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max power

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Posts posted by max power

  1. I think if your running game is not so hot then the statement is true. Calgary with Bo Levi and Cornish is a pretty lethal combo and WPG and any other club would love to have an RB who hits 1000yards. Now I'm worried about tomorrow's game coming down to an RB battle :(


    After what we did to Andrew Harris, I'm not too worried about Will Ford. I'm more concerned with Durant and the fact that everyone is all excited about the Bombers again and picking them to win, just like before the Edmonton game.


    Bonus HOT TAKE prediction: If the Bombers lose tomorrow certain journalists will be calling for a complete dismantling and rebuild of whatever part of the team hurt the team the most.

  2. Hmmm... what's that stat about Andrew Harris ?  If has 20+ carries, they've only lost one game?  


    I think that's because the only time Harris can get over 20 carries is when their passing game is successful enough that they either have a big lead, or they have the ball so much that he ends up getting that many carries.


    If it was simply that when Harris carries the ball lots their offense is successful, then he would get 20+ carries every single game. It would be stupid of them not to.

  3. That's right, a new regular feature! (until enough people complain and it gets banned) Where I make a sizzling hot take on Bomber-relevant topics, and then watch as all your socks are knocked off by my incredible insight.  So without further adieu...



    The running game in the CFL is pretty much meaningless.


    There's been a lot of talk about how the Bombers can't be a truly great (or good) team while their running game is struggling.  To that I say, nonsense.  I think that if you break a team down into these components: passing, running, pass defense, run defense, special teams - the least important of all those are running (and as a result run defense is a tie or close second).


    Seems to me that the good teams in the CFL ALWAYS have a great passing game, and sometimes a good ground game comes as a result of that, and sometimes not.  Doesn't really matter either way (although of course it's nice to be able to have success running the ball too).  You never see a good team that's great at running the ball, with a bad passing attack.


    So as long as Grigsby and the rest of the offense are able to punch it in for TDs in the red zone (iffy so far), and he is getting yards through the air as well as decent numbers on the ground (yes), then we shouldn't stress out too much about his numbers simply carrying the ball.




    Tune in tomorrow for: Rider Fans: Really Annoying, or Really Annoying and Inbred?

  4. Amen!


    Really like what I am seeing from Willy but he does need to work on his endzone touch...  he has narrowly missed TDs to Moore, Kelly and Denmark in the corners.   Once he works that kink out, this is a very scary offence.


    Still not a fan of using double TEs as much as MB does.... teams just load the box and drop their DBs - Willy has more time and no one to throw to, no where to go.


    ...and I am actually less of a Grigsby fan after this game - aside from a couple plays (including the last one), his rub blocks were, well, non-existent - he's going to get Willy killed.


    I do like the fact that while some receivers do have good games that we are not keying in on one player per game like Crowton did


    I don't remember seeing Willy get hit once during the game, or even run for his life much at all.  Would you prefer we just have Pontbriand start at RB? He's probably a great blocker, if you want to sacrifice the 120 yards and game winning TD Grigsby got us.

  5. I hate to be positive, but it seems to me that the media is wildly overrating Hamilton and Lefevour based on his one start against Ottawa.  At least I hope. I remember being excited about the Bombers playing Calgary's 3rd stringer last year, and then Bo Levi turned out to be the real deal.

  6. If you love weed so much that you get busted for it multiple times while in the NFL, where he surely knows the consequences, then I think it's definitely possible that he needs help. Either that or doesn't care much whether or not he can play.

    As crazy as everyone thinks that suspension is, it's not like it was a secret it would happen. I'm pretty sure they have set mandatory suspensions for each time you test positive. And I believe for the first one it isn't even made public and there's no suspension.  You have to be really dumb and/or addicted to get to the point where you are looking at a full year. After the first time or two I'm pretty sure I wouldn't even be letting people smoke around me.

  7. Would it really be a bad thing to have an all east or all west Grey Cup?


    Obviously we're biased, but I thought everyone thought the WPG-Sask Grey Cup in Toronto was pretty cool.


    Would a Calgary-Edmonton (or even Calgary-BC) Grey Cup really be less interesting to people in Ontario than, say, Calgary-Montreal? Or even Calgary-Hamilton. Does anyone in Toronto or Ottawa care more about that than a battle of Alberta?


    I suspect the real issue is this: they want to increase the odds of Toronto/Montreal being in the Grey Cup as often as possible. Because that's the only way those teams survive.

  8. Regarding blackouts, I think they do more harm than good in places like Toronto and even Montreal. They need all the exposure they can get. They've talked a lot about how they lost a whole generation of fans partly due to not having all the games on TV for many years.

