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Posts posted by Logan007

  1. On 11/24/2017 at 5:44 PM, The Unknown Poster said:

    No I said it was the most compelling part. The entire film should have been his resurrection and struggle to find his true identity while fighting the other heroes. 

    OH lol..  I thought you meant he was bad.  I was totally forgetting about when he came out and was going nutso.  Sorry.

  2. 6 hours ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    There was rampant speculation earlier this week that Warners was cancelling the DC Extended Universe due to the below-expected box office of Justice League.  But reportedly that is not the case.  Who knows what they are doing.

    Seems like common sense issues with that franchise.  I've whined enough about how they should have built up to JL slower.  Perhaps the most compelling aspect of JL was the

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    bad Superman

    (Do we need spoilers still?)

    So I'd have gone with that concept as the main plot of a JL film and the threat that brings all the heroes together.

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    Have the bad guy (Lex or whomever) resurrect Superman and Batman knows he alone cannot stop him...voila


    You thought Supes was bad in JL?  I thought that was the best iteration of him from the DCEU.  That's the first time in the DCEU that I saw an actual Superman.

  3. 1 hour ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    The way I read it, the final post credit scene (the one that directly impacts future films) was from Snyder.  The mid-credit scene which is more fun and has no bearing on future films, was added by Whedon.  

    I read a list today of which scenes belonged to which guy.  And man, without Whedon, this film likely would have been a snoozefest.  Virtually all the character and heart seems to have come from Josh. 

    And here's something I just thought about, if Nightwing exists in this Universe, where the heck was he?

    Lots of bad guys in the world.  He may have been off doing something else.  Something secretive for Bruce.  Not having powers, he wouldn't have been too useful.

  4. 10 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    From Latino Review:

    Another big mistake they made was the aged Batman.  Because what do they do now?  They have good things like Wonder Woman and I think Flash and Aquaman can work as well.  But the through-line of the extended universe is Batman and Superman.  Cavill is signed for only one more film.  Affleck is already wavering and seems to have trouble getting into shape (he looked a bit paunchy in JLA).

    So do you just replace Affleck?  Do you go younger and if so, why did you go older in the first place?

    Because Zach Snyder

  5. On 11/18/2017 at 11:03 PM, tacklewasher said:

    Nothing I can put words to, but he did not do it for me. Reeves was better at the Clark side. And I didn't buy Cavill as Superman.


    I found Cavill much better in Justice League than the other two where he's always brooding.


  6. 8 hours ago, blue_gold_84 said:

    For sure. Post your thoughts after and how it stacks up to other recent DC movies.

    Ok. Just watched it and I liked it. Not sure why it got that low of a score from the critics. Just gotta say, I really like Affleck as Batman.

    Movie wasn’t perfect but it entertained me all the way through. Story could have been a bit better and the cgi was definitely sub par compared to anything made by Disney. Not a huge fan of how they portrayed Aquaman, and Barry acted more like Wally as far as his humour. But other then that I really enjoyed it. Yes there were plot holes but I didn’t think they were that big. If I’d rate this with Marvel movies, I’d say it was a little below Age of Ultron but higher then Thor 2.  Actually I think I liked it better then Ragnarok as I thought Ragnarok was a little hokey at times.  

    I cant say any more as I don’t want to spoil anything. 

  7. 16 hours ago, blue_gold_84 said:

    I really don't get fanboys getting upset and butthurt over inaccuracies in a movie adaptation. It's gotta be challenging as hell, if not impossible. to get everything exactly spot on from the comics.

    I saw Justice League last night and it did exactly what I expected of it: to entertain for a couple of hours with superheroes vs. a common foe battling it out in epic fashion with amazing special effects and mind-blowing visuals. The story didn't flow well (much in the same way as Batman v. Superman) - I'm sure content will be added to the video release - but I enjoyed it all the same. It didn't drag, either.

    It's a good, fun movie. If you enjoyed the previous DC installments, you'll enjoy this one.

