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  1. Confused
    Sard reacted to JohnnyAbonny in 2021 (??) CFL Season   
    uh what? 
  2. Agree
    Sard got a reaction from Tracker in 2021 (??) CFL Season   
    I find it hard to believe as well because of the fact that he abandoned them once before...  I guess if you give him both the GM and Head Coach jobs he might stick around a little longer, but I'd still be nervous with him if I were the Elks.
  3. Agree
    Sard reacted to Noeller in CFL Awards (Still Schenelys To Me)   
    there's absolutely no way Bighill doesn't win tonight. The national media knows (there's plenty of talking head buzz on the Twitters) how good this Bombers D is (record setting, "generationally" good) and he'll win as the representative of that defense. Marshall Ferguson, dyed-in-the-wool Can'ts fan, said "Bighill is the best linebacker in the league, full stop" earlier this week. That, to me, speaks to how the national media view Bighill and the Bombers D. Biggie unanimously tonight. 
  4. Agree
    Sard reacted to Noeller in CFL Awards (Still Schenelys To Me)   
    If this was a thing, Osh would have won at least once in the past 5 years or so. It's not a thing.....Osh is gonna win unanimously. If Winwiddie had made it to the big game, then maybe he gets a vote or two, but this won't be close. 
  5. Agree
    Sard reacted to Booch in CFL Awards (Still Schenelys To Me)   
    Osh should win...should have already....but this yr should be a win based on the culmination of what he has done...he doesn't win it is a joke...same for Bryant...got soooooo screwed over in 2019...they should really hand him 2 trophies this yr....what a shame, but in the end he got the big trophy and all of Canada seen who was the best O-lineman in the Grey Cup
    Zack and Biggie should win too...but I have a gut feeling Biggie gets screwed over....but he will make his statement on Sunday
  6. Agree
    Sard reacted to Mike in Early chat- Ticats vs Champs Grey Cup Thread   
    I always laugh when people say all the Bombers have on offence is a rushing attack. Collaros threw 20 touchdowns this year and nobody else threw 15. Kenny Lawler led the league in receiving. 
  7. Like
    Sard reacted to SpeedFlex27 in Vaccine Debate   
    Fighting for freedoms? If you get the jabs you can go anywhere. All antivaxxers are fighting for is further isolation. As far as anti social behaviour goes, I don't see a lot of vaxxed people going around demonstrating for their freedumbs or being assholes on social media. They mind theor own business & get on with their lives as best they can during the pandemic by masking up, respecting other people's space & getting vaxxed. People like Chris Sky & the 2 wacked pastors (Pawlowski brothers) in Calgary deserve all the scorn they get. I have little time or sympathy for antivaxxers that whine, ***** or complain. 
    I was in Seattle & Portland visiting family during the American Thanksgiving holiday weekend. People everywhere were wearing masks & respecting one another by trying to social distance the best they can. Just like here in Canada. I was expecting to see people not wearing masks in public as it's the US but that wasn't the case.
    We were in a mall in Portland called Washington Square. It was super busy as it was Black Friday. There wasn't anyone who wasn't wearing a mask. Most people just want to get back to the way things used to be & are willing to do whatever they can to get it that way. 
  8. Like
    Sard reacted to kelownabomberfan in Early chat- Ticats vs Champs Grey Cup Thread   
    I had a flashback to the 1984 GC and Tyrone Jones stripping the ball from Brock and then Stan Mikawos rumbling down the field for a TD after scooping up the fumble.   Wouldn't it be cool if history would repeat itself and Jake Fatboi Thomas takes one to the house after Dane "deer in headlights" Evans gets stripped by one of the Jeffs....I would love to see that.  Watching old Jake just givin' er down the field with Needy Banks just bouncing off of him...lol...
  9. Agree
    Sard reacted to Noeller in Early chat- Ticats vs Champs Grey Cup Thread   
    Jake The Snake Ireland was a guy I always thought was out to get us. I'm generally a fan of Tom Valessi, Frenchie Proulx, Al Bradbury and the rest.... One of them (Bradbury?) is a Winnipegger, and usually helps the team out by attending some practices and film sessions to explain how the refs will call certain things... 
  10. Agree
    Sard reacted to kelownabomberfan in Early chat- Ticats vs Champs Grey Cup Thread   
    I have no real hate for any current CFL refs.  The guy that I couldn't stand was Murray Clark, and he was demoted.  He blew so many calls against us and they always seemed to go in favour of the Alouettes.  Andre Proulx survived an on field heart attack and came back to keep reffing.  That's a true Canadian!
  11. Agree
    Sard reacted to blue_gold_84 in Vaccine Debate   
    She clearly doesn't know, understand, or even appreciate the relatively recent history of her own country. And that's exactly why views or opinions made from uninformed, uneducated or ignorant standpoints should not be tolerated.
    They can't differentiate between being inconvenienced and being oppressed. And that's seemingly due to being blinded by their own privilege and/or entitlement.
  12. Agree
    Sard reacted to Bigblue204 in Vaccine Debate   
    people who don't actually know what war is about always bring this up. And it's shocking the disconnect that's apparent. Choice vs no choice doesn't seem to connect with them. 