    It's an outdated concept IMO. It's like passing up a 3 hour commercial for your product to the exact people you need to sell to.

  9. The Lions picked the Bombers deliberately for Geroy night as last year it was a free spot on the Bingo card so a good night to honour Geroy and send the fans home with an easy win. Too bad they forgot about how Mike O'Shea isn't Tim Burke.

    Did they even have 22,000 in the stands to honour Geroy. Looks like most Lions  fans in BC don't care anyway. That damned Rod Black & his man love for Simon got almost to the point of being disgusting. Sure, it was his day but the fawning over the guy.... Then we had a punt return by Woods for a touchdown brought back. No replay of the td called back yet TSN showed another Geroy touchdown from the past. TSN broadcasts are getting worse every year.

    Maybe one day they can interview the retired player at half time, or even between quarters.

    Although by the end I didn't mind, because every time Geroy was in the booth or Sara Orlesky was doing a long feature on him it seemed like the Bombers would start making some big plays.

  10. I'm not writing them off yet. We've seen that team have much worse starts only to turn it around later on and win a Grey Cup at home.

    Besides, it was just 12 hours ago that everyone thought they were on their way to doing just that. I'm giving the Bomber D some credit. They shut down a couple better qbs already. Just not Troy Smith for some odd reason...



    That's very interesting that people want to cite a lack of depth.


    If anything, the team has received a great deal of support from their depth up to this point. Guys like JFG, Sherman, Fraser, Grigsby, Jake Thomas ... even Bruce Johnson if you want to really reach a bit. Those guys all started the year as depth. They've played well. No team can go down to 3rd or 4th on the depth chart and suffer no drop off.


    I think thats true with the exception of NI reciever. If you have two non import recivers starting there should be better better depth to back them up. I don't see Taylor Renaud or Brett Carter as fouth on the depth chart if there are suposed to be 2 canadian starting.



    Look around the league.


    The 4th NI receiver on teams that start 2 Canadians there isn't impressive anywhere.


    Edmonton's 4th NI receiver is Akeem Foster

    Toronto has Natey Adjei

    BC has Kito Poblah

    Saskatchewan has Scott McHenry or Alex Anthony


    The only guys who are anything proven are proven to be not very good. The rest, just like Brett Carter, are big question marks.



    I'll take "What are Canadian recievers that have sucked for the Bombers" for $500 please Alex.

  12. Is it just me or does Rod Black seem to be talking directly to the Americans watching on ESPN more than anything else this year?

    Rod, you really don't have to tell us about the cups of coffee every player has had in the NFL when they've now been in the cfl for years. Stop trying to impress the likely very tiny American audience.

  13. Yeah the funniest thing is how before the game they were all over how great the teams turnaround has been. Lawless was flat out ordering fans to go to he game to see how great they were.

    You could almost see this game coming the way the media were going overboard.



    I said it before.  Winnipeggers are fairweather fans.  Put the game on a Friday or Saturday, and the rural fans will attend.



    I'm a rural fan and even I think that's ridiculous. If Winnipeggers were fairweather fans this team would have run out of fans years ago.


    I do, however, think that Winnipeggers are huge whiners :) Case in point: still complaining about the location of the Stadium. But fairweather fans they are not.

  15. Why is everyone getting so down about the attendance??? Even on 1290 yesterday I heard a few times the hosts of different shows talking about how they built the stadium too big because now they'll never sell out.


    Last year's team was HORRIBLE. And as bad as the team was, their off-the-field PR took an even bigger hit. I'd say the public perception of the team was even worse than in the Mike Kelly aftermath (partially beacuse the Kelly fiasco was so recently and things started adding up).


    So we're exactly 3 wins into the 5th rebuild in 10 years now and already back up to 30,000 fans? I'd say that's pretty darn impressive.

  16. This guy be trolling .. no sense in hashing it out with him or continuing in this thread ..


    On that note .. who likes bacon? 


    I'm not impressed by bacon. Sure, YOU might think it tastes delicious, but anyone who really knows about meat knows that it's just lucky that it has so much salt on it.  Take away the salt and fat and it has a lot of work to do on it's fundamentals before it's a decent piece of food.

  17. No there were passes that were dropped. The one you are thinking is a perfect example of anything you want to make of. It was a blown assignment. Ottawa saw it and we got caught but ended up getting lucky.



    All in all fellas we were lucky to win the game. Lots of work. Just understand the changes that need to made cause if they aren't met we will be 3-5 and you all will be wondering what happened.......



    source: years playing/coaching football in NCAA


    LOL. It's always a great sign when the guy saying ridiculous things pulls out his anonymous credentials.  Didn't you post on OB last year under a different name for a while before you were laughed away?

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