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  1. Like
    MinisterOfD5 reacted to kelownabomberfan in Prediction time   
    at which point Lirim whips off his Argo jersey to show his Blue Bomber jersey he is wearing underneath, and the entire nefarious plan launched by Kyle, MOS and LH last year to go deep under cover with the Argos to purposely tank the 2016 Grey Cup is finally revealed.
  2. Like
    MinisterOfD5 reacted to wbbfan in Final Cuts   
    heard the riders cut denmark. wouldnt mind him back on a cheap contract.
  3. Like
    MinisterOfD5 reacted to bigg jay in Final Cuts   
  4. Like
    MinisterOfD5 reacted to yogi in Final Cuts   
    You probably think you're pretty good at your job too. I Bucknor's tweet was reasonable and professional. 
  5. Like
    MinisterOfD5 reacted to Mike in Final Cuts   
    I think the best we can hope for Macho is that he doesn't suck ALL the time.
  6. Like
    MinisterOfD5 reacted to Mike in Final Cuts   
    Bucknor being cut doesn't entirely surprise me.
  7. Like
    MinisterOfD5 reacted to DR. CFL in Main Camp   
    I'll wait for the results Ritchie. You guys are on the clock now.
  8. Like
    MinisterOfD5 reacted to Goalie in Main Camp   
    The salary cap would also 
  9. Like
    MinisterOfD5 reacted to Jpan85 in Main Camp   
    From Corney's journal today
  10. Like
    MinisterOfD5 reacted to Mr Dee in Main Camp   
    "The practice before the practice that leads to a lot of cuts and player movement." It's a weird situation for the Bombers already having played their 2 pre-season games and now the fate of a few players will be determined in a practice atmosphere. Difficult.
    Practice - June 16 - in no particular order...
    Personnel with presence at the practice, either through size alone or by animation.
    E. Dieke, R Butcher, T Bond, are big, real big.
    Westerman was noticeable, he's a real pro. 
    Hubbard was flying around pretty good..getting involved. He and Coach O'Shea, had a little 'chat'. In that instance, I don't think the Coach was pleased. 
    Too many changes on the O-Line to follow, but they always looked engaged. They were practicing stunts, and the D-line seemed to be ahead in this exercise.
    It looks to me, based solely on reps, that in the QB situation, it is Willy, Nichols, Davis, and Bennett.
    - Trent Corney looks like a normal human being.
    - There seems to be a certain 'good' atmosphere and spirit out there on the practice field.
    - Macho Harris has a presence, and likely the reason he is an employed vet. He's definitely a practice player... seemingly in the right spot, and saying the right things. Oh, and doing push-ups, here and there. Without the tackling aspect, he doesn't look bad out there. Still, I think we could do better. Must be Hall's boy.
    D-Line practising moving only on the snap of the ball...by watching it.
    Those guys are good...Westerman, Shologan, and Cummings - wow. Green and Hubbard were also noticeable.
    Willy looks faster in practice.
    Darwin Adams shagging field goals attempts.
    T Sherman holding for all FGs
    #14 is fast...and shifty.
    Knox had his practice jersey on, but of course was just watching.
    K Fogg was the only one to stop #12. Ryan Smith. 
    Smith was all over the field making catches. How he was made available on FA..I don't know. If we fix the flow of our Offence..he will be dynamic.
    Mayo was also involved.
    MOS ran the ST aspect of practice..with great patience.
    The practice seemed to get more vocal, by the players, towards the end. 
    Randle made an exceptional interception downfield on Nichols.
    BUT! He didn't outdo Louie Richardson who shocked Drew Willy, on a throwback play, and wouldn't stop running until he reached the end zone...90 yards away. He was congratulated by a number of players, led by...Macho Harris.
    Can't say much more, but a certain O-Lineman sure can catch. 
    And that's it...
  11. Like
    MinisterOfD5 reacted to Brandon in Main Camp   
    You do realize that the qbs have probably tossed 100s of nice normal passes in TC also .     It would be redundant if someone posted that the qb and receivers made routine pass and catches.
  12. Like
    MinisterOfD5 reacted to Jacquie in Cuts and Keepers   
    Good post.
    One minor correction - Richards had 2 catches.
  13. Like
    MinisterOfD5 reacted to rebusrankin in Cuts and Keepers   
    I think Kevin Cone is destined for the old apple and a road map.
  14. Like
    MinisterOfD5 reacted to kelownabomberfan in Cuts and Keepers   
    I will be very sad if they give Butcher the heave-ho.  He's going to be a fan favorite, no doubt about it.
