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    deepsixemtoboyd reacted to brett_c_b in 3 stars + HH BC edition.   
    My hh would be dressler for following through on the last play and stopping the TD. It didn't matter, the game was lost, and he was still pure effort.  
  2. Like
    deepsixemtoboyd reacted to TBURGESS in 3 stars + HH BC edition.   
    BC lost 2 starting DB's before the end of the first half. They were forced to play Bucknor and move most of the remaining DB's to unfamiliar spots. We took advantage of them in the 3rd quarter, but couldn't in the 4th for some reason. 
  3. Like
    deepsixemtoboyd reacted to Goalie in 3 stars + HH BC edition.   
    Most our rookies are on D and they didnt choke .. Our O did going 2 and out 90 percent of the 4th and giving BC a winning FG via INT but holding them to the FG so the O can come out and throw 5 yard passes again. 
  4. Like
    deepsixemtoboyd reacted to Old Bomber Fan in 3 stars + HH BC edition.   
    gee wiz other teams start rookies in their line up and they don't choke in the 4th quarter. We don't have the depth of other teams I agree but its the play calling that sends our offense off the field when we should be trying to keep it on the field. As I said 3 - 5 yard passes ain't going to do it sorry.
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    deepsixemtoboyd reacted to White Out in 3 stars + HH BC edition.   
    I don't understand. I think our coaching is terrible, and your retort seems to be we scored 42 points. Ok? We gave up 45. 
    What now? lol.
  6. Like
    deepsixemtoboyd got a reaction from Fatty Liver in 3 stars + HH BC edition.   
    Definitely true that Jones was not expecting a pass, but MOS does not get off the hook that easy; he absolutely claimed full responsibility for the decision in the post game interview on CJOB, saying he had "green-lighted" Medlock to throw that pass.  And, even if he is just trying to cover for Medlock, the fact that Medlock believes he he has the authority to make that decision as well as the fact that Jones seems to be unaware of what's going on the play; both of these things ultimately fall on the coach. 
    And while Kelly Moore was doing his best Bob Irving impersonation – ie. defending all things Bombers – by saying that "if they had made it, we'd all be calling him a genius" (which is sort of like saying I'd be devastatingly handsome if I were only better looking), the reality is that our coach was, once again, employing some very unconventional reasoning to extremely unsuccessful affect.  Was cruelly reminiscent of his decision to attempt a 61 yard field goal in the same facility last year; these absolutely crucial brain farts just keep coming and, I fear, are a sign that he is ultimately not up to the job.
     To whit, the first special-teams gadget play was brilliant. But the decision to go back to the well a second time, particularly at that point in the game at that position in the field, is suggestive, as the realist Doug Brown observed, of the addictive gambler who gets a big win and keeps coming back until he loses it all. 
     The first 3rd down gamble demonstrates MOS to be a very competent special teams coach.  The 2nd third down to gamble demonstrates MOS to be an incompetent head coach. 
  7. Like
    deepsixemtoboyd reacted to Arnold_Palmer in 3 stars + HH BC edition.   
    HM: Thomas Miles was a beast on the teams today. Besides that first kick off Rainey was held in check. 
  8. Like
    deepsixemtoboyd reacted to rebusrankin in 3 stars + HH BC edition.   
    Can we give a WTF and GOAT to MOS for calling that pass on third down by Medlock deep in our own end?
  9. Like
    deepsixemtoboyd got a reaction from Bigblue204 in Odds and Sods - Argos at Bombers   
    Out in Fort Frances at a cottage on an island with the fan… So only able to watch the first 3/4 – not quite even - at BP. :-) What I loved, though, and I thought it was the turning point up till that point in the game was the long TD drive back end of the third-quarter, where Nichols and the O really answered after a similarly long field goal drive by Ray and the double blue. That was big-time, my friends! 
  10. Like
    deepsixemtoboyd got a reaction from CodyT in Friday Night Football   
    These are two of my favourite posts in some time. I shared them with my 11-year-old who agreed Dickinson does seem like a weiner and added this gem: "he seems like a guy who someone just pushed into a pool with all his clothes on."
  11. Like
    deepsixemtoboyd reacted to Noeller in GDT: Toronto @ Winnipeg   
    Exactly this... The whole story is stupid and when I found out they already win some kinda near-million dollar lottery, I care even less... 
  12. Like
    deepsixemtoboyd reacted to Nickthesizz in GDT: Toronto @ Winnipeg   
    How many times did they call an illegal block on the Bombers on Kevin fogg td returns last year, WAYYYY behind the play? Not the first time this has happened, just make a big deal because of the money and it's against the argos.
  13. Like
    deepsixemtoboyd got a reaction from Noeller in Friday Night Football   
    These are two of my favourite posts in some time. I shared them with my 11-year-old who agreed Dickinson does seem like a weiner and added this gem: "he seems like a guy who someone just pushed into a pool with all his clothes on."
  14. Like
    deepsixemtoboyd reacted to rebusrankin in Friday Night Football   
    Calgary has fans?
