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max power

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Posts posted by max power



    Montreal is going to kick us, their D will win it for them. The Bombers are rudderless right now, poor footballing from the top down.

    Confusion Corner.


    Give credit where credit is due, Ray and the Argos played well.



    And the Riders played poorly and beat us.   The senior flag football's last place team would scare me right now.


    Never too early to hit the panic button.


    You mean we lost the turnover battle 6-0 and still almost won?


    I'm amazed at how SOME people have gone from happy to doom and gloom and smashing the panic button in the blink of an eye.

  2. I think the problem with PI challenges is that they can be thrown on plays where there weren't any flags thrown.  If you give an officiating crew slow-motion and perhaps a slight Toronto bias enough time, you better believe they'll find something that can be construed as PI on MANY deep balls that get thrown.  


    I think if they want to clean up this PI challenging mess, they'd only allow a coach to challenge a flag that has been thrown.  It just seems way too bush-league to throw a prayer challenge flag down late in the game just hoping that Toronto can scrounge up enough evidence to call it PI...but I think you'll see that more and more.  


    If they did that we'd just see even more PI being called by the refs, just so they don't miss anything, with the thinking that they can get it right on review.

    Kind of how it looks like that's what they do with plays at the goalline. Just call anything close a TD, because then it's reviewed and they hopefully get it right.


    The PI challenge flags are exactly as idiotic as everyone thought they would be. I still can't believe the CFL went ahead with it.



    Makes the Riders look Reptillian.  I'm not sure I hate the uniform as a whole but the jersey alone isn't that nice.  It's like everything else that comes out.  You will have XXX number of people like it and XXX number of people hate it.  Its not like we can all get along and agree on everything like in the LEGO movie! #everythingisawesome


    In that strain, I met someone who HATES the Lego Movie? What. The. Hell.

    I feel sorry for this person.



    Me too. Everything is cool when you're part of the team.

  4. Well no, the Bible is not "full of contradictions" like you so often say here. If you're as religious as you say you are you should learn a bit about the new covenant and old covenant and which Old Testament laws Jesus abolished (and which he didn't).  It's not as complicated as people think if you put in an honest effort to read the context of the verses you throw around so dangerously.  I find it extremely frustrating.


    To whoever made the comment about just following Jesus's words in the Bible and not all the other stuff - Jesus himself quoted and supported the Old Testament scriptures more than anyone else in the Bible. So it doesn't really work.

  5. I thought Willy passed the ball quite well actually, until it fell apart at the end.


    To put up over 300 yards again when your running game is absolutely no threat at all is pretty impressive to me.


    And again, Messam's 130 yards led to almost no points. They needed a passing attack to finish drives, and they didn't have it.  I'm encouraged by last night's game.

  6. I'm surprised the OP has not deleted this thread after last nights game :P


    Haha. I was actually thinking about that this morning. Thanks Bombers.


    Maybe I already tried to stick this caveat in earlier, but I guess when your running game is completely nonexistant, then it actually can hurt you.

    BUT, I just want to point out that even with absolutely zero running attack the Bombers very likely still would have won if you just take away either Willy's fumble or the pick six, or if Kuale had held on to that interception.  And even with Messam running the ball down their throat for half the game, their offense only scored 10 points. Some of which were turnover aided.


    So maybe that game actually proved me right!

  7. Its sad that some people are actually stupid enough to make the connection between anti-Christian and anti-prejudice.  The idiot on Duck Dynasty hiding behind religion to spew his hatred does a dis-service to religious people everywhere and it's unfortunate that so many people jumped to his defense.  You can be a Christian without hating gays.  I dislike censorship but when it comes down to a choice between hate or not hate, its a shame the network behind DD caved under the pressure of the ignorant right.


    As an aside, this very topic led to me getting banned from a Jets forum because one of the admins was VERY religious and openly expressed his believe that being gay was a choice.  In 2014.  lol


    Regarding the first bolded sentence, I would say that it is sad that people are stupid enough to make the connection between having the traditional Christian view of homosexuality and anti-gay hatred.


    Regarding the second bolded sentence, you are right. The Duck Dynasty folks are a great example of that. Again, it is possible to believe homosexual acts are a sin while not hating them. I don't see you accusing all Christians of hating everyone who has sex before marriage.  It is true that some Christians do display the hatred you speak of, and in those cases it is sad they're not acting in a Christ-like manner. But it doesn't happen as often as people claim.


    If you can't differentiate between having a belief about what is a sin and actual hate towards a group of people, that is really your own problem and not whatever Christians you're railing against. That might be part of the real reason you find yourself getting banned from other discussion forums.


    p.s. I'm busy for the rest of the day, so you can consider this Max's HOT TAKE of the Day.

  8. Duck Dynasty sure does promote the good old family values of hating people that are different...


    Yeah, my favorite episode is the one where Phil talked about how he hates gays and wishes he could kill them all...


    Seems to me the only ones hating people that are different are the people who hate Duck Dynasty because they're Christians.

  9. That doesn't even look like camo on that picture.  It just looks... even more ridiculous than I'd imagined.  But it's just a pin at this point, we'll see what the real result is.


    And I find Duck Dynasty funny and I'm not ashamed to say it.  It's not supposed to be high-end cultural cinema, it's supposed to just be an entertaining 30 minutes.

  10. Hamilton radio guy was throwing a huge bitchfest about this after the game.


    I'd copy his tweets here but there are probably about 50+ of them.  Not kidding.  He is still going on about it.


    His Twitter handle is @TedCHML if you want to take a look.


    Whether or not Kuale is guilty, this guy clearly needs to get a life.


    "this football player did something offensive in front of a few adults and a couple children! And I don't want anyone to be exposed to such lewdness so I'm going to talk about it for a week straight, describing it over and over in detail to as many people that will listen!"

  11. Love the Royal Blue uniforms, and hate the idea of camo uniforms- that would make the CFL just like US college games where fundamentalist religion, militarism and sports are all conflated. That's the American Way. Canada has had enough military glorification and adventures in support of wars that have no relevance to us.


    You bring up a good point... anything that bothers the type of people that get all worked up about "evil fundamentalist religion" and "American-style militarism" invading football is fine by me.  Bring on the camo jerseys!


    If I have to put up with seeing players be publicly torn apart for making the most mild of comments against whatever big gay story is out there, then maybe the other side can handle a little bit of camo and religion (not that there's anything inherently "religious" about supporting the military)

  12. I disagree with your hot take and anxiously await the ban-hammer.


    A strong running game can grind the opposing defence into a fine dust.


    A competent running game keeps linebackers closer to the line of scrimmage instead of cheating back into pass defence.


    A competent running back who is a threat to catch screens can keep defenders from taking free runs at the QB, even on pass plays.


    An incompetent running game lets defences get away with blitzing/dropping 9 into coverage without fear of being punished for it.


    You can always win a game on the strength of a good passing attack, but it's not as easy as when you also have a good run game.


    I more or less agree with you actually. If you have an actual incompetent running game, it puts you behind the 8-ball. But even in Winnipeg recently we haven't seen that. Maybe in the super short Bloi Dei Dorzon era.

  13. That article makes no mention of anything "retro". It's all about "bold new", "innovative", etc.  Which in sports jersey terms usually means terrible.


    A camo military-themed look might actually be the best we can hope for considering the ridiculous crap the CFL seems to come up with. (BC Lions black unis last year, funny bibs on Stampeder jerseys)

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