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  1. Like
    NotoriousBIG reacted to Mr Dee in Bruce Johnson Status   
    Violation ... …for mis-identifying Glen Johnson, intentional or not.
  2. Like
    NotoriousBIG reacted to 17to85 in Heenan trying the NFL   
    Any one who actually thought the guy was coming here is crazy
  3. Like
    NotoriousBIG reacted to Rich in Around the CFL Offseason Discussion   
    For a lot of reasons, I don’t usually publically post or discuss site discipline.
    Wide Right has now been banned.  This morning he used an IP address that was common to one that only Migs has used in the past.  Of course this is never 100% proof that it is the same poster, it could mean that they simply work at the same company.  But the other evidence that was posted made it compelling enough to ban him.
    And by posting this, he will know not to post from that IP address again in the future (one of the reasons I don’t usually disclose this stuff).
    As a rule, I don’t like to ban people.  In the history of this site, there have been 4 people banned.  3 if you count Migs and Wide Right as one.   Not something we do lightly.  And being a Rider fan is not reason enough to ban people. 
    But with Migs, he keeps coming back because there are a group of posters who fall for his schtick every time.  He wants to derail threads, he wants to post silly arguments to get the replies from you.  You will never win an argument with him, you will never get him to see the light, as he obviously has no interest in that.    So when he does return the next time, the best thing you can really do is ignore him, and don’t give him what he wants.
    And seriously, “letting you at him”, will have no effect on him what so ever.  Words can’t hurt people or put them in the hospital.  Letting you at him is exactly what he wants and why he comes here.
  4. Like
    NotoriousBIG reacted to Zontar in Around the CFL Offseason Discussion   
    Its not like its criticism for its own sake. Fair comment considering the Getzlaf and Dressler news.
    Said it before and will keep saying : if you believe yourself to be the model franchise expect scrutiny and not constant praise.
  5. Like
    NotoriousBIG reacted to 17to85 in Around the CFL Offseason Discussion   
    You keep missing the point. Iso has been around the CFL message boards for a long long time, so have I, so have many others, we all remember the screaming that Rider fans used to do about the Esks "cheating" by spending way more money than the Riders could afford and how unfair it was. Now the tables are turned and the Riders are the ones spending like drunken sailors without a care in the world about the cap and Rider fans rush to defend it at every chance. It's the fact that the fan base are being giant hypocrites that people here are pointing out nothing more nothing less. 
  6. Like
    NotoriousBIG got a reaction from Ripper in Around the CFL Offseason Discussion   
    That's BS. Yes, there are team financials, but the CFL has ZERO authority to go beyond the league boundaries .
    I shouldn't have to remind people here of Wetenhall having Xmas parties in MTL where Als players were reportedly given envelopes of "gifts?"
  7. Like
    NotoriousBIG reacted to gbill2004 in Around the CFL Offseason Discussion   
    We may have different definitions of audits. Does the CFL go through each teams books, compare their records to players actual pay etc? I thought Walters said that basically teams just submit their salary spreadsheet to the league, they review and that's it.
    So my question is how thorough is the leagues review/audit? If there's no meat to the audit, teams could really abuse the SMS.
  8. Like
    NotoriousBIG reacted to 17to85 in Around the CFL Offseason Discussion   
    It's good for the league that Canada's team is strong because it's what fans across the country want. 
  9. Like
    NotoriousBIG got a reaction from Brandon in Around the CFL Offseason Discussion   
    Rather middling player when he was here. Methinks he's simply flourishing under Jones. 
    Not too upsetting. 
  10. Like
    NotoriousBIG got a reaction from TBURGESS in Cortez goes to BC   
    Not surprising. Good move for BC. Agreed it hinges on Lulay. 
    Unfortunate we didn't make a play. I think Cortez would've been a great OC for us. 
  11. Like
    NotoriousBIG reacted to IC Khari in Cortez goes to BC   
    The words Buck and QB coach may not sit well with me
  12. Like
    NotoriousBIG reacted to Tracker in Interesting interview with Kyle Walters   
    If he was a true Mack linebacker, he would spend all his time in the US and we would never see him.
  13. Like
    NotoriousBIG reacted to Brandon in Riders Hire Greg Quick as Their DC   
    Lol Stallones face was partially paralyzed from am accident and it effected his speech .
