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Dee Urban Hermit

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  1. Like
    Dee Urban Hermit reacted to WBBFanWest in Around The League Off Season Discussion   
    If you're suggesting that going from Durant to Glenn is a lateral move, well let's just say... on second thought, no, I better not say.
  2. Like
    Dee Urban Hermit reacted to Atomic in Around The League Off Season Discussion   
    If they open the season with Glenn as #1 that's gotta be a pretty tough pill to swallow for Rider fans.  I can't see it happening.  More likely we see one of their young guys in for 4 losses to start the season and then Glenn takes over.
  3. Like
    Dee Urban Hermit reacted to MOBomberFan in Around The League Off Season Discussion   
    Michael Bishop is what happens to teams that jettison their veteran QB with nothing but hopes and prayers to fill in. Mike Kelly had a plan named Stefan LeFors. How'd that work out. 
  4. Like
    Dee Urban Hermit reacted to Floyd in Around The League Off Season Discussion   
    Mike Bishop
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    Dee Urban Hermit reacted to Noeller in Bombers Off-Season Transactions   
    They're not stupid... They will definitely try to bring in a vet, and I do hope it's Glenn. I think he's going to wait and see what's up with Sask first, but if there is no guaranteed starter gig available, he might come back on FA Day... 
  6. Like
    Dee Urban Hermit reacted to 17to85 in Around The League Off Season Discussion   
    No it's not, the Bombers want Nichols back and Nichols wants to be back, they're just hammering out a deal that works for both sides. What the Riders did was alienate their starting qb, who was a damned good one as the Riders record with and without him the past few seasons should indicate, and traded him away because they had no intention of even trying to get him back. That's a monumentally stupid move. You don't ditch a quality veteran qb when you got sweet **** all at the position, that's Mike Kelly levels of dumb. 
  7. Like
    Dee Urban Hermit reacted to holoman in CFL Free Agents/Coaches   
    We really need an upgrade at Nat receiver.  The only one that fits that bill would be Chambers....and that scares me
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    Dee Urban Hermit reacted to Bigblue204 in Around The League Off Season Discussion   
    This, and even if they did I don't see Nichols wanting to play for Jones
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    Dee Urban Hermit reacted to Brandon in Around The League Off Season Discussion   
    I don't see it...  if they are not willing to pay big cash for Durant then why would they spend more for Nichols?
  10. Like
    Dee Urban Hermit reacted to Eternal optimist in Adjusting Rules for 2017   
    I think we can all agree PI calls is the biggest area needing improvement, if possible, I'd update the books to have a more clear, concise definition of what exactly pass interference is, if possible make it measurable and more black and white. Possible suggestions:
    1. Instead of the ball has to be "catchable" (which is subjective at best) how about in order to call PI, the ball has to land within 5 yards of the receiver. It'd force the receiver to continue to try and make the play, instead of giving up on it because they know PI will be called.
    2. Maybe find a way to define what "hand-fighting" actually is, and whether or not it is allowed.
    Even if you just had a laundry list of what situations PI is considered to be...I know it wouldn't be perfect by any stretch, but if the referees at least had a measurable set of standards to be met in order to call PI, it'd help in a number of ways... it would make it easier to train them as well as easier for the players and coaches, because they could then actually coach players on what they can and cannot do.
    As it stands right now, players are often robbed of good, clean plays with a tacky PI call, and coaches often will throw a challenge flag just on a whim in the hopes that command centre rules the defensive player sneezed too close to the receiver.
  11. Like
    Dee Urban Hermit reacted to Mark F in Nichols Contract   
    Also, we have our own guys, they are being "developed" and people have already given up on them.
    anyway, I hope the team doesn't nichol and dime him. That would be a supreme chocke.
