!

Well Winter Soldier is the best Marvel movie, the first Captain America while good isn't 2nd best. 

Civil War though has the potential to be right up there though. Big fan of everything about Winter Soldier and the fact that it's the same directors I have high hopes for that movie. 

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9 hours ago, Taynted_Fayth said:

actually nvm about gods of egypt, found this




With Jaime Lannister in a big role it's gotta be good right? And Gerard Butler with the thich Scottish accent coming through, the only way this movie isn't worth a watch is if they take themselves seriously.

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even though its getting old and watched a million times over, i still think spider man 2 was the best marvel movie, but growing up a huge marvel comics fan i have a lot of bias.  Spider man was my fav, and sharing the same name as captain america i was often called cap and i guess i expected big things with the movies, and Evans formerly the human torch kinda started it off on a wtf foot for me. I was also a Xmen fan more then the avengers, im glad they righted the xmen boat after terrible movies like 1, 2 and 3

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22 minutes ago, Taynted_Fayth said:

even though its getting old and watched a million times over, i still think spider man 2 was the best marvel movie, but growing up a huge marvel comics fan i have a lot of bias.  Spider man was my fav, and sharing the same name as captain america i was often called cap and i guess i expected big things with the movies, and Evans formerly the human torch kinda started it off on a wtf foot for me. I was also a Xmen fan more then the avengers, im glad they righted the xmen boat after terrible movies like 1, 2 and 3

Marvel never did any of the spiderman movies though, they sold the rights to Sony before they started making movies themselves. X-Men too is not under the Marvel brand, it's owned by Fox. Think Fox has fantastic 4 as well which is a big reason why they can't make a movie about them worth a damn. That's kind of the beauty of what they've done, they've basically made all the money in the world just using their B listers. 

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Well raimi/sony did a good job with spiderman 2, then **** the bed with 3. Im curious about how much influence or input ppl really have with movies, I was watching star wars episode 4 yesterday (watching 5 right now) and ppl have mentioned how much help or take over for lucas the originals had, but credits still said written and directed by george lucas. Exec. Producer george lucas. Then the cast. You would think for what a cash cow star wars became, ppl involved would want their name firmly added to it, if they had a huge role in its finished product

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6 minutes ago, Taynted_Fayth said:

Well raimi/sony did a good job with spiderman 2, then **** the bed with 3. Im curious about how much influence or input ppl really have with movies, I was watching star wars episode 4 yesterday (watching 5 right now) and ppl have mentioned how much help or take over for lucas the originals had, but credits still said written and directed by george lucas. Exec. Producer george lucas. Then the cast. You would think for what a cash cow star wars became, ppl involved would want their name firmly added to it, if they had a huge role in its finished product

Yeah Spiderman 2 was great, the problem with Spiderman 3 is that Raimi wanted to use Sandman as the villian but Sony insisted that Venom be added because he was popular and Raimi didn't like the character and the result is what we got. 

Episode 4 was directed by Lucas but a lot of other people had input, Empire and return of the Jedi had different directors though, probably different writers too. I believe the story is that Lucas wife at the time did a lot of the editing that made the first Star Wars as good as it was. Based on his track record I think it is quite safe to say that George Lucas is a good idea man but putting the ideas together is not his strong suit. Nothing wrong with that, there is plenty of money and success in doing that. 

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Yes Lucas was sole writer on A New Hope.  But he wasnt on Empire and Jedi which were arguably better and more interesting films and expanded on the themes and ideas from ANH.

Some say his wife was his secret weapon as she edited the films and some credit her with "saving" the films.

I also think that on those originals George was probably a lot more pragmatic when discussing creative decisions.  When you see behind the scenes video of him making the Prequels, it looks like he says things and everyone alternately nods and looks around the room all shifty-eyed as if to say "really?"

There's a great video, im not sure from where, showing him screening one of the Prequels (I think the first one).  Its him, his producer, editor etc.  And when the film is over, everyone sits in silence.  George then says "maybe I tried to do too much".  The producer just sits there, head down, looking rather depressed as everyone discusses how the film was written and filmed in such a way that editing wont save it.  I think everyone connected to the prequels knew they were going to suck except Lucas.

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24 minutes ago, Logan007 said:

For me it's:

Winter Soldier, Avengers, Iron Man, Captain America, Ant-Man, Thor, Incredible Hulk, etc...

Spiderman 2 was great even though it was Sony's.  I loved the first Spidey as well.

I could live with this list...

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