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max power

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Posts posted by max power

  1. I have a friend who got to go out for Dinner with Korey Banks and Nick Moore along with some other players and team personnel when they signed Banks and Moore.  Banks kept saying how bad the training staff and medical staff was in BC.  He said you didn't want to get injured because they always under evaluated it.  He said you would go in with a sprain and come out with a blood clot lol.   Also said some other bad things about the BC org but I won't go into detail.  Take it for what it's worth.  


    This can't be true because we all know that Braley and Buono are gods among men in the football world and can do no wrong.  That includes everyone they hire.


    Positive all those extra coaches helped everyone be so prepared. 


    Anyone catch that O'Shea sees Kyle Walters as a coach?  Any other GM's like that in the league?


    Looked like Jim Barker thought he was the head coach last night.  Kind of crazy to see the GM on the field arguing with the officials.



    I didn't notice that but I did chuckle at the shot of Barker standing right behind Milanovich at the start of the 2nd half scowling with his arms crossed while Milanovich uncomfortably fidgeted with his headset.





    I'll go on the record and state I just don't like Romby Bryant and it has nothing to do with what football ability he may or may not have left.


    If Romby Bryant had told Mike Kelly to go fork himself in the locker room, I would've been suggesting we throw him a parade. But he quit on the field. Visibly gave up.


    I don't pay to watch guys living out their personal vendettas on the field. I also don't think it's fair to his teammates.


    If he wears the uniform again, I won't boo him but I won't be sad if he doesn't pan out and if he does, when he's replaced either.


    Well, I might boo him if he dresses for our club. Because Bryant clearly quit on his team-mates last time he was here and in my opinion he doesn't deserve to ever again wear a Blue Bombers jersey. It also bugs me that current management shows such obvious disregard for recent history - and disrespect for fans and former players. They may not be mindful of that - new slate etc. but to bring in a player like Bryant, who demonstrated an utter lack of professionalism while here, borders on arrogance more than desperation. Such arrogance is not a good sign and will inevitably boomerang on Walters, O'Shea and Bellefeuille down the road. 


    You guys have no idea of what a total schmuck Mike Kelly was.


    I can't blame anyone for not wanting to play for him.



    How do I have no idea? I watched the same season you did.


    Yeah but I doubt that you talked to Coach Harris as much as I did.


    Not that Coach Harris ever ran Kelly down. You know he'd never do that. But just learning about some of the stuff that was going on made me conclude that Kelly had to go.



    So RIchard Harris managed to never run the guy down, but Bryant couldn't be bothered to at least try hard during the games? That doesn't help me change my mind at all.

  4. I also have no use for Romby Bryant because of how his last time here ended.


    On the other hand, I don't take it as a personal insult that the team would work him out, or even sign him. Come on.


    I'm also not going to press the panic button over our lack of scouting just because we bring this guy in for a workout.  In years past this would be the exact situation where many people would be saying that we should at least give them a workout and see, because you never know.


    On the other OTHER hand, I'm not exactly optimistic for the upcoming season. As everyone in the media tells us how the team is finally being run properly, and how it's going to be soooo much better, etc etc, before we've had any results whatsoever, I can't help but remember when they all said the exact same things at the beginning of the Joe Mack era. And Mike Kelly for about a month (remember how we all laughed at the subway comments and were so proud of the database? The media loved that too).


    I'm sure there have been lots of teams that have been run "professionally", and "the right way", only to have no success and get the old mass firing that we're getting so good at here.

  5. Wait, what? They're changing to the same policy that the vast majority of CFL teams already follow?


    If that is true then all the media commenting and complaining on Twitter are either badly misinformed or have decided to pile on and be outraged without bothering to find out the facts. That is... not surprising at all.

  6. I agree with Westwood for once on this.  The league should mandate a league-wide policy on this.


    Then the media can all whine about the league, instead of this high school-level ganging up on whatever GM is foolish enough to try this every couple years. It's annoying to read about every single CFL reporter making the same complaints every time it comes up. Newsflash media: No one actually cares about how "difficult" your job is.


    I mean, for all their super-important access I still get the best and most reliable info from a few regular fans on here that somehow have better connections than all the reporters in town. And as an added bonus, they even know the rules to CFL game.


