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Everything posted by Stickem

  1. You can bet a guy like Tilman keeps tabs on players like Reed and cashes in when the time is right. Although viewed as some sort of pariah, Tilman stills knows football and funnels a lot of talent the cats' way. Too bad we didn't follow this guy long enough to bring him back. We missed the boat..again.
  2. IF we stick with the failed coaching staff of 2014 AND with all of the coaching talent being rumoured to more than likely being available, WOW. Giant fail once again in the Peg. We have clubs making changes, some wholesale changes AND clubs that have been a heck of a lot more successful than us recently, you have to wonder. Are we content to stick with the status quo and watch everyone leave us behind once again. I'm betting not too many fans are going to be happy with that and we'll be deep sixed again for a long time. This offseason is crunch time for this club and what I'm seeing already is not looking good.
  3. What do we hear next that Etch. is also returning. IF true there are going to be a lot of empty seats at IGF. Brutal is an understatement.
  4. Sounds like there might be a big housecleaning in Sask. Hall and Dyce could be out as well as Cortez. IF true, I've always thought Ritchie was a very good DC. I wouldn't be opposed to him joining our staff. Roumerville is heating up rapidly.
  5. The 'friend' thing and nepotism does not belong in pro sports. Never should've happened in the first place. Certainly when it comes to an experienced CFL coach, it is a leg-up BUT only if that coach is seen to be successful. Neither of these guys, Marcel or Etch. fits that bill. They are far from proven and their learning and accomplishment curve seems to be quite drawn out, as far as I'm concerned. Miller most likely wants a change and can see a lot of empty seats IF that isn't done. Walters is probably torn but if he can't get O'Shea on side with a change then I hate to say it, we may be looking for more than DC and OC. We seem to be always starting from scratch around here, we might as well have the right people in place going forward. I really like Mike but he's going to have to bite it on this one. His OC and DC aren't credible to a large number of Wpg. fans.
  6. No surprise as far as Bene goes. 50-17 in a playoff game will get you ticket out of town but that was just the icing on the cake. Benevides was in trouble all year and was not a popular guy in the locker room. I don't know what his record as dc was for the leos but it had to be pretty good as their defence was stalwart for a handful of years. Big changes in B.C. ,will there be a few here as well??
  7. The GM and coach are also good budz. I think they'll work things out and have to give Etch. the pink slip. IF they don't we'll be looking like we don't want change and poor to mediocre will be the order of the day as far as DC goes. Another failed year and O'Shea will be looking for work as well. Sometimes the hard decisions are part of the coaching maturing process. Let's hope they get it right.
  8. Messam has been around longer than Fitzgerald, and has shifted around from team to team. Apparently his attitude isn't that great. I don't think he fits the mold of an O'Shea team and after purging ourselves of some bad attitude do we really want to go down that road again. No thanx, pass on Messam. If Fitzgerald doesn't bring it this coming tc. go in another direction.
  9. Dante Marsh done in B.C. More to follow I would imagine. I'm a little surprised they haven't started with the coaching ranks.
  10. Why is it that when Messam changes uni's he looks great for awhile then disappears. I think we'd be better off sticking with Fitzgerald and bring him along.
  11. Excellent news on Zach. I was really po'd when he went down and knew we would suffer on the D with his absence. I also thought he would be a little miffed when we released his brother BUT the true professionalism of the guy has shone through. Now to nail down Wild and the rest of the pieces should fall into place.
  12. True that. Esk fans like to bring that one up, then I remind them of the 50-11 whitewashing we gave them in the 1990 CUP game. The expression on their faces changes rapidly. lol
  13. I'll answer the question in simple terms..'they better'. With what is going to be a heavy movement of players, there's no excuse at all not to make this team better. Will we make the Cup if we sign a couple of quality fa's and draft well? Now THAT'S the million dollar question.
  14. The rider fans just have to learn to be patient. That was the koolaid line served up by the rider brass with regard to Durant. Yup be patient till 2015 for Durants return and then they better hope that he recovers 100 percent. It's a long wait till you find a quality starter. Ask us, we know. Have a nice early offseason green guys. One and done.lol
  15. UH...bye bye Bene. What a laugher.
  16. Good ol Glenn doing his choke routine. We've seen this before, how many times is this now? Bene could be in trouble. Wonder why they aren't inserting Lulay..guess they aren't that dumb but they were sure talking it up that they would. Obviously another b.s routine like the Durant baloney in riderville. None of Braleys teams doing well at all. I think it's time for him to sell.
  17. Don't often agree with Lawless but he's bang-on with this one. Etch. is an anchor that O'Shea better shed before it's too late. I'm sure it will be hard to part with an old friend but this is football where the name of the game is win. Mike will have to have a meeting with Gary and with a tear in his eye say ' sorry old buds this just isn't going to fly'. The natives are restless to the point of revolt and they're looking your way and also in the direction of Marcel. Mikes call ....and if nothing is done...will it remain that way??
  18. The green guys are kicking their arse all over the place for letting Stoud get away. Their return game sux and more than one person in riderville has questioned that move. Nice to get Troy under contract for the foreseeable future. Denmark now Stoudermire ...keep em coming Walters.
  19. Taman and his pal Migs. were and are full of it. Yeah Durant is up and throwing...he'll be behind centre come the playoffs....blah blah blah...Rider fans were lapping up the green koolaid and are now faced with going with gramps. lol. I'm sticking with my predict. riders 'one and done' and I bet I'm more accurate than that bullshi$$er Migs.
  20. Did anyone witness the total collapse of this team in 2014? Bring those clowns back and not only will tix sales suffer, we can expect more of the same in 2015. Bellefueille has never been an offensive co-ordinator of any worth and Etch. was sacked in his last go round and that wasn't even in the CFL. I hope O'Shea reads the writing on the wall or it will be his undoing. Continuing with ineptness leads to more of the same.
  21. I hope Wally and company are prepared for the final nail in Lulays career IF they play him. One good smack from those monsters on the Als. defence, especially that Bear guy, and it's all over for Travis. Stupid is as stupid does.
  22. I think Milo is leaving the door open. Nothing is definite in T.O, things have deteriorated there this year and I would expect some change. They also missed the playoffs and a gig as o.c. with his former pal 'might' be on his agenda. Big bucks for sure BUT it sure would help us out. O.K. so everyone is dreaming and speculating. Here's a scenario ..Trestman to T.O. and Milo comes here. Yes I am dreaming and speculating in hi-def.
  23. We may be in a serious drought but how many Cups does that wind blown (lots of wind) province have compared to us. Guess they forgot that little fact. One of their few was last year...this year I predict their playoff will be one and done. HO HO.
  24. IF'S, should've and could've are like stats., and are for losers. Let's get real and look ahead with some positivity. I think we've laid the ground work for a very good year coming up. There's only one way for us in the west and that is up. A sideline of this miserable mess of a year, is that we have a very good draft position in a very deep draft year. Forget what was and look forward to a more successful future. We have the makings.
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