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  1. Like
    Adrenaline_x reacted to SPuDS in Telling Bryant Turner comment ...   
    This thread has become lol worthy.. Turner tells us there's no cancers on this team and tons of chemistry and next we are talking about turner sucking (wtf?) And Walters sucking at trading... (again, wtf!) We traded a guy who wasn't going to be relevant here again and a second rounder for a starting canadian oliner.. Would we have landed one in the second round? Doubtful. Is our oline playing that much better since he was brought in? Yip. Lastly, with who we have seen at GM in the last 3 seasons... do we really have any grounds to complain ?
  2. Like
    Adrenaline_x reacted to blitzmore in Telling Bryant Turner comment ...   
    So what is your perceived solution? Not make the deal? Because if the other team sticks by their guns you make the deal or don't! Overpaying is subjective not objective! If I buy a car and I feel that I didn't get fleeced then I didn't get fleeced.
  3. Like
    Adrenaline_x reacted to M.O.A.B. in Gif Day - Steeltown, you're going down   
    Where will be the ti-cats after this game?

    oh c'mon 'Like'  it.
  4. Like
    Adrenaline_x reacted to kelownabomberfan in Gif Day - Steeltown, you're going down   
    Looks about right.
  5. Like
    Adrenaline_x reacted to Chaosmonkey in Gif Day - Steeltown, you're going down   
    Our DLine = Dog
    Cupcakes = QB Sacks.
  6. Like
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    Adrenaline_x got a reaction from road griller in Nice to see those "full" stadiums ...   
    Went to the stadium last year on section 204? Upper deck ne side with some section before the rail.
    Game was fun because my friends were there, but from that distance from the field I find I enjoy the game more at home. The replays show and explain more. I can pause and then fast forward through the commercials.
    That and I live on north main which made getting to the stadium a huge pain. Drove to Taylor park and ride and then waited for a bus.
    Sadly I enjoyed the old stadium and location better. Meh.
    Still love the bombers but enjoy watching from home,
  8. Like
    Adrenaline_x reacted to road griller in Nice to see those "full" stadiums ...   
    It seems killer griller Parties are taking the nation by storm. Word travels fast. Nice to see people joining in on a great Canadian tradition.
    This week is going to be off the vine. On the menu is marinated Spamburgers with bacon wrapped Mooseknuckes. With my famous ' I don't believe that was mayo' special sauce.
    At the half will be the griller himself performing the infamous 'Push MyFinger'. You probably have a good idea of what happens when you pull my finger but when you push it all Hell breaks lose!
  9. Like
    Adrenaline_x reacted to do or die in Are the Bombers going to change the way the league thinks?   
    The important thing..... is that this team is changing the way.... it thinks
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    Adrenaline_x reacted to Jpan85 in Are the Bombers going to change the way the league thinks?   
    Bucknor is in Stewarts spot and #RandleIsland is in JJ spot.
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    Adrenaline_x reacted to KptKrunch in Are the Bombers going to change the way the league thinks?   
    and how bad JJ has gotten (no offense to Bucknor though I agree he's been playing well). Oh, forgot, JJ is 'back' if he does say so himself. 
  12. Like
    Adrenaline_x reacted to gbill2004 in Are the Bombers going to change the way the league thinks?   
    Bucknor is playing much better than Jovon Johnson did last year, and he's a Canadian. Says a lot about what a great job Walters has done upgrading the talent level.
  13. Like
    Adrenaline_x reacted to Fraser in Are the Bombers going to change the way the league thinks?   
    He leads the team by one tackle over a guy who covers the slot. It would be really nice if there were pass defended stats because I can't see teams throwing way accross the field constantly just to pick on a percieved weaker CB.
    Point I'm trying to make is it makes more sense to have a better safety and put your weakest CB on the guy playing the Aaron Hargraves role on the other teams offense.
  14. Like
    Adrenaline_x reacted to mbrg in Are the Bombers going to change the way the league thinks?   
    I'm not sure even the Bombers have changed the way they think.  They simply have had few opportunities to make the changes they want to make to this roster.  Combined with the injuries that hit our NI's early, roster decisions seem to be a matter of determining what is the best least-worst option.
    None of which is intended to discount the contributions of the players listed.  They have been playing out of their minds and deserve full marks for it.
    For 5 weeks now it's looked like our opposition's game plan has consisted of "expose Matt Bucknor" written in caps on the whiteboard, and for the most part, they have not been able to.  He's been beat a few times, and he's misfired on about 3 tackles he should have made, but for the most part he's keeping the play in front of him and completely eliminating YAC, and that's really all I expect from him.
    Here's my take on the 2014 Bombers.  As individuals, our roster might be around the 7th best collection of talent in the league (I'm not going to rank them in order or spend 5000 words justifying that assessment).  As a team, OShea has them playing to the absolute best of their abilities.  Right now that has been good enough to win 4 out of 5 games.  Many nights that will be enough for a win.  Eventually some of the teams that have more collective talent than us will get on track and play to the best of their abilities.  Once that happens, wins will become a bit more rare.
