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Posts posted by Atomic

  1. 23 minutes ago, Firekid said:

    Why would he not be travelling with the team if he is a backup to Lawler and on the roster? What happens when Lawler gets his leg broken on the first series? Is there a team jet that can fly Matthews in stat? 

    There are some odd circumstances that have been happening week after week with Matthews IMO. 

    He is not on the roster. Every week there is one player on the 46 man depth chart who does not dress for the game. If Lawler breaks his leg, even if Matthews was on the sidelines he couldn't play because he is a scratch. If Lawler breaks his leg, Petermann or Walker would go in for him. So there is no need for Matthews to travel with the team.

  2. 10 minutes ago, Arnold_Palmer said:

    It’s not a classy place lol a lot of gangsters reside there. Anyways I wish Chris Matthews a speedy recovery. 

    Meh, any time I go there its full of early 30s bald white guys in suits and 25 year old women. With a handful of rougher looking characters.

  3. Anthony Gaitor did not have two terrible seasons in BC. He was actually pretty outstanding in 2016 and that's why he got a shot with the Saints after that season. When he came back in the latter part of 2017 he wasn't very good. But that seems to happen to lots of guys coming from the NFL halfway through the season. Betting on him to bounce back in 2018 was a smart move.

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