  15. Like
    MinisterOfD5 reacted to wbbfan in Cuts and Keepers   
    This is true, but flanders tore it up later against lesser competition with more touches then anderson imop. Anderson is also a legit kick returner, I dont see flanders beating him out short of injury or monster game in ottawa and anderson looking bad.
  16. Like
    MinisterOfD5 got a reaction from Fan Boy in Main Camp   
    Only stayed for early practice, got a little wet outside and am made of sugar.
    First things first, guys I am actually excited to say that Richards is going to be okay! He was all over the field today and he looked faster today then yesterday. Took some contact and held on the ball a few times. This guy will be able to stretch the field for sure if he has a chance this year. He had 2 really solid box outs on some DB's today and Willy found him often.
    Gerrard Sheppard was back practicing, not a huge deal but made a nice grab so note worthy.
    Not a lot of guys going to catch R Smith if he sees green he's gone! (I would be too if I came from Saskabush)
    Darvin Adams and Bruce Johnson chirping a fair amount on 1 on 1's, all it fun it seemed but Adams burned him 3 times with ease. Adams also played in the slot for one of the team scrimmages, and he looked super comfortable there. Really big target in the middle, easy for Drew to find with a tall DL barring down on him
    Now as per request I watched a lot of the D today and the best thing to report Noeller already pointed out, Corney stole Bryants lunch and then hung him from the flag pole. Sick Move! 
    Another play worth noting was big Louie Richardson busting the oline and wrapping up Harris for about a  5 yd loss. The D sideline loved it and so did the fans, everyone around me enjoyed that play! The great thing about this play was that had Richardson not tagged Harris, Teague would have, he was right beside him. They talked about it after on the sideline.
    Anderson may be gone from the interior but enter The Butcher, he was dbl teamed whenever on the field and at least one time that I saw, triple teamed. He has a lot of push in those legs and will presumably spell Shologan/Cummings/Thomas during the games. Fun to watch, wish you could have been there (yeah, I'm an ass)
    Not other notables from today from the Dline, they are a really strong group though
    Teague was also very vocal today, shifting guys where they needed to be calling out plays/formations, coaching guys on the sideline. 
    Loffler played some coverage on some 1 on 1's, now I don't know what they are necessarily looking for in this drill but he should definitely stick to safety, got caught flat footed on a cpl dbl moves but he has pretty decent catch up speed.
    Waggoner did well at coverage on 1 on 1's with RBs, other than that moved well in scrimmages, looks good on ST. Half the time I saw him on the sideline though, 22 wasn't called very often
    Fogg had another solid day, really nice pass deflection on an out that was note worthy. He seems to be getting along with the vets well, they are always talking to Fogg or Posey and doesn't come off in a demeaning way, more encouraging and comrade-re. Posey also had a really good day, lot's of fire in him and he let everyone know it lol.
    Willy through a couple of picks today but the 2 I saw was WR error. He is also throwing 50% of the balls so it's going to happen as he tries to find chemistry with his WR. Nichols overthrew a tonne again today and just looked bad. Davis on the other hand looked good, dropped a couple nice passes in stride. 
    Mayo and Davis looked strong today, Velteung seemed to be stretching a lot, didn't run a lot of routes today and was receiving punts today, nor was McDuffie so I can't say much about that. Cone still looked like a cone, Vitt didn't get much play today and Bastien looked bad today.
    RBs all look good, coaches are going to have a really tough time here.
    That's all for me, and just remember guys this is just my opinion, I am definitely not a football coach
  17. Like
    MinisterOfD5 reacted to iso_55 in Main Camp   
    Why do fans crap all over Nicholls when last year we had Brohm & Marve to poop up the field after Willy went down? When he got here for a 7th round pick he had to deal with a garbage OL, the worst receiving corps in the CFL, no run game & an OC with no imagination who couldn't make adjustments during games. Considering everything, he played well.
  18. Like
    MinisterOfD5 reacted to Mr Dee in Main Camp   
    I'm going to say this without going out on a limb.
    I believe the  QBs currently lining up behind Drew Willy on the depth chart, put us wayy ahead of those QBs that were in TC last year.
  19. Like
    MinisterOfD5 reacted to wbbfan in Main Camp   
    thats a million dollar question. The fans and media were sure he would make the active roster at the least. They picked up a younger wr when they took him off the pr. Idk why you even sign a guy if he can tear it up like he did in that pre season and you still cut him.