    No one cares about beat for beat.  They care about accuracy of the character's that they love and a good story.  No one wants to see a brooding Superman.  That's not who Superman is.  If you want to make someone brooding, make it Batman.  Or just make up a new story with characters we've never heard of.

    Marvel doesn't follow everything exactly, yet they're succeeding because they get decent writers and directors and they have someone in charge who knows how to make a proper plan.  WB/DC is just so all over the place.  There's no plan it seems and they keep changing things every 5 minutes.  It's just a shitshow over there.

  8. 16 hours ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    I thought Batman Begins was pretty slow.  Dark Knight Rises had its poor moments too.  The Dark Knight was a masterpiece.  All in all, the trilogy was really good but I agree, Wonder Woman was better than BB and probably comparable to Rises.

    See, I thought Begins was much better then the other two.  It finally told the Batman story how I wanted to see it.  The Dark Knight was alright to me.  I didn't think it was that great.  And rises was just not good.

  9. Affleck to me is the best Batman/Bruce Wayne hands down.  Wasn't a big fan of Bale.  He was a good Bruce Wayne but not a good Batman.


    As for Wonder Woman.  I enjoyed the movie except for the bad guy.  They don't need to turn every god or super powerful bad guy into a behemoth of a character.  Ares did not need to be a CGI giant.  Just took me right out of the movie at the end.  Turned what could have been a good movie, into a meh one.

  10. On 11/14/2017 at 9:47 AM, The Unknown Poster said:

    In TOS episode Mirror Mirror, Kirk, McCoy, Scotty and Uhura beam back from a planet during an ion storm which causes a Transporter accident.  It swaps them with their counter-parts from the Mirror Universe.  The Mirror Universe is exactly the same except the Federation is a Nazi-like evil empire.  Spock has an evil gotee, the officers wear more flamboyant uniforms and their logo is the earth with a sword through it.

    The Vulcans are sort of slaves to the human-centric Federation though Spock is still First Officer.  Instead of joining with other races, the "Terran Empire" conquered them.  The Mirror Universe used devices called agonizers to instil pain as punishment. I think thats what people think the scar on Lorca's back is, because its a triangular device and I believe his scar was too.

    To move up the ranks in the Mirror Universe, you basically over-throw your commander.  Kirk had over-thrown Pike to become Captain of the Enterprise, for example.

    Mirror Universe Spock was still "logical" and stated that the dictatorial ways of the Terran Empire was unsustainable and would collapse eventually.  When Prime Kirk was still in Mirror Universe, he implored Mirror Spock to be a leader for change.

    That was the last we saw of Mirror Universe until DS9.  We then learned that Mirror Spock had taken Prime Kirk's words to heart and rose up to become a leader in the Terran Empire and proposed many reforms including disarmament.  Once disarmed, all the enemies the Terran's had made joined forces against them, especially the Klingon-Cardassion Alliance and enslaved Terrans and Vulcans.

    Enterprise also visited the Mirror Universe as a sequel to the TOS Episode The Tholian Web.  In the TOS episode, the USS Defiant (not the DS9 Version, but a Constitution-Class ship) sent a distress call.  The Enterprise went after it and found the Defiant stuck in an interphase, phasing in and out of the Prime Universe. 

    In the time of Enterprise but in the Mirror Universe, we learn that the later Interphase was caused by the Tholians of Enterprise time creating a warp bubble or something and luring the Defiant from the Prime Universe to capture future technology.  Archer's Mirror Enterprise intervenes (Captained by Forrest instead of Archer) and captures the Defiant.  It was a neat episode because the Defiant was identical to TOS Enterprise so we got scenes of Archer et al on that ship and in the TOS uniforms.

    The Mirror Enterprise episode ended with Mirror Yoshi Sato having killed her way up the chain of command and was in control of the Defiant.  The series was cancelled before they could re-visit it.

    The cool think about the Enterprise episode was it was entirely in the Mirror Universe, there was no event that crossed us over.  Even the opening credits were changed to one more fitting the Terran Empire. 

