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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. I think a lot of that is because most of the offensive guys are already in place so you weren't going to see any receivers or rbs pop off the page... I mean Doug Pierce seemed to do quite well last night... but he was here last year so he's not a new face... there were no new rbs... Some of the d-linemen seem to be able to play, and for what it's worth I don't think Hall really jumped off the page last year either, it took a couple games for him to really settle in and show what he could do. I think there is just way, way too much over reacting to TCF and rookies and backups getting beat in preseason. Really need to remember that. Hell even in the first game the first teamers hardly got any time either. I was actually encouraged by the play of goltz, but maybe that's because I don't freak out over a couple interceptions when we have no idea how or why they happened. Pierce and Etienne and Carter seemed to make some good catches so that's a plus. They were able to sack Burris a few times, that's a plus, overall the defense wasn't that bad considering Hamilton was using a lot of starters so that's a plus. It was really only the turnovers last night that sank them and if you want to get so worked up over turnovers from people who are not likely to see much of the field then have at it, but I'm not going to give myself a heart attack over that. The concern is that the starters will be some kind of rusty to start the season having barely seen the field in preseason so we'll have to see how that goes, but to try and use preseason to judge how good the team is when you haven't seen the starters.... yikes that is just looking for reasons to be negative and that **** pisses me off.
  2. Honestly as much as you can tell from just the radio I thought Goltz played pretty well, obviously if you're just going by the stats people will get on him for the ints, but we have no idea if they were receivers running the wrong routes or what happened. He was able to move the ball and Pierce and Etienne seemed to be making catches for him. I was disappointed in Hall and Clement though, Burke said he felt the defense did well, I agree with him, they sacked Burris a couple times, only gave up a few real big plays, was mostly the bad field position on account of turnovers that led to the scoring for Hamilton. The score doesn't say it, but this game was actually more encouraging to me than last weeks game was... and it's still really not all that meaningful in the grand scheme of things. We took basically none of the starters! Most of these guys will wind up being cut before the regular season opens.
  3. WE LOST A GAME IN WHICH BASICALLY NONE OF OUR STARTERS PLAYED!!!! Keep that in mind before you're freaking out. The reason that the score was out of hand were the turnovers... at least one interception seemed to be the result of Goltz throwing to a spot in a zone and a receiver not being there... Goltz said the int at the endzone was a result of a receiver running one route and Goltz expecting something else... Typical rookie and preseason stuff. For the love of god this game is not worth getting worked up over. If Next week they get absolutely spanked like this THEN you can all freak out but don't waste your time or energy getting worked up over a preseason game where no starters were in.
  4. if it's not structural stuff that's cracking then it's really just an eyesore and nothing more. Seal it and it's not a big deal.
  5. I just want to see people making some plays. If the linebackers wanted to step up and play a good game I think that would bode well for the regular season especially.
  6. Well I can't speak for anyone else, but I don't have a problem with a site having ads to cover the cost of running the site, and if there happens to be any extra revenue (i am quite clueless about how much revenue a website can actually produce vs. costs of running) I don't hold it against anyone if they see it as compensation for the time and effort put in.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ig6MNlphMfE
  8. yeah but they're wrong about that, we're actually right about the esks.
  9. Dark backgrounds with light text are an abomination. It's like every website that does it is just trying to be edgy and different and screaming for attention because look how COOL it looks! Give me a nice clean design anyday. Black text on white background is a standard for a reason.
  10. so what I get out of all of this is.... blame twitter?
  11. I want to see that guy dominate some kinda bad. Was a fan from the get go.
  12. Yeah but I also get the impression that at this point they really know what the team is going to look like anyway they just want to see a couple specific guys and how they do. I'd expect all the qbs to be kept around because unfortunately I think we'll need all 4 of them again.
  13. This is where I disagree a bit. Receivers you can see on film who is going where they're supposed to even if they never see the ball, you can see who is getting open on film even if they never see the ball... You have all kinds of practise time to see who has hands and who doesn't so they don't need to actually get the ball to make a decision on if they're good enough or not, that's a trap that fans fall into, thinking that coaches need a stat sheet to see who is good and who isn't. If a qb is on his ass the whole time it does make it difficult to move the ball, but you also see how his decision making process is and whether he can throw under pressure or how elusive they might be. Again it's not a cut and dried situation where they need to go 65% completions and have 400 yards passing for the coaches to know if they're good enough. They will have a lot of practise time to know who can be an accurate passer or not.
  14. I think that comment from Hervey was poorly worded and he didn't really mean it like it came out.
  15. I don't really agree with that... If there's a few guys getting torched over and over and over again it actually makes the coaches job easier in evaluating.... shows that those guys have no right being on the team so cut em. You can see who is making the right decisions and doing the right things on film even if the score is out of hand as well so it's not like there's no way to evaluate things. I really do think that this is a very good way for the coaches to see which of the rookies/backups/borderline guys will rise to the challenge or sink with the added responsibility, the trouble is that I think you also need to use the 2nd preseason game as a way to get the first teamers some reps so that they're ready to start the season.
  16. Definitely a strange guy. I was never sold on him as a DC either.... I guess there's obviously something that some people see but I never saw it.
  17. Ottawa, if Edmonton struggles this year Kavis Reed might be on the chopping block, if the riders don't do well maybe they make a change at coach... Could be a few jobs opening next year depending on how the season goes.
  18. The only fitting end to the Braley Football League season. Hey bomber fans, stop going to games maybe Braley will feel sorry and buy our team too then we can get the benefit of the supreme overlord of the league looking out for our best interests too.
  19. Yeah I like Burkes attitude but I really would have prefered to see them explore every option out there.
  20. I am sure some of the contracts has parts detailing firings. Likely in the case of Cortez he got a lump sum buyout, whereas others just collect the term remaining as long as they aren't taking another job or something like that.
  21. Funny how losing your job can change a guys attitude like that eh. Guess he figured he got away with it last season so they wouldn't have the balls to cut him this year... oops. Water under the bridge now though no sense worrying about it.
  22. you actually see something wrong with what I said? It's no secret that it was the coaches pushing Elliott out the door and keeping Buck this year right? So I stand by the if this year fails it's on account of Mack being poor at picking coaches... which is pretty ******* important for a team right?
  23. one way or the other this is going to be a damned fascinating game to follow. Rookies can't ask for a better chance to show that they belong cause they're going to get a ton of playing time.
  24. you're missing the perspective though. A 3rd year guy impressing is different than a jr. player impressing. Jr. guy impressing is done simply by not looking out of place at a professional camp, 3rd year guy impressing means a lot more because it means he's elevating himself above other players who also have pro experience.
  25. basically if the team fails it's because we've had two duds of a coach.. which would be a shame but pretty obvious that while Mack is fantastic at finding players his coacing decisions would have been poor and an insurmountable obstacle necessitating a change at the top.
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