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Posts posted by TBURGESS

  1. 4 hours ago, Jesse said:

    It's not a problem per say, but I would no longer see commentary or news links that I currently enjoy seeing/reading.

    That's what I thought was going to happen too, but it turns out that it was all on other sources.

  2. 1 hour ago, GCn20 said:

    Sorry but if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, I am going to use a little bit of reasonable deduction and assume it's a duck. I am not like you and will not ask it to prove it's not a moose because there is a 1% chance it's a moose in disguise. I can't prove i am right, but I would wager big money on it and I think most people on this forum will think the conclusion i have come to, based on everything we know on this, is more than reasonable. So...a big whatever to you...I guess.

    I wish I'd taken the wager before the news came out today from the club proving you to be completely wrong & proving that the my 'most likely case' was wrong too. 

    If, like you suggest, 'most people on the forum' have drawn the same wrong conclusion, then you are proving that having the most people on your side doesn't mean you are right.

  3. 1 hour ago, GCn20 said:

    Nothing out to lunch about it, and it is something the Bombers have done many times in the past by their own admission. Your Bighill comparison is not valid because the team will reach out to the player and see if they agree to be added to the suspended list. MOS spoke at length about this on the coaches show during TC last year. When suspended the player does not receive his TC per diem, but is free to go home until whatever date they agree upon. Bighill may very well have been approached and said no I wanna stay in camp.

    You have nothing but a made up story that has a bunch of holes in it. You're assuming your ideas are facts & confusing 'What Ifs' with proof. 

    Have the Bombers sent players home and put them on the suspended list? Yes. Did they do it in this in Grants case? Maybe? Is that proof? Nope.

    Have the Bombers offered to give players the first week off and let them go home? Maybe? Did they do it in this case? Maybe? Is that proof? Nope.  

    Is your story possible? Yes. Doesn't that make it true? Possibly. Does it put the Bombers in the best light possible? Yes. 

    It's your MO. Take a possibility that puts the Bombers in the best light possible, say that's what happened, then argue with anyone (No it's not JUST me) who asks for proof. 




  4. 24 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    He practiced the first day. He would not have been allowed to do so unless he passed his physical. Nice try but as usual you are out to lunch.

    He wasn't given a week off, or he would have been back on Monday. Back on Wednesday means 1 practice or just the walk through before Friday's game. 

    Practice spots aren't that valuable or they would have suspended Bighill etc. which they didn't.

    MOS said he needed some extra time. That's more likely to mean to heal than to go home to his family. It certainly doesn't say here are your choices. 

    Any vet on any team who gets suspended day 1 is likely to have physical problems, that includes Bombers. 

    They could have suspended him after day 1 when they found out he 'wasn't ready yet'. That's similar, but not the same as not passing the physical, but not similar or even close to the same as here are your choices. 

    For the above reasons, your story, although not impossible, is very much improbable. One might even go as far as to call it out to lunch.



  5. 3 hours ago, GCn20 said:

    He reported to camp passed his physical received his roster bonus for doing so as stipulated in most player's contracts and then was likely given the option to stay, or go home until week 2 so they could open up a very valuable roster spot. If he stays he gets the TC per diem which is peanuts, or he goes home and does not get it but has an extra week with his family. There really isn't much more to it than that. He is not competing for a job, his is as safe as it gets.

    Source for this 'story' you are making up?

    6 minutes ago, Pete Catan's Ghost said:

    I demand that TBurg weigh in on this discussion!

    Ok. Glad to have him back on the roster.

    Best guess is he didn't pass his physical. Given the option to go home for an extra week to be with his family is pure blue glasses combined with chugging the blue kool aid, singing kumbaya, best story that could be made up, etc etc etc. 

  6. 21 minutes ago, Jesse said:

    Lol - you just looking for opportunities to spew conspiracy theories?

    I did not say the media doesn’t cover anything up. I said - relating solely to Blue Bomber practices - that they don’t NEED to cover anything up, because they haven’t been reporting anything from camp anyways.

    Not how I read it, but if that's what you mean, fair enough. 

    Personal reasons could mean, a death in the family, a new baby, health issues, family issues, legal issues, or any of a hundred different things. Even the good things can affect the players ability on the field and the bad things could stop them from being on the field altogether. When the team doesn't tell us what is going on, we have to guess & assuming it means everything is wonderful with everyone just isn't realistic.

