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    firekid23 reacted to TBURGESS in Depth Chart - Willy out   
    This type of depth chart is exactly what I want to see for the rest of the season.  Younger guys getting a chance to prove they belong or to play themselves off of the team.  I hope we've got a couple of receivers to take Bryant's and Kelly's spots next game.
  2. Like
    firekid23 reacted to Old Bomber Fan in Odds and Sods - Winnipeg Blue Turkeys vs Edmonton Eskimoes   
    same old story - receivers standing still catching passes rather than on the move. Willy holding onto ball too long hence receiver standing waiting for ball. No running game. No screens, no flairs - poor offensive game plan. Lost possession battle yet again but this time by a huge margin in first quarter alone. Poor O line.
    D line no pressure - trick formations not tricky anymore - opposition teeing off with the run we have no
    answer for it. Tackling improved slightly but still much work needed.
    Penalties killing us as usual. Beginning of the year we were good - then came game 7 and I think since
    then we lead the league in penalties per game yet MOS will insist we aren't that bad. No discipline self
    motivated or otherwise.
    Coaches should look in the mirror as well as the players. Much rebuilding needed to be successful however we have won 3 more games than last year. Whoopee!
  3. Like
    firekid23 reacted to 17to85 in Time For The CFL To Levy Fines On The Refs For Tacky Calls   
    What I see from the refs and the review process is that they are playing it "safe" in their calls. They are not having the conviction to make calls on the field that can be reviewed trusting the review process to get it right for them. Which is bunk because the review doesn't always have good angles. It's like they're reffing afraid of making a mistake, which leads to a lot of mistakes. 
  4. Like
    firekid23 reacted to Captain Blue in Time For The CFL To Levy Fines On The Refs For Tacky Calls   
    We got ripped off by the refs tonight. They are always awful and I think despite that I'm mad at them my biggest issue is how awful it makes the league look. This is our entertainment. This is what we give fans. You just feel ripped off because the refs blew a few calls and honestly, every team in the league has had a right to feel that way at some point this season too. THAT'S the big issue. It hurts the product on the field.
  5. Like
    firekid23 reacted to dmillerywg in Who said the run is not a problem?   
    Mike O'Shea still insists we are ok at handling the run... not sure I bought what he was selling a few weeks back but the more he keeps saying in the dumber it sounds...
  6. Like
    firekid23 reacted to dmillerywg in O'Shea hands away the LDC   
    Agreed not sure how Kuale gets in when Vega doesn't ? It seems to me that Ian Wild didn't play after he got banged up on the Messham TD I don't recall him playing after that.
  7. Like
    firekid23 got a reaction from James in Can we "Worman" Gary Ethchevery?   
    gentleman we finally have a qb who looks above competent, i am cautiously optomistic:}
  8. Like
    firekid23 reacted to iso_55 in Can we "Worman" Gary Ethchevery?   
    I remember former Blue Bomber head coach Joe Zaleski using a very similar phrase in his time as the Bomber on field boss from 1967 thru the 1969 season. At various times, during all 3 training camps & pre seasons he was in charge, the local media asked Joe how he felt the team was doing. He'd always cheerily answer, "We're optimistic!!" He won something like 12 football games as head coach in 3 seasons. I remember this because as a young fan of 13 & 14, even I knew it was a bullshit answer & was sick of hearing that phrase so much that it always stuck with me. Even after 45 years plus!! Zaleski is one of my top 3 Worst Blue Bombers Head Coaches Of All Time. The other 2? Jeff Reinbold & Tim Burke. Not necessarily in that order.
  9. Like
    firekid23 reacted to Mike in Can we "Worman" Gary Ethchevery?   
    We lost by a total of 7 points combined and our starting QB appears to be pretty good.
    I'd say we're miles ahead of last year at this time.
  10. Like
    firekid23 reacted to IC Khari in Can we "Worman" Gary Ethchevery?   
    We've lost two games by a total of 5 points and were right in them until the end. Big improvement in effort and our offence at least looks like it may be able to keep us in most games, maybe even take the lead if we get the receivers in there that can catch the blinkin' ball (see Moore, Watson etc)!  Good news is it's preseason and it don't count. Better news is we have some time for our vet injuries to heal. 
  11. Like
    firekid23 reacted to TBURGESS in Can we "Worman" Gary Ethchevery?   
    Every team plays vanilla defence in the pre season.  Ours looks way worse than most.
  12. Like
    firekid23 reacted to Mr Dee in Rookie Camp Day 2 (Reports and Discussion)   
    OShea's post practice interview - 2nd day.
    What caught O'Shea's eye among the rookies today? -      The defensive live..they were down a guy and they persevered and gutted it out.
    Showed character? -      Yep, they get it, it's a job interview.
    What do like about Kenny Tate? -      What's not to like about him? …When you talk to him you understand he really loves to play football.
    Any running back stand out? -    Credit to the scouting staff , we have very good competition, these guys can play…fun to watch.
    Kicking position, any ideas yet, ratio….? -    It will come right down to the end..it will be a roster decision.
    Anybody stand out so far? -    A few guys , def. line QBs and the RBs. they get it. They have their one opportunity and they run with it.
  13. Like
    firekid23 reacted to Mr Dee in Bombers negotiate Transit game day discount   
    The city never has been good in making decisions in regards to Transit...in any way, shape or form, be it LRT, BRT or. in this case, just making, and sticking to deals made.
    The point is not really whether Bomber fans ride free or not, (as long as somebody pays,) but rather trying to provide a necessary service at a reasonable cost, that will help alleviate some of the traffic concerns.
    The city should be doing everything it can to address this issue instead of sitting back and letting it just come about.
    There is a major traffic issue and instead of a "I'll sit this one out attitude" they should be leaders and help get it resolved.
    Why is Miller the only one trying to do this?
    Transit is willing to work with Miller…they just need some backing from City Hall.
    Pathetic really, if you think about it.
  14. Like
    firekid23 reacted to Rich in Bombers negotiate Transit game day discount   
    I'm definitely in the camp that agrees that the Bombers should be charged to going rate. However there is a subsidy in that. The money you pay transit doesn't cover their costs. They are subsidized.
    For the examples you sited, they pretty much use the regular existing transit system. For the arena, this is the benefit of being downtown.
    For the Bombers there isn't sufficient "regular" buses to bring people to the game. So there is additional costs incurred to shuttle all those people in and out. So there is an additional cost to the city and tax payer.
    However, public transportation exists for this very reason. The city will have a traffic nightmare if there aren't enough buses to bring people in and out. Providing this infrastructure is part of their responsibility for the safety of its citizens and those that live in the area.
  15. Like
    firekid23 reacted to Jaxon in Bombers negotiate Transit game day discount   
    The issue here isn't one of "subsidy" but rather one of "surcharge"   The Bombers are willing to pay full regular price for transit on behalf on their customers.  If you take the bus to the Library, it's $5.10 return.   If you take the bus to work, it's $5.10 return.  If you take the bus to the university, it's $5.10 return.  If you take the bus to a Jet game, it's $5.10 return.  
    I don't think that taking a bus to a Bomber game should cost more than $5.10 return, regardless of who is paying the bill.
  16. Like
    firekid23 reacted to road griller in Bombers negotiate Transit game day discount   
    Talk to the school divisions rent their busses for half the price of the city for game day, they are never used during that time.  Get drivers to volunteer and the schools can use the profits to buy sporting equipment for the gyms.
    Everyone rides and the kids win.
  17. Like
    firekid23 reacted to iso_55 in Argo released Khalif Mitchell   
    I don't either after they play out their contracts. I would release Mitchell if I was a GM the day after my team's last game this coming season to pursue NFL opportunities. But not a year before.
  18. Like
    firekid23 reacted to Mike in Steve Morley to Centre?   
    I just got a knowledge boner.
    This is probably the most intelligent post I've read on this forum.
  19. Like
    firekid23 reacted to Mr Dee in Kyle Walters Expansion Draft Presser   
    If we consider the moves by what was an interim GM, we can all agree that these were not moves made to awe the fan base but rather, taken as a whole, moves made to slightly turn the roster into more of a usable roster for the now and maybe for the future. To make it more NI friendly and deeper. No where near "for sure" starters but better replacements, as it were.
    Parenteau to replace Woodson.
    Foster (NI) to displace Pierce.
    Neufeld as a move to gain something from losing Hall and just maybe a solid roster player.
    Fans were actually shocked to see trades.
    Then, some scouting additions were made and seemingly, good ones.
    A dynamic Head Coach is hired.
    A plan is being followed.
    All these moves made the fan-o-meter fluctuate, mostly because GM moves have been rare.
    So, for now, give this dog a bone.
    No one is going to give out any awards yet, and it will be quite some time before we can figure out what the team is all about.
    But for now let the fan-o-meter dance.
    Lord knows it's been awhile since it's been used.
  20. Like
    firekid23 reacted to comedygeek in What *if* the Blue keep Burke as HC   
    No, because if a Tim Burke-led team can win a bunch of football games, then I just don't understand the Canadian Football League anymore and essentially my whole understanding of the way the world works go along with it.

