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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. no because the only people who care are a few uptight message board posters with nothing better to do than ***** about things all the time.
  2. I got laughed at last night after playing flag football for saying I was going to listen to a CFL preseason game on the radio... no one understands just how good Bob Irving is... We Bomber fans are damned lucky to have that man calling games for us.
  3. The reason you don't see DUI charges for pot is because there isn't a good way to measure the levels of the stuff in your system roadside like you can with alcohol so you can't ever get a conviction.
  4. get it loud enough you would notice vibrations in the ground, not a lot obviously but there would be something if your equipment was sensitive enough.
  5. Hey our turn is coming sooner or later, think how sweet it will be when it's the bombers winning again.
  6. Absolutely, I'm not saying they didn't earn their victory, I'm just trying to temper the rampant argo homerism coming from our resident argo fan. Got a few wins when it mattered but they weren't the dominating wins that Bluto pretends they were, the Argos were just one of a bunch of mediocre teams in the CFL last year, they just won the games that mattered most.
  7. anyone who ever bitched about him is on the list... the real shame is that most of them seem to be at that other site
  8. I have a whole bag of **** yous to hand out when Etienne starts making plays.
  9. That's just your massive argo bias coming through there. Seriously, because the stamps offense looked bad in the grey cup you assume that it was all on the argos and you know, not just Kevin Glenn pulling that old folding under pressure act that's dogged him his entire career. Seriously, everyone said the catch with the stamps in the Grey Cup last year was whether Glenn did the wilt under pressure thing or not, and low and behold... Glenn faced the pressure and wilted. The sooner you stop and take a step back and realize that the Argos weren't the super unbeatable team that you think they were the more objective you will be. The Argos could have quite easily lost to the Als in the East final, they finished .500 in a weak division, beat a terrible Edmonton team in the semis... seriously the esks started the season stronger than they finished AINEC, I would argue that by the end of the season despite having less wins that both the ticats and bombers were stronger teams than the esks were.
  10. maybe maybe not. Stamps (and by that I mean Tate) has something to prove I think. I think that's the safe bet right now but I dunno if Tate can make it through the season healthy or if he can actually be the guy the team needs him to be if he does. Durant takes a lot of crap and I get that but he is still capable of being a good qb in the west so if the stamps have a hiccup then the riders might be able to pass them. I think the only thing everyone agrees on is that Edmonton is looking to bring up the rear simply based on the massive gamble they are taking at qb.
  11. Isn't it just sad that everyone immediately goes to how much of a joke the offense has been? Crowton I hope you're as smart as advertised and can get a good offense on the field this year cause we as fans have been waiting for that for a long time.
  12. yeah but turnovers and knockdowns aren't everything, the guy sticks to people as well as anyone and maybe better. He's not flashy but in terms of stopping the passing game, he's easily one of the most effective players on the team. Stop basing player evaluations on the glory stats.
  13. Hey if there's one thing the bombers have proven over the last few years it's that they are fantastic at getting the punters lots of work.
  14. Well you gotta assume that all that would be hammered out before he showed up. Lord knows they just wouldn't let him show up and be a bad attitude.
  15. suber continues to be the most underrated player in the league. Is it because he's short?
  16. ahh yes, the great and powerful Barker, infallible as a GM, never makes a mistake and has amazing mind control powers and is able to make players do whatever he wants. The ticats were willing to give Williams a new contract, he decided to be an ass about it and demand his release, even going as far as to take it to an arbitrator to try and get out of it. Clearly he did not want to be in Hamilton, that's the major difference there. He thinks he'd be an NFL player if he only had his release and only his release is enough. You can call it whatever you want but the player has an ego on him that won't allow him to even consider the CFL.
  17. Elitist snob... how on earth am I supposed to mock everyones picks if I can't see who they're picking?
  18. Honestly when they moved Kent to SAM a couple years ago it was a head scratcher too. He wasn't all that great of a db and most people figured he woulda wound up being cut anyway, but he worked at the position. Just gotta see if a guy can play the position or not.
  19. They did say that one of the challenges with all the dbs in camp was going to be seeing who slotted into which positions. This is likely them just trying guys at various places and seeing if they fit.
  20. I don't believe it would have made the secondary worse. We had guys who could have played that position. Hefney was just so much better at SAM than anyone else on the roster it would have made the entire defense stronger, forgot one position vs. the other. He played SAM in some of the defenses best games in 2011 for crying out loud.
  21. Hefney lost of a lot of his lustre to me when he pitched a fit about playing SAM last year. Not the kind of attitude you want to see on a team. While people were jumping all over Johnson for being terrible, I was more ok with him just playing poorly because at least he was willing to do whatever the team wanted him to do. Not a lot of patience for me first players.
  22. I need to see a lot more than a few picks in training camp before I'll believe he's ready to be considered nice depth.
  23. well ok then, we'll quickly sign brink and trade him and one of the punters and throw in a token pick.
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