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Posts posted by Logan007

  1. 1 hour ago, Brandon said:

    Are you saying that any of the Lucas made Star Wars had excellent writing in them?     Have you re-watched Episode 1 , 2 or 3 lately?    


    Dude, the prequels were garbage.  If you're equating this movie to those, you're setting a ridiculously low bar.  I mean, the ideas in the prequels are good, but that's where it ends.  The story, dialogue, editing, etc... are garbage.  George was a great idea man, and I wish Disney would have kept him around for ideas and special effects, because that's what he was good at. 

    In relation to how good these movies are in my opinion going from worst to best, it's:

    The Phantom Menace

    Attack of the Clones



    Revenge of the Sith













    ----- Many more of these lines....

    The Last Jedi

    Rogue One

    A New Hope

    The Force Awakens

    Return of the Jedi

    Empire Strikes Back

  2. 1 hour ago, Brandon said:

    The only negativity I've read is on here.     If the movie was so bad then how come the folks on here who are complaining went to go see it a 2nd time? 


    Is this the only place you've read anything?  Because I see the hate for it all over.  And none of us really said we hated it, we just didn't like it and the story was crap and didn't flow nicely.  It's like Rian just wrote it this way so that he could go against everything the fans wanted just to make it "different".

    Also, a lot of us went a second time because we thought this we going to be good and pre-purchased tickets in advanced and also promised friends and family we'd go with them.

  3. 35 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    I like the complicated depth to Kylo.  A bad guy who is pulled to the light.  I like it.  BUT...in making Kylo complicated they give us an angry, frustrated character who is more like Anakin than Luke or Han.  And thats totally fine...in fact, I really dig it.  I like that he has temper tantrums.  It speaks to the greater idea of what happens when you take children and try to teach them these pseudo religious martial arts.

    I agree with everything you said except this.  All Jedi were taught the same thing and only a handful turned from it, and then, only 2 had temper tantrums.

  4. 1 hour ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    I got that more on the second run as well.  Though it felt less like a foreshadow and more of a line shoe-horned in to explain Luke later.  Snoke also admitted he had been the one connecting Kylo and Rey and providing them both with fake images of the others' future (Im not sure this was very clear though).

    See that's what I found about a few things.  That things were just shoehorned in.  Like what you said about the whole how Luke died because of doing that force image of himself (which I don't really get since Snoke did it to the two of them multiple times, but had no ill effects.  Maybe it's because his attempts didn't last too long?).  And the whole "they have smaller ships that are faster then ours".  Ok...but you could have blown by them at light speed and come at them from the front.

    I'm a hardcore fan and liked it ok, but did not love it.  I think 6/10.  This is no where close to ESB.  The acting was great.  The writing of the characters and how they act, the storyline, the plot holes...were just awful.

  5. One of the biggest issues I had with Luke, is the whole "sneak into his nephew's hut like an assassin to try and kill him because he's turning to the dark side".  That's not Luke.  And Luke isn't about giving up either.

    What he should have done was have Ben turn on Luke and have a battle at the Jedi Academy.  Luke wins but can't kill his nephew, then the other apprentices that he's turned as well knock out Luke and burn the temple down.

    This movie just felt so....un-Luke like.

  6. 15 hours ago, wbbfan said:

    Mine is the casino story line. 

    Time line be damned ( we dont know reys age any way) dutchess satine and obiwan parents are my no1. A rebels tie in would be great too. 

    Same, hate the casino story line.


    If Obiwan and Satine were her parents...she'd be as old, if not older, then Luke.  Grandparents yes.  Parents no.

  7. 10 hours ago, johnzo said:

    Why is it so important that Rey has some big secret origin?  We see all kinds of Force kids in the prequel movies and given how Jedi aren't allowed to mate or love, those younglings must have come from plain old non Force parents...

    I know that JJ Abrams teased that Rey had some mysterious pedigree but remember, this is the guy who made Lost -- he's great at setting up mysteries but not so much at paying them off...

    The old Jedi weren't allowed to mate.  But remember they had fallacy's to them as Luke explained.  You don't have to be "married" to the force in order to be a Jedi.  That's what those books will teach Rey.  That there must be balance.

    I'm guessing there will be a few surprises in EP9.  I personally don't think Snoke is gone.  There's a reason he looks like he's half ripped apart.  I'm guessing a powerful force user as him knows how to keep himself alive by transferring himself into a different body.  As for Rey's parentage....we'll see.  JJ loves to have tricks up his sleeve.