    Jeffcoat (Practiced then out), Bighill (Coaching, not practicing) and Grant (Suspended after showing up) were all banged up at the end of the season, if they are still banged up that's a problem. 

    Brady O practiced, out, then we brought in a new RB. 

    That's 4 stars with question marks & Hansen and Wilson are already on the 6 game. 

    IIRC there are more non-participants. 

    One of the reason's that this has been a very quiet camp is because some folks call it spewing conspiracy theory's when anyone doesn't toe the 'Everything's Hunky Dorey' line.  

  7. Reporters learned day 1 not to ask MOS questions he didn't want to answer. Remember that angry stare down? They learned week 1 not to use words that MOS didn't like. Remember the 'we don't use that word around here'. 8 years in fans are still complaining about how the reporters aren't doing their jobs because we aren't getting any information. If it's OK for MOS not to tell us what's going on then stop complaining about not knowing what's going on.

  8. Heron & Ruoff were sent away because the team had a zero tolerance rule on drugs.

    You're Heron story is wrong. It wasn't just someone at a party with pot. The Ruoff story that I heard at the time from someone 'close to the club' was that the cops caught Bernie's wife with pot and she told them, it's not mine, it's Bernie's thinking he'd just get off because of who he was. 

  9. 1 hour ago, GCn20 said:

    As someone who likes to poke the bear over at the political forum for kicks, I can get part of what you are saying. However, just like the political forum arguments, assuming what you believe to be fact is bad faith arguing in itself. Opinions, and belief in them, does not make them factual. Fact of the matter, is that most of us don't know all the facts on most matters....but what fun would a forum be if most people were self aware enough to realize that.

    I make an statement. Dipshit complains about something I didn't say. I point that out. Dipshit calls that an accuasation. I restate my opinion. Dipshit calls it arguing in bad faith. I correct him. Dipshit says I'm lying (That's what I'm sorry I don't believe you means). I say that makes you wrong and point out that he in fact is the one who is arguing in bad faith. I let Dipshit have the last word. Dipshit 2 tries to bring me back in with 'Why are you appologizing to that guy'. I ignore it. You come in the next day or is it the day after to try and start it back up again. :wacko: 

    Assuming that what you believe are facts is different than basing what you believe on facts.

    There are less than a 100 active posters on this forum especially in the off season. We are the uber fans. We are the one's who would watch a pre-season game that our team isn't in. Assuming that all teams have similar groups of uber fans & that all of them would watch, that's less than 1000 fans across the country. Add in those who would watch their own team's away pre-season game and we're at a few thousand. 

    TSN isn't making money on pre-season games & likely losing money. While not a fact, it's based on the above.

    TSN can just put on something they already own and make more money in the timeslot. Fact.

    When I had seasons tickets in Wpg, BC and Cgy, I couldn't give away the pre-season tickets because no one wanted them. 

    Playing pre-season games on TV won't do anything to increase the CFL fan base. Based on the the above fact. 

    Defn: "A bad faith argument is an inauthentic argument. By this, we don’t necessarily mean a factually incorrect argument. Rather, an argument that the arguer doesn’t believe in themselves. Common Bad Faith Arguements: "Ad hominem attacks
    Straw man claims, Red herring arguments, Appeals to ignorance, Appeals to authority, Slippery slope arguments".

  10. 1 hour ago, Super Duper Negatron said:

    It is an indefensible position that screams contrarion.

    Nope that ain't it. I am a contrarion on this point and several others. That's not the same a a bad faith arguement.  

    Bad faith arguments are based in deception & hypocrisy. My argument is based on facts that I believe. It doesn't hide a hidden agenda or mean something that I didn't say. That's where some of you consistantly get it wrong. I say A you complain about B that you think I'm really talking about. That's a bad faith arguement. 

  11. 22 minutes ago, Jesse said:

    Now hear what we're saying.

    If we want to the CFL to survive and perhaps even grow, there needs to be an investment into the product. 

    Yes, it is easy to cut costs. But there is an alternate business theory where you invest into a product to improve it's returns.

    You actually think that showing meaningless pre-season games (open practices) is an 'investment into the product' that will 'improve TSN's return'? 


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