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The Zipp

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Posts posted by The Zipp

  1. 3 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    As do I, but I'm never there because it's a garbage site. I might hate/fight with Rich sometimes, but this is the only real site for real fans. 

    Really??  You gonna start that crap? that in a nutshell is why many actually avoid this site.  You can't just leave it as being happy there are two sites for fans to discuss our favorite team??

    are you sure you don't have some rider fan lineage running through your body cause that is what I expect out of them.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Jesse said:

    I don't know how I feel about this.

    Strev being "good to go" was how he got injured in the first place. I just hope he's not taking snaps when he can barely limp from the huddle.

    I am with you - BUT this is the playoffs - a true must win game...is a 70% Strevler better than 100% McGuire for what we need today?? 

    sure as heck don't want Collaros running any QB sneaks 

  3. 1 hour ago, Tiny759 said:

    Serious question though, how does a Canadian guard go from being on an active NFL roster to being benched for a rookie? 

    It isn't a hard question to answer - he wasn't practicing or playing well enough.  I know we all get sick of hearing the coaches say "we will need to evaluate the film" but the truth is they go frame by frame play by play and if they see the same errors or issues and they aren't getting fixed in practice or games the guy comes out.  If the effort or focus isn't there you won't have a job.  
    lineman positions are really hard for fans to evaluate and see who is doing well and who isn't - unless it is obvious and the tv points it out we don't see enough.  

    or he has a nagging injury that is impacting his play...

  4. 1 hour ago, GOLD MEMBER said:

    Hello all just registered here, finally after all these years. Gotta make my presence smelt with the big game tomorrow.


    Hopefully the officially site is back up soon. For the record I to am getting the same 404 error message when trying to access.



    Goldy my friend!!!  The place is better already!!

    we are lucky fans to have two quality places to discuss our favorite team!!



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