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Posts posted by brett_c_b

  1. 3 minutes ago, Ripper said:

    The opposite. The Riders would have made 850k without the almost 5.2 million dollar payment to the heritage fund. Sounds like we owe another 5.1'ish million against this to pay for the 15 million in renovations for the 2013 grey cup. Merch was down. but not because we were losing, but fans sending message to fire Taman IMHO.

    I'd be skeptical that the average fan cares too much about who the GM is. Every fan cares about winning/losing, the minority, such as the types who go on forums, care about other the behind the scenes stuff.  If merch is down significantly, I'd be surprised if that many people didn't buy merch because of who the GM is.

  2. 3 hours ago, blitzmore said:

    What because we were bored like they are usually?

    Because you went and talked to each other instead of watching :) jab at the media, not you. You did better than I would have, I would have left if they weren't doing much.

  3. 24 minutes ago, Atomic said:

    I don't mind this tactic by Chris Jones.  They don't need St. John in the lineup right away, they have enough Canadian OL to easily start 3 with depth behind them.

    Offering the league minimum is a **** move (and I'm not sure we're hearing the full story there) but I can understand the Riders holding out for a bargain. 

    In a league where after 3 years a guy can leave why sour the relationship early. No other league would a guy drafted first overall get a minimum offer.

  4. 13 hours ago, Nolby said:

    Nfl had to adjust to the converts, why can't we adjust to the distance change. I'm not trying to start a battle but just something I've been pondering when the topic of rule changes come up every year.

    Our field is 5 yards longer. With NFL goal posts currently 10 yards deeper than ours in the NFL you have to move the ball 5 yards further than in the CFL to have the same length kick (assuming you started on your own half of the field)

    If we put the goalposts at the back of our end zone, to have the same length kick you now have to move the ball 15 yards further than in the NFL.  

    So if you start around your own 25, and figure you need a 45 yard kick to be in reasonable field goal range, you need to move the ball 47 yards. 

    With your proposal to get into field goal range you'd have to gain 67 yards of offense to get into field goal range. As well if your range is 45 yards you'd have to get to the 18 yard line before you'd kick a field goal. Do you really only want to see field goals attempted from inside the 20? I can't imagine why you'd want that change.

  5. 4 hours ago, Nolby said:

    Am I the only one who still thinks they should eventually move the goal posts to yhe back of the end zone?  I'm still a much bigger fan of the CFL than NFL but this is where I do think the nfl got it right.

    3 hours ago, WBBFanWest said:

    Considering the depth of an NFL end zone vs a CFL end zone, moving our goal posts to the back would fundamentally change the game.  Not a good plan in my opinion. 


    pretty much. When most seasons bombers kickers seem unable to consistently hit any kick over 30 yards, even from the 20 yard line you'd be looking at a 47 yard kick. You'd basically take field goals out of the game.  You'd also take out returns from missed field goals which is one of the more exciting plays in the CFL, and make every missed field goal almost an automatic rouge since if the guy didn't have the leg to make the back of the end zone they wouldn't try the kick.  The CFL rules and end zone size make it necessary to have the uprights at the goal line.

  6. Typically who would make the decision not to hire position coaches, the head coach or the coordinator? ST coordinator I can understand being an O'Shea call, but with not hiring a receivers coach, would that decision be an O'Shea decision or a Lapo decision? I could see O'Shea having to approve it, but just curious if Lapo may have pitched the idea.T

    The only reason I wonder is that as HC Lapo was accused of basically micromanaging and interfering with the offense, is not hiring a receivers coach potentially the same sort of control issues coming to the surface?

    Not saying it's a bad idea, but I've also never hidden my dislike of Lapo as a coach. I Hope I'm wrong on all accounts and we have a decent offense for once.



  7. 13 hours ago, Jaxon said:

    Very excited to get to a game there.   I need to get to the new digs in Hamilton and the renovated stadium in Ottawa as well.   (I've been to the pre-renovated  stadium in Ottawa, and several games at the old Ivor Wynne, but I've cut back my travel a bit so need to catch up to the newer parks.)

    If you go to Ottawa go a couple hours before the game and get a bite to eat near the stadium. I went to the bomber game there last season, lots going on before the game right outside the stadium, but the restaurants were very busy. The fans were great too, had a really good time there, and the stadium is nice.  BC Place is the nicest stadium I've been to, but the crowd was terrible.

  8. Toews is having his worst individual season, Wheeler is the first Jets/Thrashers player who might be a point per game player since probably Kovalchuk

    The poor decision to include Toews also screwed Klingberg who should be there. Because they sent Toews they couldn't send Wheeler, so they needed a Jet so they went Byfuglein, which bumps Klingberg because Josi/Weber are too damn good.