  20. Like
    MinisterOfD5 reacted to Kirk Penton in Main Camp   
    I shouldn't have speculated about Richardson. Just want to be clear I have absolutely no information about it as of now.
  21. Like
    MinisterOfD5 reacted to kelownabomberfan in Main Camp   
    I just think that its fantastic that we had to give up our #2 overall pick this year because we took Waggoner in the supplemental last year, and yet we got the guy (Corney) at #9 that we probably would have taken anyway at #2 if we hadn't taken Waggoner.  Essentially a BOGO deal.  Worked out great.  Looking for big things from both Waggoner and Corney this year.
  22. Like
    MinisterOfD5 reacted to blitzmore in Main Camp   
    I was at camp again today. Agree with agree with MinisterofD5 that Richards looked much better today and has very good hands. He doesn't make sharp cuts, but I think that will come.
    Darvin Adams for you detractors had a very good day, he may be close to being the fastest on the team, and seems to like the slot position.
    Jace Davis didn't make it through the whole practice and I don't know if he even started as I was a little late. Ryan Smith also did not make it through the entire practice, but didn't seem to be limping noticeably so don't know what happened.
    Alex Vitt also did not practice today.
    Quincy McDuffie had another very good day.
    I think Bastien is likely a goner.
    Kevin Cone continues to play well, and Thomas Mayo got lots of reps and had a good practice. Julian Talley plays well every day, as does Kevin Cone.
    Patrick Neufeld was back practicing.
    Dressler has a very good day.
    I thought Willy had not such a good day. He threw two interception but here I disagree with MinisterofD...they were not good throws, and he didn't do much better the rest of the practice...BUT...seen him do this before, but when he gets in the game that seems to mostly disappear.
    I agree about Nichols, he overthrows his receivers alot.
    Butcher on D looked very good, and I think Jake Thomas is going to have a very good year. 
    Agree about Corney and also Richardson.
    Fogg had another good day as did Jonte Green.
    Lofler? I think he is fast enough to play safety...my son disagrees...but O'Shea says he likes his range. We will see.
    That's about all I can remember folks.
  23. Like
    MinisterOfD5 got a reaction from The Unknown Poster in Main Camp   
    Only stayed for early practice, got a little wet outside and am made of sugar.
    First things first, guys I am actually excited to say that Richards is going to be okay! He was all over the field today and he looked faster today then yesterday. Took some contact and held on the ball a few times. This guy will be able to stretch the field for sure if he has a chance this year. He had 2 really solid box outs on some DB's today and Willy found him often.
    Gerrard Sheppard was back practicing, not a huge deal but made a nice grab so note worthy.
    Not a lot of guys going to catch R Smith if he sees green he's gone! (I would be too if I came from Saskabush)
    Darvin Adams and Bruce Johnson chirping a fair amount on 1 on 1's, all it fun it seemed but Adams burned him 3 times with ease. Adams also played in the slot for one of the team scrimmages, and he looked super comfortable there. Really big target in the middle, easy for Drew to find with a tall DL barring down on him
    Now as per request I watched a lot of the D today and the best thing to report Noeller already pointed out, Corney stole Bryants lunch and then hung him from the flag pole. Sick Move! 
    Another play worth noting was big Louie Richardson busting the oline and wrapping up Harris for about a  5 yd loss. The D sideline loved it and so did the fans, everyone around me enjoyed that play! The great thing about this play was that had Richardson not tagged Harris, Teague would have, he was right beside him. They talked about it after on the sideline.
    Anderson may be gone from the interior but enter The Butcher, he was dbl teamed whenever on the field and at least one time that I saw, triple teamed. He has a lot of push in those legs and will presumably spell Shologan/Cummings/Thomas during the games. Fun to watch, wish you could have been there (yeah, I'm an ass)
    Not other notables from today from the Dline, they are a really strong group though
    Teague was also very vocal today, shifting guys where they needed to be calling out plays/formations, coaching guys on the sideline. 
    Loffler played some coverage on some 1 on 1's, now I don't know what they are necessarily looking for in this drill but he should definitely stick to safety, got caught flat footed on a cpl dbl moves but he has pretty decent catch up speed.
    Waggoner did well at coverage on 1 on 1's with RBs, other than that moved well in scrimmages, looks good on ST. Half the time I saw him on the sideline though, 22 wasn't called very often
    Fogg had another solid day, really nice pass deflection on an out that was note worthy. He seems to be getting along with the vets well, they are always talking to Fogg or Posey and doesn't come off in a demeaning way, more encouraging and comrade-re. Posey also had a really good day, lot's of fire in him and he let everyone know it lol.