  12. Like
    Dee Urban Hermit reacted to BigBlue in Nichols Contract   
    I don't get all this belief that Franklin is our forthcoming messiah ... he is showing some nice potential as a backup but once he becomes a starter he will become subject to scrutiny & film study and other stuff .... and once his tendencies are known he may not be as fantastic as the 2nd coming of  Mike Reilly ... we have a proven QB in Nichols who is only going to mature and get better ... we have not yet seen the top of his game.
    And besides Edmonton has a certain high value on him for this year although they are not beyond grabbing an arm and a leg from a team willing to offer that much ... if we are  going after him lets pay that high price when he is a free agent ... lets test out Nichols this year and see if we might have the real deal. Let Nichols do it this coming season .... he might surprise us.
  13. Like
    Dee Urban Hermit reacted to Brandon in Nichols Contract   
    What's hilarious is a 41 year old qb just completely outplayed a young "up and coming" qb.    
  14. Like
    Dee Urban Hermit reacted to pigseye in Nichols Contract   
    I suspect that was just the first shot in negotiations and not an ultimatum.
  15. Like
    Dee Urban Hermit reacted to Tracker in Grey Cup Sunday   
    No matter who you were rooting for, its was entertaining as heck. Gotta love the CFL. Next  year,Bombers
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    Dee Urban Hermit reacted to Jacquie in Grey Cup Sunday   
    Was there a second tweet with the third reason or can Simmons not count?
  17. Like
    Dee Urban Hermit reacted to Noeller in Odds and Sods - West Semi- Bombers at BC   
    The way our offense had been playing in the second half, I had way more confidence in Medlock than anyone else on the team...
  18. Like
    Dee Urban Hermit reacted to Captain Blue in MOS Bringing the gang all back   
    I fully expect Osh back, and his whole staff.
    And I am totally fine with that. First time in a long time where I think we are building something really special here. 
    Hate on LaPo and Hall or whoever all you want, but again these were probably the best offense and defense we've seen in years. 
  19. Like
    Dee Urban Hermit reacted to Noeller in MOS Bringing the gang all back   
    I think if, some 2 days after the game, you're still losing your mind over how it ended.......you need to dial it back about 10-20%. It happened, it's done, we've gotta move on or it's gonna eat you alive. 
  20. Like
    Dee Urban Hermit reacted to Rich in "Major" CFL Announcement Tomorrow   
    Skeptical on this event.  Saskatchewan a good choice for the inaugural or test run of the event. If it can't fly there...
    Good to see Orridge trying new things to grow the brand. Hopefully reach out to the younger generation.
    Time will tell what this turns in to. 
  21. Like
    Dee Urban Hermit reacted to Mr Dee in Bombers at Lions WSF GDT   
    There's no lol. 
    Medlock, one of, if not the best kicker in CFL history, tells me as a Coach, that he can do it, and, you've seen him do it, then that's a real enough statistic to me.
  22. Like
    Dee Urban Hermit reacted to blueandgoldguy in The Manny Show - Loffler was a hit   
    Loffler needs to learn how to hit like Cauchy Muamba.  Now there was a safety who didn't take unnecessary penalties.
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    Dee Urban Hermit reacted to bearpants in The Manny Show - Loffler was a hit   
    hey, I don't care what Loffler likes to wear under his uniform as long as he keeps hitting like that... 
    Also, political correctness and player safety are completely different things... 
  24. Like
    Dee Urban Hermit reacted to Dragon37 in Bombers at Lions WSF GDT   
    When they went to the GC in 2011 they did it despite having a brutal second half of the season and terrible corners. Really terrible. Now I think we have much better players, we may need a few more, but not always the best game plan. So in all I think we are actually in a much better condition than the end of 2011 where a GC appearance masked some considerable shortcomings.
  25. Like
    Dee Urban Hermit reacted to WBBFanWest in Bombers at Lions WSF GDT   
    Not lately we haven't, and that's sort of the point.  We have come a long way in one year, and while winning the whole thing would have been nice, it's not all that realistic this year.
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