  9. 1 hour ago, sweep the leg said:

    In one of his & Tait's podcasts, Wiecek goes on at length about how he pays no attention to what's happening at practice. He thought it was hillarious that he doesn't do his job. I have no idea which podcast it was in, but there aren't that many of them so it shouldn't be hard to find.



    I've been there and seen it during training camp. Was sitting in front of them. There was no football discussion, a lot of bitching about photo radar.I'd always been slightly skeptical of those reports as well until I was there for training camp one day

  10. 10 minutes ago, TBURGESS said:

    My god.. This again? Good grief man. Some folks want to hear what the coordinators have to say. You don't care. What else is there to 'understand'?

    It's got nothing to do with skewering the Bombers or a sense of entitlement. It's about more and better Bomber coverage. It's about working with the media instead of against it. It's about different angles to stories. It's about the coaches closest to the situation giving their opinions. It's about coaches who are better with the media getting a chance to use that to the Bombers advantage. It's about one less thing for the media/fans to complain about. 

    There like 15 people in the city who complain about it. A few in the media, some on here and nobody else. Of all the fans I know not one has ever been upset about not hearing from a coordinator. They're upset about the shitty team. Personally the only positive is I no longer have to listen to lapo.

    You're entitled to your opinion, but I think you're in a small minority who cares about this issue. 

  11. Don't like it at all. Despite the struggles I was at 4 Bomber road games this year. I was planning at least 3 next year. That plan is now at 0. This just feels like they aren't trying, and if they aren't trying, I'm not spending money. With that said, I hope I'm wrong and we have a legitimate offense next year, but I'm not expecting it.



    I'd absolutely love to have Lapo as OC here. I wonder if Kari would even Come as QB coach. .. if he did that would be fantastic...

    Having Buck and Jones as Lapo's assistants would be fantastic for his success as well

    Yes Buck and Lapo could have that awkward conversation about what they were doing in Winnipeg 3 and a half years ago



    Buck didn't understand what LaPo wanted him to do the first time around so I doubt he would get it now. 



    to be fair nobody understood the 3 yard pass play on 2nd and 10 all the time



    fine I'll be the one to say it... **** Jason Maas. I don't care what he did in Ottawa something about that guy just bugs me. 

    Dat would be the record completion percentage in 2005, Bob!


    That and his stupid ******* facial hair choices and his giant dumbo ears... he just looks like someone you'd want to punch right in the face. 


    I don't agree with wanting to punch Jason Maas in the face, but I understand the sentiment. Every time I see Taylor Hall all I can think is he looks like someone who needs to be punched in the face.





    It's unfortunate that we have to place people on ignore, but some people just scream out "Add me! Add me!". Thanks for the reminder Blitzmore. I'm looking forward to a much more enjoyable experience now.

    Hey if enjoying a forum is only seeing like minded opinions that's totally up to you.If we were all rah rah we could go 0-18 every year and just gather in a circle and sing praise be Blue!☺
    It has nothing to do with "rah-rah". It has to do with some people contributing nothing but whining about how bad the team is. I'm quite willing to except that this team has a lot of warts and if people want to discuss those warts intelligently, I'm all for it. If, on the other hand, people just want to ***** non stop in every thread they can, adding nothing of value to the conversations whatsoever, there's no intelligent discussion to be had so... off to the ignore list they go.
    Completely agree!

    But being a mod I get to witness the forum in all its unadulterated glory.

    But that is kinda the point ,good,bad ,unpopular really it's a forum,just opinions we are just slinging and seeing what sticks.But again if your bothered by opinions be it constant anything aren't you taking this forum a little too seriously? Just my opinion no harm meant



    Some people just don't offer anything of any value. Nothing to do with being serious or not.


    There are posters who put a negative slant to everything, so if the bombers sign someone, they overpaid because that's the only way to bring someone here. If we don't sign someone it's because we're cheap and won't pay. If the GM or coach does something right it's only because it was the horribly obvious option that couldn't be missed on. It gots on and on.


    Some posters just have no clue, and will show it by doing things like referencing cflcapgeek as a valid source of information


    Some posters will compare trash every move the bombers make, and wish we had made a move more like something the Stampeders do.


    Some posters are willing to engage in actual discussion. Some of them have excellent football knowledge and provide insight that isn't found behind the paywall of the free press. Some of them even disagree with each other, but can have a reasoned discussion. If I can ignore the ones who add nothing to focus on those that do, that's the choice I'll make. And I thank the many posters who do have something to contribute.


    I also have no issue with you stating your disagreement, it's not about if we agree or disagree, often it's about how we agree or disagree.

  15. The media just loves that QB-turned-Rec story and will be all over that when voting.


    Matthew Scianitti tweeted his awards ballot. Westerman is one of his two votes as All Star at DE. Sinopli isn't one of his all star wide receivers.


    Sinopli is his vote for outstanding Canadian, his rational is because he reinvented himself and "the WR is reliable. Period"

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