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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. The Lions have this one in the bag because the Argos love to use their west coast excuses. Game is past their bedtimes so they get sleepy and can't play, or so argo fans have insisted for years.
  2. No this is false, the absolute best he can hope for is to be tolerated, but that's a long way off. It's certainly not going to happen posting as much as he does with so little substance. He almost seemed to come in with the attitude that he'd be instantly accepted.. which is puzzling to me. He's the enemy and he's not even a terribly insightful poster... not all his fault for that, young people just lack the perspective to be truly insightful. He'd have had an easier time not just assuming people would accept him. Keep quiet and slowly work your way in is much more effective than the posting everywhere in every thread. 1. Your post to me sounded serious. If it was supposed to be joke, then you didn't make it sound like one. 2. Please link to when I did this on riderfans. I don't remember doing that. I am not going to go back and wade through old threads to find it, it was during the summer sometime when I was bored and actually read that site but it was there.
  3. They are excellent. Until November. No doubt about that. That does seem to be their only downfall, when games start to matter, they tend to crap the bed. But they aren't relying on Glen this year. Been going on for longer than glenn was there. It seems to be a trend of sorts in Calgary the last few years actually, very good to dominate regular season, crap the bed in the playoffs. Burris isn't any better than Glenn in that regard. It's true. Burris is the ultimate fair weather qb. Starts to get cold out and he is useless (see last years grey cup for another example) Between those guys it's no surprise the Stamps haven't won more in the playoffs. Have to see how Tate and BLM do in the chilly temps.
  4. Honestly I think the OL has been OK this year. There have been ups and downs, but it's been better than people want to admit. Teams were blitzing the Bombers a lot and it led to hits and sacks on the qb. Coupled with an inconsistent runningback and it happens.
  5. Those are some interesting numbers right there... how can Edmonton be 6-1 vs. the east when the only team that has beaten them is Calgary? All three times they've played? Makes me wonder what other errors are in there. Yeah got that one wrong, bad math there... Not sure what i was looking at on the CFL site there to be honest, Just noticed that too... Calgary 7-0 Sask 4-2 Edmonton 6-0 BC 4-1 Wpg 5-1 It's still interesting, especially in the case of Edmonton. Given that they were swept by Calgary, played a close game against BC and I think their game vs. the Bombers was closer than the score indicated. If there's another team that is poised to have a fall off it might be them. I am not sure how much they can rely on the large amounts of turnovers in the back half of the year with a tougher schedule. Calgary is another interesting one given that they've played more games against the east than anyone else. Swept Edmonton but lost to BC. They appear to be the most solid right now though so I would expect them to continue to roll along but what if they don't? What if they just match up well against Edmonton and split the games with the rest of the west? They've won so much already it won't really matter but it is interesting to think about. BC with the least games played vs. the east might be poised to climb the standings as well. They've split against the riders and bombers so far correct? As well as beaten the stamps once. Very interesting position they find themselves in. Going to be a hell of a finish to the season.
  6. the bandwagon comment was clearly a joke, and you reacted as if it were a serious comment. Not the first time you've done that either. I saw you bitching earlier in the year on rider fans about all the tongue in cheek comments about the rider fans not selling out game one, those comments were not supposed to be taken seriously either.
  7. Those are some interesting numbers right there... how can Edmonton be 6-1 vs. the east when the only team that has beaten them is Calgary? All three times they've played? Makes me wonder what other errors are in there.
  8. Dad never cheered for any other teams. Kind of ridiculous to say that he bandwagoned. you really need to calm down and learn how to handle **** like this, man alive, you are so uptight and oblivious to the total lack of seriousness that goes on around here sometimes.
  9. obviously these other teams are signing potential starters, the Bombers only signed guys who suck!11!!!!!
  10. Calgary is just a really well coached team. They have the ability to perform no matter who goes into the game. They won a pile of games without Cornish already this year, no reason to think they can't beat Montreal without him.
  11. I don't really agree with that, and would also like to add that longevity should factor in as well.
  12. With the west being better than the east by such a factor this year it really does hammer home the fact that it's not how many games you win, it's which games you win. If the Riders hadn't swept the Bombers they would be in all sorts of **** this season with Durant on the IR right now, but they won those 3 games and as a result are in a good position where they don't need a whole lot more wins to actually make the playoffs.
