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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. + 1. I know we all like to plant a flag in the ground and defend 'our turf' but fans of all stripes are welcome here and good posting guidelines apply to everyone .. be respectful .. be opinionated .. hell .. take shots at one another .. but keep it above board and don't sink into petty bickering .. nobody is going to like it if moderators step in start reigning people in. Yeah droves of rider fans showing up in the midst of 3 games in a month against them basically taking over every thread and then trying to so desperately be accepted... it's annoying as all hell. They'd do well to keep themselves out of the mainstream so much. I can't wait until they get bored or Sunseri keeps shitting his pants and they lose a few more games, that'll quiet them down.
  2. I'd throw Stoudemire in that mix too. He went to camp with the Riders, but he'd never played a CFL game before. That's 4 good rookies. How many are expected for one season? How about finding some at more positions than just defensive back? I'd be hesitant to include a player taken from another teams PR anyway but still, he's another DB.
  3. The Bombers are so banged up I'm not sure what Walters could do. He's actually done a pretty quick rebuild with his smartest move being O'Shea. He could have brought in just 1 receiver who could sit on the practise roster and play when needed rather than Romby Bryant. He could have brought in some better defensive line depth... he could have found a better linebacker than Kuale. Look Joe Mack made mistakes, most notably with his coaching hires, but the man did know how to bring in american rookies. Hell last year we had Wallace Miles on the PR as a receiver who could come in for injuries, look at what's he's managing in Ottawa this year, looking like a decent receiver at least. Walters made move to get some veterans in which helped initially and hired a good head coach, but in terms of the rookie import depth, not sold at all and he needs to be better at it. I am willing to give them a pass in year one because they are transitioning to a whole new scouting staff, but next year I don't want to see them having to resort of guys on their last legs like Bryant or space fillers like Kelly.
  4. and when the next guy up gets thrown into the fire too quickly and looks bad? What then? You're in a situation Bomber fans know all too much about, might want stop spinning so much and learn from people with more experience.
  5. What do you mean? QBs who started the season? If so it's 5. That have played all games. I should have clarified. Every other qb who started game 1 & continued to start has missed time. Don't you think we should wait until we have more information about Willy's injury before removing him from that club. Well, I'm assuming Willy's a no go from everything I've heard as in collarbone injury. Glenn never got hurt either as he was replaced. Rough year for qbs. Unbelievable. It all happened after that one guy made a thread about it, talk about a jinx.
  6. careful with your spinning there boys, you might just fly right off the earth.
  7. Happy employees are more productive employees. The notion that you have to be hard on everyone is so outdated it's not even funny.
  8. Entirely too much is made of this whole "who they wanted most" idea. I think the clearest thing was they wanted someone, I am sure they had a preference, but I think they'd have been happy getting any of them so they took the proactive approach and didn't just target one guy, they made a pitch for all of them expecting to get one and to go from there. Collaros was the first available so they tried to get him first then Burris was a free agent so they tried to get him and when Willy was the last one left they made a trade to get his rights and signed him right away.
  9. They have to find a way to get Sears back onto the roster. The man just makes plays. Go watch some of the games before he was hurt, the guy is all over the place making things happen. That they keep sitting him out even with some ratio issues is just criminal.
  10. <--- loved living in Brandon for University for what it's worth.
  11. Never mind that the CBA limits how often they can practise anyway so you can't even cancel the bye week. Quite honestly, a break is probably what this team needs more than anything. Just get away from the grind for a few days and come back refreshed, or do you people not take vacations from your jobs?
  12. Exactly. We pursued them as they became available. Were we interested in all 3 ot them. Undoubtedly. If we had managed to land Collaros or Burris would we have lost out on Willy. Not necessarily. Rumors around the time of these pursuits were that we wanted one of Collaros and Burris AND Willy. Sorry but you all are really speculating if you think Willy goes from one team as a backup to another team as a backup. but there's merit to that speculation. Willy wanted to start, if the Bombers had signed Burris well he is old as **** and obviously not a long term solution, certainly shorter term than staying behind Durant. Contrary to the propaganda you folks buy hook line and sinker, players don't dream about playing in Regina forever.
  13. maybe they actually got around to reviewing those games and realized they needed to actually call penalties.
  14. The bolded I don't think I can agree with. Most of the players making an impact for this team are guys that were here before except for the guys that were already in the league like Willy and Moore who Walters did bring in. But here's the big reason we are in a bit of a skid right now... we've run into some injuries and the depth is not there to get through them because we do not have the same quality of American rookies that we had in the past. Say what you will about Joe Mack but based on one year, he was way better at finding American players.
  15. when comparing cities that is irrelevant. Just based on the sheer size difference the ecomonic footprint of Winnipeg is going to be bigger than Regina or any other Saskatchewan city.
  16. Yeah, go tell that to your buds. You guys always ***** and moan about the refs too.
  17. da fuh is happening in this game? Argos pumping the Stamps? Who predicted that?
  18. God I hope the Riders get their asses handed to them this weekend so we can get rid of this plague of rider ******* coming in here.
  19. What is the point of even bringing up Reilly anyway? Has no bearing on the current management. All they did was make offers on every available qb in the order they became available. I don't like the implication they got lucky that Willy turned out the best and was the last one they pursued, I think the reason they pursued them all was because they wanted to take luck out of the equation and make sure they got a new qb here some way, some how. So in that regard it's more being proactive than being lucky.
  20. My thought has always been that if you're going to put your opinion out there you had better be prepared for people to take objection to it.
  21. never apologize for things you didn't do.
  22. Let him talk, just go shut him down and win the game. By hook or by crook a win is all that matters. It's a really really important game, I would hope that the team doesn't need some talk from a BC player to be motivated for this one.
  23. pretty sure they are going to be streamed on the team websites.
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