    My spiral into insanity would probably start with work -- I'd start behaving more erratically, throwing things at the wall and shouting, "One of these has to stick! It finally did for the Bombers!" I'd be fired.

    Then it'd move to my relationships with my girlfriend and friends. Anytime I'd stub my toe or stay up too late watching TV, I'd email the local media and tell them how it's my girlfriend's fault I didn't sleep well or that I was trying to answer a call from my friend when I walked right into that potted plant. When they'd ask why I'm throwing those close to me under the bus, I'd take out a full-page editorial exclaiming that somehow this has turned into wins for Tim Burke, so even though I understood the world differently, this is the way the rules of the universe work now!

    By the end, I'll just be running around town doing exactly the opposite of what logic tells me to do, knowing that boneheaded decisions inexplicably lead to success. When confronted by the police for my clearly out-of-control behaviour -- including vandalism, public indecency, and theft -- I'll come up with reasons left and right why all that stuff was stolen or why my pants were off. None of those reasons will include me admitting in any way that I've failed as a functioning member of society. It couldn't possibly be my fault! And besides, I'll say, this kind of oblivious, no-responsibility, chaotic attitude is a winning one!

    I'll spend the rest of my days attempting to convince psychiatrists that I'm not crazy -- I'm just a Bomber fan.
  21. Like
    firekid23 reacted to Mike in Butchko Recommends Firing Mack *update Buchko Resigns & Mack Fired Wade Miller Hired As Acting Ceo*   
    but he still knows who leaked it.
    And wants to know how the team is going to figure it out.
    That's asshatery 101
  22. Like
    firekid23 reacted to 17to85 in Butchko Recommends Firing Mack *update Buchko Resigns & Mack Fired Wade Miller Hired As Acting Ceo*   
    which all comes down to the timing. Don't go days in advance, do it at the meeting. I get that it's the board that really screwed the pooch, but that doens't excuse buchko. Basically I don't want Buchko to hire a new GM and then wind up getting fired himself because opinions of his job so far are not good and then we get a new CEO who inherits a GM he didn't hire in the first place. Let's clean everything out now and start fresh while we have the chance. 
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