    The reason I bring that up is because I still think the Bombers will continue to try and upgrade their roster over the next few seasons in a manner that is completely traditional.  They are not trying to re-invent the wheel.  They have a chef in the kitchen who is making fantastic meals out of average ingredients.  The amount of credit this coaching staff should be getting for this team's record can not be overstated.  And the selection of players currently on the roster can be included in this.  For what they lack in pure talent, they make up for in being FOOTBALL PLAYERS.  Run hard, hit hard, battle, don't quit, scrapping in the trenches football players.  46 guys cut in the cloth of Mike OShea.  If Mike OShea was born south of the border and played Dline, his name would be Greg Peach.
    I like the premise of the thread, I just doubt that any huge shift in the mentality of GM's is going to take place.  Are teams really going to re-examine their roster to see if they have their own Feoli-G sitting on the bench?  Not unless a huge rash of injuries forces them too.  Our decisions were made because of a lack of options.
    I'm also glad it's working, I love it, and I am cheering for these guys every chance I get.
  15. Like
    Adrenaline_x got a reaction from Floyd in Bombers vs Lions: GDT (For Adults)   
    Where the nsfw content?
  16. Like
    Adrenaline_x reacted to Mike in Lawless: Trade Glenn January for Canadians   
    Anyone wanna take a stab at a 1000 word essay about why we should trade Rene Stephan for Josh Bourke?
  17. Like
    Adrenaline_x reacted to blitzmore in Rushing QB   
    No really YOU'RE the one who's not getting it!
  18. Like
    Adrenaline_x reacted to gbill2004 in Anyone miss the old Section S at the old stadium?   
    Alcohol is prohibited in section 118.
  19. Like
    Adrenaline_x got a reaction from Atomic in Lawless Goes Rogue   
    Hustler is a great radio host. He speaks with ease and gets his question out quickly and coherently.
    Lawless is out ot lunch. Listening to him interview anyone is horrible.
    For example is he were to ask OSHEA how he felt about how the game went it would be like this, Mike, I wanted to ask u how u felt about the game today. I know the players played hard and the defense came out strong and shut down esmontonw offence early but u looked upset on the side line before half time. Ahhhhh u know, it great that your team has been playing well so far ahh ahh ahh we got mike OSHEA here on tsn 129o, tsn1290.ca.
    Hustler would say, u are listening to tsn 1290, tsn1290.ca " mike, how do u feel about the win today."
    It take lawless 2 minutes to get a question out. Lawless is like all the commercials on cjob coaches show, they take away/ get in the way of others asking questions
  20. Like
    Adrenaline_x reacted to Chaosmonkey in Chris Randle   
    Challenge time.
    You are going to be living alone on Randle Island, and you can only take a few things with you. Pick 6.
  21. Like
    Adrenaline_x reacted to mbrg in Chris Randle   
    First of all, it's mbrg.  MBRG is my father.
    Second, I demand all internet pages associating me with this be shredded.
    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallmove. dotcom
  22. Like
    Adrenaline_x got a reaction from Jaxon in Arland Bruce sues CFL over concussions   
    If HE was injured then HE should have not stepped out on to the field. 
    Arguing that the team let him, and failed to protect him from himself is ******* stupid way to look at things.
    Its very similar to people wanting our government to create laws to regulate drinking, drugs, having to wear your seatbelt etc.  Its a nanny state where the people expect the government to protect them from their own stupidity.  I don't care if you wear your seatbelt in the car.. But if you get mamed or killed because YOU CHOSE not to wear you seatbelt, thats YOUR issue.
    Same for concussions.  As a player, you know the risks when you step on the feild. You know what can happen.  You know that when you are injured, playing through the injury can cause more injuries or cause more harm.
    The league should counter sue for Bruce being an idiot and not alerting them to his belief that he was still hurt and instead decided to play through it.
    I have no sympathy for him or others that cause their own outcomes and then complain someone should have protected them from themselves.
  23. Like
    Adrenaline_x got a reaction from Bigblue204 in Arland Bruce sues CFL over concussions   
    If HE was injured then HE should have not stepped out on to the field. 
    Arguing that the team let him, and failed to protect him from himself is ******* stupid way to look at things.
    Its very similar to people wanting our government to create laws to regulate drinking, drugs, having to wear your seatbelt etc.  Its a nanny state where the people expect the government to protect them from their own stupidity.  I don't care if you wear your seatbelt in the car.. But if you get mamed or killed because YOU CHOSE not to wear you seatbelt, thats YOUR issue.
    Same for concussions.  As a player, you know the risks when you step on the feild. You know what can happen.  You know that when you are injured, playing through the injury can cause more injuries or cause more harm.
    The league should counter sue for Bruce being an idiot and not alerting them to his belief that he was still hurt and instead decided to play through it.
    I have no sympathy for him or others that cause their own outcomes and then complain someone should have protected them from themselves.
  24. Like
    Adrenaline_x got a reaction from road griller in Toronto has league worst pass defence, surprised?   
    I believe road triller is kidding.
  25. Like
    Adrenaline_x reacted to Mr Dee in Toronto has league worst pass defence, surprised?   
    But in Burke's defence………….OK, I have nothing. 
    I surrender.
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