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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. Ehlers could be a Patrick Kane kinda guy. There is nothing left for him to learn in Halifax. He's going to be a superstar in the NHL, better sooner than later ;-). I hope they all get a very good look. Because he looked good in a rookie tournament? Come on now. I don't disagree that Ehlers has a lot of potential, but to suggest there's nothing left to learn in the CHL is just crazy. Staying in juniors has never ruined a prospect. Especially one who is on the smaller side. Nothing wrong with letting him bulk up and work on some things against his peers. Eberle isn't the best comparable since I think Ehlers is a better skater, but Eberle was certainly not hurt by finishing his junior career even if he probably could have played in the NHL right away.
  2. Lots of teams will take the guy, they just won't pay a high price to get him.
  3. well you are missing a game in there since it hasn't been played yet but I find it highly unlikely that those three teams wind up tied. Did Winnipeg already play BC twice? Thought the upcoming was the second. yeah go figure you totally forget the game where the Bombers kicked the Lions up and down the field. You expect me to memorize every game of the season? Just a mistake. why not? it's a small league, amd if you are going to go into head to heads you should get the facts. You can find every result on the cfl website.
  4. well you are missing a game in there since it hasn't been played yet but I find it highly unlikely that those three teams wind up tied. Did Winnipeg already play BC twice? Thought the upcoming was the second. yeah go figure you totally forget the game where the Bombers kicked the Lions up and down the field.
  5. We saw it a bunch here with the guy, when he's feeling good in the pocket he is hard to beat. You have one job when you're playing Kevin Glenn, smack him in the mouth early and chances are he'll give you the game.
  6. Hank is too much ego that's the problem there. Guarantee that part of the reason he signed in Ottawa was because he saw himself as the saviour who would lead this expansion team to glory and hey, gettin paid. at the same time. Guy is just an egomaniac.
  7. Sure it is. People are who they are I really dislike people who try and behave to fit in when they're really a **** head.
  8. The bottom line with that BC game was they did the one thing you can't do, they let Glenn get into a rhythm and get confident. That's just asking to lose.
  9. I agree the media there sure gets after the team. But I will say as a Rider fan I wish our media asked some friggin questions sometimes that the fans really would like to know the answers to. O'Shea had a tough post game presser after the labor day game, thought he handled it fairly well. Its a fine line sometimes between the media being too tough and being pom pom wavers. They don't ask hard questions though, they ask stupid questions. There is a really big difference. That's the big problem we all have with the media, it's not that they're hard on the Bombers, it's that they're stupid on the Bombers. Asking hard questions is fine, but they rarely do that. Gary Lawless asks leading questions. He's figured out the response he wants in advance and tries to lead the people into answering the way he wants. Wiecek wishes he could be back at the race track or curling rink so he just throws **** and hopes it sticks without knowing anything about the sport he's covering, Paul Friesen spends his time staring into his toilet looking for **** to disturb. With Ed Tait moving to the Jets the press covering the Bombers really are a bunch of hacks.
  10. well that all depends, see back in the day the internet wasn't as ubiquitous as it is now.
  11. Then why the **** did he go to Ottawa in the first place? And what makes him think that he can be a Grey Cup champion again (for only the 2nd time in a very long career) when he failed to accomplish anything in the playoffs so often throughout his career? Because there were no starter openings in Saskatchewan, BC, Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto and Montreal. There was in BC
  12. He probably would. Honestly I think Sears could be an upgrade on almost all of the guys in the secondary or linebacking corps except for a few guys.
  13. Its a thread from a few months ago regarding a new $300M stadium that is currently under construction. Should I have started a new thread? yes On many forums, this one included, members are urged to find an existing topic to post in rather than starting a new one. The worst forums are the ones where new discussions get buried in ancient threads. You got something to talk about put it in a current thread or start a new one. Threads that have been dead and buried for as long as this one should stay there.
  14. There are lots of options, win our upcoming game against BC we take the season series against them then we only need to make up one game on them. Edmonton or Sask could fall and the Bombers make up games on them. About the only team they can't really finish ahead of is Calgary (though technically it's still a possibility)
  15. well you are missing a game in there since it hasn't been played yet but I find it highly unlikely that those three teams wind up tied.
  16. Hamilton is starting to turn it around with Collaros, they'll be tough to beat. Contrary to popular belief, beating the Riders with the backup qb in the game does not mean that the ti-cats are suddenly super team. Hell the Argos beat the Riders when they had Durant in the game, maybe they're the ones who are tough to beat?
  17. Then why the **** did he go to Ottawa in the first place? And what makes him think that he can be a Grey Cup champion again (for only the 2nd time in a very long career) when he failed to accomplish anything in the playoffs so often throughout his career?
  18. why puts quotes around big uncaring city? There is a very clear divide between the priorities that Winnipeg has and what rural Manitoba has. Their voting patterns illustrate that quite nicely. Winnipeg having over half the population of the province basically runs roughshod over the rest of the province and there is rightly some resentment about it.
  19. Trying to actually gauge performances in a rookie tournament... yikes. You know this tournament isn't really an indicator of a hell of a lot because of how disorganized the on ice stuff is? Best you can get is some guys showing their individual skills. It's really just a way to get the rookies on the ice against their peer group rather than just throwing them into the mix in training camp against the veterans.
  20. Its a thread from a few months ago regarding a new $300M stadium that is currently under construction. Should I have started a new thread? yes
  21. metaphor [met-uh-fawr, -fer] noun 1. a figure of speech in which a term or phrase is applied to somethingto which it is not literally applicable in order to suggest aresemblance, as in “A mighty fortress is our God.”. Compare mixed metaphor, simile (def 1). 2. something used, or regarded as being used, to represent somethingelse; emblem; symbol.
  22. How does someone your age become an Oilers fan? Is it purely because of Eberle and rah rah Regina? Cause even 2006 you'd have been just a wee little tyke and that team was all downhill from there.
  23. which is the crux of the issue, we didn't bring in any good candidates in camp. You know who else beat out all those guys? Old man Romby Bryant who beat them without having to even be in training camp.
  24. Did he not start the year playing linebacker? It's a shame they have to play Bucknor and Sherman for the ratio because Sears would be a massive upgrade at either spot.
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