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The Zipp

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Posts posted by The Zipp

  1. 1 minute ago, TheAardvark said:

    Lapo to BC?  I want to know what they are smoking at 3Down... there are so many other potential HC's for BC...  but hey, he has connections to BC, he grew up there, his wife is from there... oh wait.  I guess there is familiarity with Chungh... and having 1/5th of your SMS tied up in your QB and RG...  I don't think Lapo goes to a rebuild team when he can be on a contender... BC is not going to be a choice landing spot for an HC.  Maybe Maas...

    Ed Hervey is the reason coaches will think twice about BC...

  2. 9 minutes ago, ddanger said:

    My thoughts on our qb situation into next year......Collaros is gone. Too much risk with an injury to justify a 1st round draft choice.

    Nichols I'm on the fence over. And it has to do with his shoulder. That could possibly be a career threatening injury. 

    Streveler is getting significant raise and he's back. I really don't think he gets an NFL look.

    Mcguire is back because he's under contract.

    Streveler and McGuire as our 2 best QB's going into camp next season is a scary thought...see the RedBlacks this season and that is the path we would be on...

  3. 29 minutes ago, J5V said:

    Oh Geez, can you imagine Reilly and Lapo? I don't see that working out at all. Talk about Oil and Water.

    Would be interesting.  Might be what Reilly needs at this point in his career.   He has missed the playoffs two years in a  row (I know crappy teams and all) but maybe the high percentage ball control would keep him upright...  really depends on who Lapo would bring as OV. 

  4. 11 minutes ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    He runs a 4.4 40.  He'll be 25 in January.  He can absolutely have an impact in the NFL, and with the less restrictive rosters he'll be hugely useful as an H-Back and special teamer, taking the odd snap in some gadget plays.  See what New Orleans does with Taysom Hill.   Streveler already played some receiver at Minnesota.

    I would be shocked if Streveler wasn't in a NFL training camp next season.  Everybody knows what's coming and he can still run through and around an entire CFL defense on a broken foot.  An NFL team can sign him with absolutely no commitment, why wouldn't they?  This guy has already proven dominant against pro football players.

    One team  out of 32 has marginal success with a player similar to Strevler and that means the world is going to open up for him??...if teams want a receiver they will get one not a QB/receiver/running back...

    I will be shocked if he makes the roster on any NFL team...ever...

  5. 20 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Was he given a chance to apologize ir was he just run out on a rail by Sportsnet. If he had the chance & refused then that's just Cherry being a stubborn old goat. If they didn't give him that chance then Sportsnet is wrong. 

    truth...but not surprising if you have followed his career...he is a stubborn guy even when younger.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    these guys know it's "win or your season is over".....they're dialed in. There's no next week if you don't win...so they're going to win. Period.

    Sask knows that too...so did Calgary...so did Montreal...you see Vernon Adams in Khari's arms on the sidelines?  They all know it - it's what makes football playoffs the most intense and enjoyable for us fans - there is no game 2...

  7. 58 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    These are all subjective opinions...

    As is the case with most fan level observations but if you put their respective career numbers into the on-line passer efficiency calculator the numbers come out very close but Zach is a bit ahead.  This is over 86 games for Matt and 74 for Zach - so a sizeable number...

    MN - 94.52

    ZC - 95.08

    Very close - I will say that my observations is that Zach's throws are more accurate - like on the numbers, dropped in nicely - wheras Matt's are bit off, still catchable but not as sweet.  

    As I said before -neither would be my first choice but they are wearing blue and gold so I will support them.

  8. 1 minute ago, TBURGESS said:

    Collaros throws have more zip on them. He throws a better medium and a better deep ball. He's way more mobile than Nichols. There's no way Nichols even throws the ball to Adams in the last season game, let alone gets it there accurately. Collaros doesn't rely on the Harris dump pass anywhere near as often as Nichols does which makes defences have to cover everyone. Collaros did it against Calgary twice, one of which was a playoff game. Nichols mostly played against the bottom 3 teams in the league. 

    Stats aren't going to tell the story because both QB's played in the PLAP offence. 


    that's accurate....challenge is that one slap to the head and ZC is out 4 games minimum...now I know that other QB's can get injured as well but this is beyond that.   I think in the end their skill sets are not far off - Zach wins for what you said above but it isn't a massive gap.

    I am firmly on team Masoli but not sure that is going to pan out.  I suspect it will be Nichols in June for the Bombers again.

  9. Strev is no where near accurate enough to play in the NFL ...and in no way can his throwing or running even be compared to Lamar Jackson.

    Strev is a warrior but I don't think a full time starting job is even going to pan out for him in the CFL.  Even with some more development I just don't see it - he will always be a scrambler cause he is so good at it but that is going to get him on a short path to the medical tent and  the injured list...GM's know that.

    He will be a great backup / short yardage guy who can break the game open in a couple of plays but that is it.

  10. 6 minutes ago, Booch said:

    and just imagine being on the filed and involved in it...TV gives no justice to the speed of the game one bit. Makes me shake my ead sometimes when fans say "why didn't he throw it here"..or "didn't he see that guy there"...**** moves so fast and furiously at times that you don't have a nanosecond to look ..see..or decide...thats why experience is so key and reps..reps..reps make a guy good...you react and instructively do things without thinking or deciding which 90 percent of the time is the difference between success and failure in a play

    And that is why football is the greatest sport...speed, power, agility, strength and mental speed - nothing like it, especially in person.  
    It is incredible what these guys can do given the speed of the game and size of the players involved. 
    seeing it live and close up is incredible. 

  11. 11 minutes ago, J5V said:

    I'm sure he's been helping him all season anyway but what is he going to say now? "Damn man, we had no answers for what the Bombers brought. None. You're on your own, man. Good luck!"

    Yah cause the Bombers are totally unstoppable.  There are game plans for everything.  I can bet dave d can list 10 things he thinks he could do better than yesterday...just how these guys brains work.  Now they need to execute on them and adjust but he will have a list of adjustments he could have made and didn't- probably kept him up all night...


    I think sask has a better defence than Calgary does so they may have different skills that can focused to shut down the run.  

  12. 3 minutes ago, Throw Long Bannatyne said:

    You assume they have a "web team", I assume they don't.  They probably had someone set it up years ago who is now long gone, site basically runs on the ancient framework and if anything goes wrong they have to rely on outside help to resolve their problems.

    I have zero clue on the model for the infrastructure...could be someone's teenager running it...the expert could be away who knows...it also isn't directly revenue generating so priority may be less than what we expect.   I do agree that the handling of the "incident" could have been way better considering it has gone on for days...social media communication, flash pages, scroll bars on the main site...lots of options 

  13. 13 minutes ago, toolsinbox said:

    Hey everyone.

    Nice to see some familiar handles on here as I just signed up !

    I find it disheartening that there has been zero comment from the team on that  forum being down. 

    Glad to be here !!!

    They responded to one persons twitter inquiry but that was it...you are right no general tweet saying it is down...

  14. 1 minute ago, NorthernSkunk said:

    Starting a season is easier than finishing a season.....  which was ridiculously proven this past season for QBs in the league.

    Tough game and tough position to play...CFL and NFL felt it this season.  Hopefully this season was an aberration but I am sure GM's will be focusing on quality backups too

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