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Everything posted by Stickem

  1. Didn't think we'd go this route BUT if Wylie likes him and thinks he has something left, I'm okay with that. I just hope we don't stop at Picards acquisition and continue to look at others seriously, come fa...which is coming up fast. Wowzers.
  2. Solid signing and the pieces are slowly being put in place for a solid year. Good work Walters.
  3. Mr. Broadbeck reporting with his pro-con. bias. I think we can all see through this. Nice try Mr. Negativity, stadiums cost money and those are the facts. The debt may be a fact of life for awhile BUT the stadium will be with us forever. Get lost Mr. Broadbeck.
  4. Yeah, I remember we tried to re-sign him, some years ago, and he said adios. Good luck Dominic.
  5. Riders are downloading as they have a whole lot of fa's hanging out there that they want to re-up. Picard is a casualty with more to come I would imagine. Dressler is going to cost them and TBrack, never mind Heenan. Good luck Riders. Taman better get the lead out and no we don't need Picard.
  6. IF it's Hall, I'm a happy camper. His defences have been solid both in Sask and Edm.. Thought to be a little too conservative sometimes but you can't deny he has the credentials. He'll have our D playing to it's potential and stay away from the Etch-a-sketch shenanigans of the last year. Looking forward to see another well seasoned CFL coach come on board.
  7. A lot of happenings to take place in this offseason yet, that can affect the club. How much will fa and the draft improve our situation of last year, will be interesting events. I'm looking for a playoff spot in 2015 and 10-8 certainly isn't out of the realm of possibility. I'll go with that.
  8. Maurice says, when asked about the goaltending rotation today, that we have a no 1 EVERY game.. This guy is one smart cookie and a helluva good coach.
  9. Guess he was no Bud Grant. He should find work however as an oc down there or some such job. Can't see him coming back to the CFL anytime soon, with the bundle he can make down there.
  10. Well said iso....Hall or Benevides would be my choice, as I view both bring a wealth of experience to the job.
  11. Sad to hear of his passing. He sure was a mainstay on Grants winners back in the day. They used to call him 'tricky Dicky' and the handle sure fit. Controversial at times but a winner for sure. He was as versatile as hell and even punted in a game for us as I recall.
  12. New broom sweeps clean. I think that the new lion coach will want his own people on board. Most likely he has some names south of the border he'd like to entertain. Having said that, the leos have not made any moves to clear the decks completely, as Khari and Washington are still around. That could change quickly however. I think Washington could garner some interest here if he becomes available.
  13. Does anyone know if Bene. was in town for a meeting? I know Claybrooks was.
  14. I see that Claybrooks was listed as a possible candidate for dc. Meeting took place according to source. ( I wonder if it's posted enough times will it become fact)
  15. LOL Mike. I see that American ignorance about our country still runs rampant. Back in the day I took out a girl from New York who thought that Canada was run by the queen. This was a girl going to college and it made me wonder if they knew anything at all about us. I don't think much has changed over the years. The imports coming up here (okay internationals) sure get wide eyed when they find out that we're not just some outpost near Alaska.
  16. Excellent news. I sure like the fact we're gaining a lot of continuity on D. Keep it going Walters.
  17. The inevitable has taken place after the club tanked so bad in the last part of the season. Moving on from Etch. is certainly a positive. Now, who takes his place? Glad to see we've cleared the way and can get in the hunt. Finally. My money is on Hall BUT IF Washington is available in B.C....??? could we go that route.
  18. WOW ...just wow. IF this is gospel then we have rid ourselves of one problem (Banks) and one remains. We just cannot go forward with this clown (Etch). I often wondered what happened between the club and Banks. Something didn't sit well when all of this went down. Maybe there's a damn good reason Etcheverry doesn't stay employed , even in the college ranks. O'Shea and Walters better deal with this one fast. As for Korey.....yeah we luv you too. This is just bull$hit.
  19. Great news for the o line and a guy you want for continuity. Underrated and certainly will shine brighter when we add some fa talent (hopefully).
  20. A solid signing and bodes well for the future of this club. Now,,go get Wild and Sears on the dotted line Walters, and we can concentrate on other needs.
  21. IF being near his donut franchises in Detroit has any bearing, I say he heads back east, just not with the Redblacks and most likely with the Als.
  22. I think ol Joes penchant for picking up pop cans after the games. put him in a bad light. Don't know why though, Joe being that green could have been a fit with the team next door. I believe he's tending a garden somewhere.
  23. Had nothing to do with Tillman. Reinbold coached him in college. Didn't know that but like the Bombers I didn't follow him that close. I would have thought Eric the Red would have something to do with bringing him in. Guess he wasn't in the know like I thought. Much like us.
  24. You can bet a guy like Tilman keeps tabs on players like Reed and cashes in when the time is right. Although viewed as some sort of pariah, Tilman stills knows football and funnels a lot of talent the cats' way. Too bad we didn't follow this guy long enough to bring him back. We missed the boat..again.
  25. IF we stick with the failed coaching staff of 2014 AND with all of the coaching talent being rumoured to more than likely being available, WOW. Giant fail once again in the Peg. We have clubs making changes, some wholesale changes AND clubs that have been a heck of a lot more successful than us recently, you have to wonder. Are we content to stick with the status quo and watch everyone leave us behind once again. I'm betting not too many fans are going to be happy with that and we'll be deep sixed again for a long time. This offseason is crunch time for this club and what I'm seeing already is not looking good.
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