    Its never been said what split the Mirror Universe from the Prime but speculation is either the Nazi's winning the war (which doesnt make a ton of sense but it could have been a precursor).  Many fans like to believe it was Kirk saving Edith Keeler in the Guardian of Forever episode.

    The original idea for an Enterprise Mirror episode resolved this issue by showing the creation.  Originally, the concept was based on a Mirror Universe weapon called the Tantalus Field.  In TOS Mirror episode the Tantalus field was used to monitor anyone and, with a push of a button, disintegrate them.  It was plundered from an alien world by Kirk, giving him his great power in the Mirror Universe.

    William Shatner actually proposed the idea to the Enterprise team suggesting the Tantalus Device didnt disintegrate people, it sent them back in time to a penal colony.  The pitch was Archer's Enterprise would stumble across this penal colony and find Mirror Kirk (Tiberius) there.  Mirror Kirk would try to use the Enterprise' transporters to return to his Universe but finds it doesnt exist yet.  Mirror Kirk and Prime Archer work together to determine the divergent point and in effect, creates the Mirror Universe for Tiberius to return to.

    That episode never happened because Berman counter-pitched Shatner that he instead play "chef".  Shatner thought it was awful.

    The other cool thing about the Enterprise episode was it opened with the Vulcan landing scene from First Contact including using actual footage from the movie.  But at the moment Cochrane tries to give the Vulcan salute, he pulls out a phaser rifle and shoots the Vulcan.

    I think the only reason the Mirror Universe is speculated about Discovery so much is Jonathon Frakes "slipped" up and said there was a Mirror Universe episode.  Some people think Discovery takes place in the Mirror Universe (it doesnt) to explain the differences or takes places a third universe and that Discovery will eventually return to the Prime universe which will look closer to what we know of TOS.

    Right, I remember the Enterprise episode and the DS9 ones.  Thanks for the whole backstory though.  That was great.


    Starts making sense that they're in the mirror universe at the end of the episode and Lorca is from there.  Same thing with whatshisname being a Klingon.  I think you're right about that, and that his mind was wiped or something into believing he was human.


    Also...naked klingon chick.  Nice.

  11. 23 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    Like Stamets, you mean?  Hmmm

    I think the leading speculation has been that Lorca is Mirror Lorca (the scar on his back we saw when he was in bed with the Admiral is reminiscent of the device they used in Mirror Mirror) and he wants to get back home.

    Explanation for those who didn't watch the original series.

  12. 4 hours ago, bluto said:

    It's finally an organization that gives off a feel of being capable and competent to take an accurate measure of itself and seek to redress its own shortcomings. Your football ops dept and HC should be given reign to do as needed. It will be a pleasure to see them back in Toronto when Popp and Trestman move on.

    GTFO here you!

    And take your scarf with you.

  13. 7 minutes ago, tracker said:

    Four years of "rebuilding" and we have yet to win a playoff game? Four years and teams who were just as crappy (Riders, Argos and TiCats) have managed to make the necessary changes to become competitive and the Bombers back into the playoffs and embarrass themselves in front of their fans in a winnable game?  If this is good enough, there is something dreadfully wrong. As one vulture said to the other, "Patience my a$$, I'm going to go kill something".

    Let me get you a tissue.

  14. On 11/11/2017 at 6:17 PM, The Unknown Poster said:

    Powerful woman using that power to squeeze out a POS man.   I’m thinking Warner will side with Gal on this one  


    Ok, I saw this.  Is Ratner a producer, because I don't know what his involvement is in the DC movies.

  15. 15 hours ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    Seems odd. Original story. Original characters. And takes place in a different galaxy. So what relates it to Star Wars?

    It doesn't take place in a different galaxy.  It takes place in " a corner of the galaxy that Star Wars lore has never before explored".  That just means that there will be new planets involved that we haven't heard of before.  Doesn't mean the Empire was never in that corner, or that there won't be any Jedi.

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