    If Marve put on a show again on Sat, I think the Bombers should just slate him to #2, Brohm to #3, cut Hall and bring a young QB prospect for PR. 


    How can Hall executes the play well if some schemes need him to throw the ball deep and he can't because of his weak arm?


    Sounds like a recipe to repeat exactly what we've been doing for 20 years.



    No kidding. When was the last time a QB had any success being even the #2 in his first year in the CFL?  Realistically we shouldn't even be expecting much out of Hall with his 1 year of experience in the CFL.


    It seems like people just want to hope and pray for a Ricky Ray every single year (including the Bombers management sometimes).


    I bitched about the Etienne selection & his subsequent useless Bomber career but was admonished by most here because they felt he needed to be given a chance. Well, it's just about 4 seasons later & he'll be known as one of the worst, if not the worst first round picks ever by the Bombers. If he was a fourth round selection, I'd have been fine with it. But first round?? Ugh! Mack was clueless.

    I hear you Iso but to be fair, last year he looked like he was starting to make a contribution until he got walloped in the head and was essentially done for the year. Worst first rounder ever? I don't know...there's been some real stinkers, and for a lot of draft years, we never even had a first round pick. I think Pencer is more of a bust then Jade, as at least Jade saw the field.

    Here's a walk down memory lane of some of our first round picks over the years:

    2000 (second overall): Daaron McField, DL -- Lasted one season, never started and traded away in his second season.

    1996 (fourth): Andrew Henry, DB: role player for two seasons.

    1995 (sixth): Sean Graham, SB: Lasted three injury-plagued seasons.

    1994 (fourth): Ryan Carey, DB: Special teams specialist.

    1993 (fifth): Alan Wetmore, LB: Another special-teams guy.

    1989 (eighth): John O'Brien, LB: Never played a single game in Blue and Gold.

    1988 (third): Dan Wicklum, LB: Lasted one season before getting picked up by Calgary.

    1987 (sixth): Andrew McConnell, DL: Never played for Bombers.

    1986 (seventh): Brian Bellway, DL: Never played for Bombers.




    The most amazing thing to me from that list is that we didn't have a single first round pick from 2001 through 2007!?!?  Did we trade them all for starting Canadians? Please tell me we at least got Doug Brown for one of those.

  9. With the way things go for the Bombers, I'm expecting Goossen to blow out his knee, suddenly retire, and then unretire and sign with the Riders and go on to have a great career while racking up a string of vicious bar fights that no one cares about or mentions.


    Randy Turner being a huge troll now too.


    Wish these media guys would just shut up already.

    Which of his tweets today can be considered trolling? He's giving his opinion, which is pretty much his job.



    I honestly can't figure out what point Turner is trying to make so I can't say if he's trolling or now.  Somehow the Bombers not making their stadium loan payment is a reason the players should have gotten more from the league? Or something? And the league isn't fragile beacause they're expanding and building new stadiums... right.  Try not building those stadiums and then will the league be fragile enough for you?

  11. How many commissioners has Braley personally run out of the league over the years?  The league might not have needed him to save the Argos if it weren't for his backstabbing and meddling throughout the years.


    And anyone remember when all the teams ponied up a bunch of cash to gift to the the Ticats and Argos a couple years ago to help them with "marketing"?  Wasn't that the same year that Toronto hosted and won the Grey Cup too?  Meanwhile the Bombers are stuck in a cycle of crappiness while they are embarassed year after year by teams in much larger cities that they're paying to keep competitive financially.

  12. The one thing I don't like about this place is the constant bitching about the media whether it's local or national. I get people don't like Paul friesen or Wiecek. I just get sick of hearing about it everytime they post a story some of you don't like. Now, today it's *****, *****, ***** about Madani. 


    Well guys like Friesen and Madani bring it on themselves.  Friesen revels in trolling Winnipeg fans.  And Madani has tweeted a lot of the most petty, antagonistic things I've seen from national journalists about the Bomber organization.

  13. Except no one ever reports on the number of spoiled ballots.  But they do always talk a lot about voter turnout in general. That's always been my rationale for not voting if I didn't like any of the options.


    And I'm not a Winnipegger but if I had the chance I'd vote for Katz a million times over Judy W if they were the only ones running. I'd vote for a Rider fan if it helped keep her away.

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