  15. Like
    deepsixemtoboyd reacted to Noeller in Friday Night Football   
    I really believe this... 
  16. Like
    deepsixemtoboyd reacted to Fraser in Friday Night Football   
    Dickinson  is a great coach but  seems like a wiener.
  17. Like
    deepsixemtoboyd reacted to BigBlue in Bomber's Defense Takes Over   
    After chatting with a rather knowledgeable observer of the game, last night and this afternoon, it is now clear what the adjustment on D was:
    Knox was moved into Hurl's MLB spot and Hurl was shifted to WIL and it worked amazingly well .... Hurl is just too small and gets shoved around in the middle; on the blitz he is too slow and too easily handled but in pass coverage he gets his job done. Knox on the blitz will be better, but more crucially in the mlb position he can't be shoved around, he can stand his ground like the Rock of Gabraltor.
    So there you have it; we now have Fort Knox in the middle. We held them to one FG in the 2nd half with our new fort.
    So no ratio changes, just swapping spots, putting Hurl in a more natural position for him, WIL. Hurl can handle the PASSING STUFF  and Knox will be SHUTTING DOWN THE RUN.
    Go Richie Hall.
  18. Like
    deepsixemtoboyd reacted to ALuCsRED in GDT: Toronto @ Winnipeg   
    I don't agree with the blown call hate on the kick return.  The line judge on the Argos' side of the field made the call.  The video is from the Bomber's side of the field in slow motion.  The two perspectives are completely different and without a view from the east, it's tough to prove how it looked to the ref who through the flag.
    As for being robbed, its a contest which relies on the outcome of a game with refs.  Until a scoring play happens and is cleared by the refs and command centre, it never happened.  
    This is a dangerous precedent that the CFL, Bombers and Sobey's are setting.  Are they going to give prizes to the next person who is inline for a 2nd kick return? There are lots of penalty calls (or missed penalty non-calls) that can negate a TD and ultimately a chance at a 2nd kick return TD.
  19. Like
    deepsixemtoboyd reacted to blue_gold_84 in GDT: Toronto @ Winnipeg   
    Wide Lefty stinks and his know-it-all routine gets old fast. I can't listen to The Big Show anymore; it's no longer entertaining, much less informative. Like listening to a couple of crotchety old pensioners bicker on a park bench... Just torturous to the ears.
    From a career standpoint, though, he was a pretty okay kicker and had some good seasons early on. He might have overrated his longevity, though.
  20. Like
    deepsixemtoboyd reacted to Noeller in GDT: Toronto @ Winnipeg   
    Full Disclosure: Have never listened to their show. I should aircheck them sometime just just to see.  
    Now, here's a couple things: Toth is there to be a host. He's gonna keep everything rolling along smoothly. Westy is there to be the opinionated blowhard. Whether you agree with him or not, his job is to make you feel something... Even if that means rage, against what he said. Usually, when you're pairing up guys to host a show like this, it helps if they're buddies, at least to a degree, so that they can discuss it and agree to disagree when necessary. If there are some off air issues and the guys don't get along for whatever reason, it can bleed over on air. They're human and have emotions. You just hope they're professional and do what's best for the station and the show. At the end of the day, all that matters is how many people are tuning in, especially how many Males 18-49!
  21. Like
    deepsixemtoboyd reacted to JuranBoldenRules in GDT: Toronto @ Winnipeg   
    Toth is brutal.  Westwood' delivery isn't great but at least there is a shred of intellect there.  Toth started talking about the penalty in the 14 Grey Cup on Hamilton equating it as a blown call with the one last night, but that one for sure was a penalty.  And then Westwood says that and then Toth says I know.  So what are you saying then?  It goes round and round.  I usually can't make it through a full segment of that crew since Toth joined.
  22. Like
    deepsixemtoboyd reacted to Noeller in GDT: Toronto @ Winnipeg   
    I honestly think people are making too big a deal of that flag....he put a hand on the Bombers player, who then went down.....it's not the most egregious flag I've ever seen.
  23. Like
    deepsixemtoboyd reacted to rebusrankin in GDT: Toronto @ Winnipeg   
    For all the people bitching about the refs, anybody mentioning Jackson steps out of bounds on his punt return TD?
  24. Like
    deepsixemtoboyd reacted to Noeller in GDT: Toronto @ Winnipeg   
    This is why I really don't feel bad for Toronto at all.......we had a ridiculous number of similar situations last year.
  25. Like
    deepsixemtoboyd reacted to Mr Dee in GDT: Toronto @ Winnipeg   
    Now That was a football game!
    Let's see, 
    Keep SJ Green in check - ✔️
    Get to QB R.Ray - ✔️
    Out sack the sack leading team - ✔️
    Allow no offensive TDs - ✔️
    Get that offence rolling - ✔️
    Win at home - ✔️
    Keep the penalties down - ✔️
    Protect your QB - ✔️
    Disappoint Rider fans - ✔️
    You know, that was a pretty good defence we beat..
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