    Willy through a couple of picks today but the 2 I saw was WR error. He is also throwing 50% of the balls so it's going to happen as he tries to find chemistry with his WR. Nichols overthrew a tonne again today and just looked bad. Davis on the other hand looked good, dropped a couple nice passes in stride. 
    Mayo and Davis looked strong today, Velteung seemed to be stretching a lot, didn't run a lot of routes today and was receiving punts today, nor was McDuffie so I can't say much about that. Cone still looked like a cone, Vitt didn't get much play today and Bastien looked bad today.
    RBs all look good, coaches are going to have a really tough time here.
    That's all for me, and just remember guys this is just my opinion, I am definitely not a football coach
  24. Like
    MinisterOfD5 got a reaction from BigBlueFanatic in Main Camp   
    Only stayed for early practice, got a little wet outside and am made of sugar.
    First things first, guys I am actually excited to say that Richards is going to be okay! He was all over the field today and he looked faster today then yesterday. Took some contact and held on the ball a few times. This guy will be able to stretch the field for sure if he has a chance this year. He had 2 really solid box outs on some DB's today and Willy found him often.
    Gerrard Sheppard was back practicing, not a huge deal but made a nice grab so note worthy.
    Not a lot of guys going to catch R Smith if he sees green he's gone! (I would be too if I came from Saskabush)
    Darvin Adams and Bruce Johnson chirping a fair amount on 1 on 1's, all it fun it seemed but Adams burned him 3 times with ease. Adams also played in the slot for one of the team scrimmages, and he looked super comfortable there. Really big target in the middle, easy for Drew to find with a tall DL barring down on him
    Now as per request I watched a lot of the D today and the best thing to report Noeller already pointed out, Corney stole Bryants lunch and then hung him from the flag pole. Sick Move! 
    Another play worth noting was big Louie Richardson busting the oline and wrapping up Harris for about a  5 yd loss. The D sideline loved it and so did the fans, everyone around me enjoyed that play! The great thing about this play was that had Richardson not tagged Harris, Teague would have, he was right beside him. They talked about it after on the sideline.
    Anderson may be gone from the interior but enter The Butcher, he was dbl teamed whenever on the field and at least one time that I saw, triple teamed. He has a lot of push in those legs and will presumably spell Shologan/Cummings/Thomas during the games. Fun to watch, wish you could have been there (yeah, I'm an ass)
    Not other notables from today from the Dline, they are a really strong group though
    Teague was also very vocal today, shifting guys where they needed to be calling out plays/formations, coaching guys on the sideline. 
    Loffler played some coverage on some 1 on 1's, now I don't know what they are necessarily looking for in this drill but he should definitely stick to safety, got caught flat footed on a cpl dbl moves but he has pretty decent catch up speed.
    Waggoner did well at coverage on 1 on 1's with RBs, other than that moved well in scrimmages, looks good on ST. Half the time I saw him on the sideline though, 22 wasn't called very often
    Fogg had another solid day, really nice pass deflection on an out that was note worthy. He seems to be getting along with the vets well, they are always talking to Fogg or Posey and doesn't come off in a demeaning way, more encouraging and comrade-re. Posey also had a really good day, lot's of fire in him and he let everyone know it lol.
    Willy through a couple of picks today but the 2 I saw was WR error. He is also throwing 50% of the balls so it's going to happen as he tries to find chemistry with his WR. Nichols overthrew a tonne again today and just looked bad. Davis on the other hand looked good, dropped a couple nice passes in stride. 
    Mayo and Davis looked strong today, Velteung seemed to be stretching a lot, didn't run a lot of routes today and was receiving punts today, nor was McDuffie so I can't say much about that. Cone still looked like a cone, Vitt didn't get much play today and Bastien looked bad today.
    RBs all look good, coaches are going to have a really tough time here.
    That's all for me, and just remember guys this is just my opinion, I am definitely not a football coach
  25. Like
    MinisterOfD5 got a reaction from comedygeek in Main Camp   
    I can attest to this..... I was watching the WR's and turned my head just in time to see Corney DESTROY, Bryant!! I had to dbl check to make sure I read 66 correctly. You should have heard that DL and DL Coach, they were on fire man. Later on Bryant gave him a tap on the helmet. AWESOME!
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