  13. You missed the point. Point is that the bandwagon was jumped on during the Oilers dynasty days.
  14. The FB position became more of a tight end position, and it's used less because of the way defenses have adapted. You have plenty of slotbacks who are comparable in size or bigger than linebackes so you don't need a dedicated big body, you can just use your regular receivers.
  15. yeah thank god the Canadian courts have an ability to use common sense.
  16. Glencross is from Kindersley. Do I cheer for Calgary? No, I hate them. born in Kindersley maybe but he always said he was from Red Deer, plus he was an Oiler before he was a Flame so I don't know what that has to do with anything. Fact is there are a lot of gappers who love Eberle and the Oilers because of it. I understand when you say you're a penguins fan, tons of kids are because Crosby, but the Oilers have sucked for a long time it's puzzling when kids pick them up unless there's some other connection.
  17. I like it. The Stamps will win this week, I guarantee it.
  18. Ploen AINEC and I say that being too young to have watched him play, but you can not argue with the championships.
  19. hey you provided the appropriate statements to post in relation to trolls, I'm just following your advice
  20. I am sure we could care less what some joe sixpack rider fan thinks.
  21. Please. Responded to trolls the way one has to. I'm the last person to bring up specific quotes that people here make over there. Get over yourself. Pretty lame to come on a bomber board and post this crap.
  22. Ehlers could be a Patrick Kane kinda guy. There is nothing left for him to learn in Halifax. He's going to be a superstar in the NHL, better sooner than later ;-). I hope they all get a very good look. Because he looked good in a rookie tournament? Come on now. I don't disagree that Ehlers has a lot of potential, but to suggest there's nothing left to learn in the CHL is just crazy. Staying in juniors has never ruined a prospect. Especially one who is on the smaller side. Nothing wrong with letting him bulk up and work on some things against his peers. Eberle isn't the best comparable since I think Ehlers is a better skater, but Eberle was certainly not hurt by finishing his junior career even if he probably could have played in the NHL right away. No because of his body of work last year in Halifax And staying juniors too long can hamper development, that's a fact. I'd like to see him here if he can make the cut. Like I said every player is different. Size never hurt Kane, Giroux or St Louis and they haven't exactly bulked up have they? Name just one player who hampered their development staying in junior. Just one. I don't think the first half of Shiefles season was helped by staying in junior, he was light on his feet and thought he could play the junior game in a mans league. I'm not saying it's bad overall, I just think the players I mentioned aren't going to benefit much by staying there. So because Scheifelle had an adjustment period he stayed in junior too long? Come on now. Every player has that period. Scheifele is a great example of why you do well to leave your guys in jr. those extra couple years. There is not one case of a player being hurt by being left in jrs too long, but there are plenty of cases of guys not living up to their potential because they were rushed into the NHL too soon.
  23. rightly so. You don't need 10 wins to make the playoffs, you need to win the right games. Being 1-5 against the west division thus far certainly doesn't get you into a playoff position. That doesn't make any sense considering that we're on track to miss the playoffs at 9-9. but if you actually beat the people you are competing with then they have less wins right? And you therefore need less to get in. They had a chance to keep both the Lions and Riders down at 6 wins, they didn't do that.
  24. rightly so. You don't need 10 wins to make the playoffs, you need to win the right games. Being 1-5 against the west division thus far certainly doesn't get you into a playoff position.
  25. Ehlers could be a Patrick Kane kinda guy. There is nothing left for him to learn in Halifax. He's going to be a superstar in the NHL, better sooner than later ;-). I hope they all get a very good look. Because he looked good in a rookie tournament? Come on now. I don't disagree that Ehlers has a lot of potential, but to suggest there's nothing left to learn in the CHL is just crazy. Staying in juniors has never ruined a prospect. Especially one who is on the smaller side. Nothing wrong with letting him bulk up and work on some things against his peers. Eberle isn't the best comparable since I think Ehlers is a better skater, but Eberle was certainly not hurt by finishing his junior career even if he probably could have played in the NHL right away. No because of his body of work last year in Halifax And staying juniors too long can hamper development, that's a fact. I'd like to see him here if he can make the cut. Like I said every player is different. Size never hurt Kane, Giroux or St Louis and they haven't exactly bulked up have they? Name just one player who hampered their development staying in junior. Just one.
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