  8. 21 hours ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    That whole first segment was awful for that reason.  And it was weird hearing them use sort of “modern” comedy and verbiage. The interaction with Hux about waiting on hold, the mom joke. Someone said “we’re toast” at one point to and that verbiage sort of struck me as odd for Star Wars. 

    The clmedy around BB8 didn’t bother me. I liked it in TFA too. But we need to believe Hux is formidable, not a goof.   

    The entire bad guy side was gutted in this film. Episode 9 looks like the “long awaited showdown” of a lousy dark side user against an inexperienced light side user. Where do I sign up?

    someone might say that’s like Luke who was also inexperienced. But it’s very different.  Luke had more training. But his entire point was that he would not fight his father. He would not defeat him with the force. He’d turn him.  Yoda and Ben were desperate to train him to physically defeat Vader but Luke was right. 

    In this trilogy they throw that away. “I can’t save him” or whatever Luke said about Kylo. Leia, who in TFA pleads wirh Han to save Kylo because she feels the good in him agrees he must be killed. 

    So the whole point is different and Rey, who they now say is not special and has no emotional connection to the story is meant to physically defeat someone she already defeated. 

    This film completely ignores TFA. 

    When Finn uses the word "cops" when talking about the local security.  It pulled me right out of the movie.

  9. 6 minutes ago, JCon said:

    Yes, they did. It was the talk when they got on the Falcon.

    Hmm...I don't recall that.

    Either way I got the jist that they were going to regroup.  I hope they jump ahead a few years in 9 and show that she's already training new Jedi with force ghost Luke's help.

  10. 8 hours ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    Feel so cheated.  Maybe they can resurrect Luke. What they did to him is unconscionable. It was one thing when JJ ruined Trek cause he admitted he wasn’t a fan. But he claims to be an OT fan. Just awful. 

    JJ didn't do this.

  11. 17 hours ago, JCon said:

    They couldn't send out a signal with their available resources, which is why they were trying to get to that planet (forget the name). They finally got the signal out and replies started coming as they made their escape on the Millennium Falcon. 

    No they didn't.  No one replied.

  12. 17 hours ago, JCon said:

    I'll add, this could be my least favourite of all the films. That includes Jar Jar Binks and midichlorian ruining, Phantom Menace. At least, that had an epic lightsaber duel. This had.... ?

    Uh...way better acting.  Bleh, the prequels were awful.

  13. Agree with everything you said.  Those are almost my feeling exactly of what I came away with (I just can't express myself as well as you do).

    They started off fairly well with TFA, and then the books and this movie just...tossed it all away.  This is the first time I thought to myself "they should have kept Lucas on as an idea guy and had him help them a bit".  Not write the story or anything, but give some input.

    I think the only way they could somehow retcon Rey's lineage, is if Obi-Wan showed up to her in the next film and basically said something like, "I fell in love with this woman on Tatooine.  It was a short romance.  She left me because I had to watch over Luke, and I hadn't spent enough time with her.  When she left she was pregnant with my son/daughter.  Apparently they fell to bad times and drink.  Even when they had something special happen to them, they feared it, and ran away from it.  The something was you Rey.  I...am your grandfather".   I don't know, something like that.

    I feel robbed.

  14. So I saw it again today and I enjoyed it a bit more. I think I’m more sour because Luke died. Although I still think there are quite a few plot holes. 


    It it also seems like they’re trying to kill off the Skywalker lineage. Would have been nice if there was more then just Ben. Like if Luke had a kid or something. I still really like Rey though. 

  15. Well I’m in the minority here. I was not a fan of this one. I found Luke underused and I hated that they “killed” him at the end. I did like most of the force use. The whole dreadnaught thing was lame. All those star destroyers and they couldn’t take out that little fleet. Just felt unbelievable. Snoke now feels like a throwaway character. I’m sure they can hash him out in books, but they didn’t explain where he came from or anything.  Luke barely trained Rey. Where was the training that Snoke said he needed to complete with Kylo?  The whole Leia flying through space. The lame jokes felt forced. 

    Uggh. I was looking for something new and different, but this just wasn’t it. 

    The only good thing to me was the music and acting. Otherwise the story and plot were just bleh. 

  16. 12 hours ago, Brandon said:

    If people can avoid posting spoilers and to much details for the last Jedi on this particular thread that would be appreciated.    With two little kids and a massive amount of Christmas activities planned I will not be able to watch the movie until the New Year... please and thanks!!

    We usually create a separate Spoiler thread for that.  So just don't go in there.

    If anyone posts spoilers in here they're just being a jackass.

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