  14. Like
    NotoriousBIG got a reaction from Fan Boy in Riders Hire Greg Quick as Their DC   
    They all cheat -- so in that respect, "cheating" isn't really cheating, it's keeping up!
  15. Like
    NotoriousBIG reacted to Tracker in Interesting tidbits from Lawless   
    Maybe someone forgot to cover their asterisk?
  16. Like
    NotoriousBIG got a reaction from Noeller in Interesting tidbits from Lawless   
    I would agree if resigned and re-signed didn't mean totally opposite things.
    Its like commas: :"Lets eat, Grandma" and "Let's eat Grandma." BIG difference.
  17. Like
    NotoriousBIG got a reaction from New_Earth_Mud in Poll: Who Should be the Bombers' New DC?   
    Actually, saying a black coach may appeal to black players isn't a racist statement. 
    But I also don't think it's a correct statement. 
    Part of Richard Harris's appeal to many of the young black players was that he was an absolute mammoth human being with a spirit to match, and the epitome of a father figure, something a lot of them didn't grow up with (according to the legendary Jim Brown). 
    Those traits are far more important than skin tone. 
    Now does Richie Hall have it? I don't know....
  18. Like
    NotoriousBIG got a reaction from Blue-urns in Etch Fired   
    I have zero problem with them taking their time. Knee jerks to appease the fans reek of desperation. 
    It looks like they did their homework, evaluated things, and then sat down with Etch and gave him his walking papers. 
    I also dont buy this "losing out on others if we wait" stuff. 
    Its a small league -- if there was a rock star coming available for the job the club would have initiated preliminary talks with him months ago. 
    I would hope the club has been talking to Cortez. My guess is we have and simply can't afford him. 
  19. Like
    NotoriousBIG reacted to Wanna-B-Fanboy in Stand Pat & Tweak or ... Make Real Changes   
    Actually, what I took away from Tait's new blurb on what happened is this:
    MoS wanted to see if he can salvage the system (and Etch) with a few tweeks, realized that there would be too many changes necessary and that Etch's scheme couldn't work with all the changes so he had to let him go and find someone else that schemes the way MoS envision's his D to look like. 
    He did his due diligence and didn't rush to make changes for change's sake. I am good with how this went down. 
  20. Like
    NotoriousBIG got a reaction from bearpants in Etch Fired   
    I have zero problem with them taking their time. Knee jerks to appease the fans reek of desperation. 
    It looks like they did their homework, evaluated things, and then sat down with Etch and gave him his walking papers. 
    I also dont buy this "losing out on others if we wait" stuff. 
    Its a small league -- if there was a rock star coming available for the job the club would have initiated preliminary talks with him months ago. 
    I would hope the club has been talking to Cortez. My guess is we have and simply can't afford him. 
  21. Like
    NotoriousBIG got a reaction from James in Etch Fired   
    I disagree. Your argument would hold water if last years Etch experience didn't play out exactly the way some of us thought it would. 
    Start hot, other teams get film, then start getting earholed, and players begin grumbling. 
    Sorry to see a guy get fired but thats pro sports. 
  22. Like
    NotoriousBIG got a reaction from Brandon in Etch Fired   
    Police chief Devon Clunis was spotted in Winnipeg, I hear he is interested in the Bomber DC job. 
  23. Like
    NotoriousBIG reacted to Mike in Etch Fired   
    My friend was telling me a story the other day when he took a trip to watch the Chiefs play. Their van stopped at Walmart in Rockford and I guess somehow they got on the topic of Canada with the checkout lady.
    She said to them "hey that's cool, I used to live in Canada!" and when they asked where ... she said ... "North Dakota!"
  24. Like
    NotoriousBIG reacted to 17to85 in Etch Fired   
    Not going to lie I am disappointed in this news just because I was kind of looking forward to the absolute meltdown certain posters would have had on here if he'd been kept. 
    Not unhappy from an on field stand point. I don't think he was as bad as a lot of people said, but I do prefer a more traditional defense so that should happen now. 
  25. Like
    NotoriousBIG reacted to Atomic in Etch Fired   
    Wow and it only took them a month and a half to do it.  Things still moving at the speed of light in Winnipeg.
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