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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. the inevitable Stamps pants shitting game here, now one week blip or start of a slide towards the rest of the league?
  2. you might be able to call them racks
  3. I suspect that it was a case of the guy is a big banged up (happens to RBs a lot) so maybe they felt that this game being against Montreal is as good a game as any to get the guy a break and have him healthier for the stretch drive when some key western opponents are on the schedule.
  4. Could you imagine if he didn't have the revolving door at receiver? Cause let's be honest Owens game is tailor made to succeed with Ricky Ray as his qb, and so too I think I Andre Durie.
  5. TSN does so many of those in game interviews... do they actually think it's a popular segment? Or god forbid, do people actually like that? I'd sure love to know where they got the idea that we want to hear these terrible interviews during the game.
  6. It wasn't even the line, it was Grigsby he didn't trust. Like I said, it was on a blitz and if he trusted the back to pick up the blitzer he had time to make a throw, but he didn't and he scrambled around and things broke down. Seen it enough that it's a trend. Guy got happy feet when he saw the blitz. That'll get better as he gets more experienced though.
  7. There are a lot of times when WIlly was sacked because he didn't trust his blocking. Blitz was coming and it got picked up but he tucked the ball and tried to buy time when he didn't need to.
  8. I'd still rather go through southern Ontario than Calgary given this teams history in Calgary and how solid the Stamps look.
  9. Romby Bryant is just a big old reminder that the offseason recruiting wasn't good enough. You can't find a young receiver to do the same things? How?
  10. The Canucks were a prototypical regular season team that year. Boston was built to win the grind of the playoffs and Vancouver with their pansy players wasn't.
  11. No I know exactly what's going on, you're patting yourself on the back for implying that the Bombers wouldn't win another game... except they did win another game. You talk about posting just to be negative, well physician heal thyself.
  12. It really depends on Ray. He used to be much more consistent but now he will lay a big fat egg every now and again (second half of last year's EDF for example).still the best QB in the league and by a large margin, at that... Well I think he is probably the best it certainly isn't by a wide margin anymore. When he's on he's darn near unbeatable but Ricky Ray has had his share of bed crappings in recent memory. The margin might be wider now than it has been in quite a while truthfully. With no Calvillo and Burris being pretty washed up right now who is challenging him? Only Durant left as a proven guy and I know this will break your little Rider fan heart, but Ray is much better than Durant, and I say this as one of the few people around here who doesn't mindless **** on Durant just for being green.
  13. well if you don't like it why not scurry back to riderfans and whine about the poor mean Bomber fans?
  14. We don't play Toronto any more so that doesn't matter and the Hamilton game is a home game for the Bombers right? That's a plus there.
  15. It's the same old thing with Ray though, the best way to stop him is to keep him off the field.
  16. And some of it is legitimate. For example, the big cities carry most of the political clout. There are 'paved' roads in rural MB. that wash out right down to the gravel, and don't get fixed for half a year. Rural people 'put up and shut up' more than many realize. I can show you city streets where this happens... it is not strictly a rural problem. If this happens, it's not in high traffic areas or areas with a lot of semi traffic. In many rural areas there's no consideration that a road might be needed for harvest. City folk just don't understand the situation rural areas are in.
  17. Says who? One of the guys was a high draft pick not long ago, he might have some potential left in him, certainly can't have any less than a guy who isn't all that accomplished at anything. Do you really think that the Bombers made those moves just to fill a hole until people are healthy? You don't think they saw something in them that made it worthwhile to bring them in? Give your head a shake.
  18. Kevin Glenn problems for the lions. Why'd we have to get the good one last week?
  19. The whole thing is ridiculous. The NFL has always had questionable moral characters playing for them and they always will because winning is more important than anything and if a criminal is a better player they'll take the criminal. They tried to blow things over but it didn't work so now he does the press conference to say a few sound bites sounding sorry and make a few gestures to try and appease the angry mob but in the end nothing will change because they don't want it to change.
  20. The logic for starting Bryant is simple: If you don't then you only have one speedy receiver in the lineup, Denmark. This is the CFL, you gotta have speed on offense.
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