    They also seem to forget that the one thing that helped bring them out of WWII was a massive collective effort from multiple countries and individuals gladly giving up their own freedoms even when faced with certain death, to help out those who didn't have a choice.

    There also seems to be a lot of people who very much want to be seen as oppressed. And any inconvenience regardless of how trivial is now being used as a war cry!
  13. Agree
    Sard reacted to JCon in Vaccine Debate   
    Truly the stupidest people. 
  14. Like
    Sard reacted to blue_gold_84 in Vaccine Debate   
    Klepper is a gem.
  15. Like
    Sard reacted to iHeart in US Politics   
  16. Like
    Sard reacted to Super Duper Negatron in Biggest question coming out of Sundays win   
    Dare I say it, the perfect coordinator for Fajardo would be Lapo.
  17. Like
    Sard reacted to Bubba Zanetti in Early chat- Ticats vs Champs Grey Cup Thread   
    Nice gesture by the enemy:

      Hamilton Tiger-Cats   @Ticats   Last night we honoured the great @BobIrvingCJOB for his incredible contributions to the CFL. He might not wear the jersey , but he’ll be back as our guest of honour at the 2023 Grey Cup in Hamilton, to enjoy it as a true CFL fan. Congratulations & enjoy retirement, Bob!    
  18. Like
    Sard reacted to Booch in Early chat- Ticats vs Champs Grey Cup Thread   
    Randle was the first player who started the locker room reboot and culture change, followed by Neuf later that year.  Bryant was the next biggest piece in 2015 who solidified it and brought it that much further along  as more pieces were added....if you look back to the dark times, and the embarrassment we were, those are the 3 founding fathers...Its too bad Randle wasn't able to reap the rewards for his 5 years here...creating the work ethic and grooming and anointing BA as a leader...he noticed BA's character early on and took him under his wing to take over when he was gone...Well deserved ring(s) by Bryant and Neuf...loyal guys to the core who brought us from dumpster, to the penthouse...
  19. Like
    Sard reacted to blue_gold_84 in Vaccine Debate   
    Except nobody said any of that. Read it again.
    Criticism of the government is protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. However, that doesn't mean you can just mislabel public health orders as being "authoritarian, tyrannical, or fascist" or claim that any of those rights and freedoms have been stripped away without proof. Those sort of dangerously false claims by uneducated, misinformed individuals who can't see beyond themselves or their inflated entitlement are what antagonize the situation and make things worse for everyone. And it is wrong, as there is no evidence to substantiate any of it.
    Running to the defense of delusional and sometimes hostile "freedom fighters" who protest in front of hospitals and harass others, berate store employees and other customers, and spread bullshit online, or claiming there are statistics and expert opinions to support viewpoints that have exacerbated this public health crisis is about as bad a look as clinging to that feeble "both sides" argument. "Of course won't all agree" comes across a lame copout and that type of indifference is not helpful. 
    Not only do you ignore the majority of what you quoted, you completely misconstrue what was actually said and then argue it nonsensically. That's not conducive to having an open mind or in the spirit of healthy, rational discussion, despite your claiming that's what you're doing in this thread. 
    You're basically trolling. But based on your activity history of seemingly contrarian fallacy posting, that's unsurprising.

  20. Agree
    Sard reacted to 17to85 in Vaccine Debate   
    This idea that there are facts supporting both sides is simply put incorrect. Oh sure you can find people saying what you want to hear, but that doesn't make what they are saying facts or even correct. A level of understanding is required to parse through what is legit and what isn't. Sadly a lot of people are incapable of doing so, which is when they should be listening to the experts who do have that ability. That doesn't happen though,  instead people go "well I saw this and it's what I want to believe so facts" 
    It is a real problem in our society right now.
  21. Like
    Sard reacted to blue_gold_84 in Vaccine Debate   
    Anti-vaxxers are attacking both businesses and government. The public health orders are being labelled as "authoritarian, tyrannical, fascist" by these uneducated, overly entitled narcissists who only care about themselves. 
    The "both sides" argument is such flimsy, ridiculous, and fallacious argument (look up the the paradox of tolerance - https://academy4sc.org/video/paradox-of-tolerance-to-tolerate-or-not-to-tolerate/).
    There aren't two sides to this pandemic, anyway. There are those who understand science and act on it, and there are those who are simply ignorant and wrong. The latter should not be tolerated. Full stop.
    People who have done their due diligence and their part for the good of all are tired of those who have exacerbated this crisis with their denial, deflection, and sometimes antisocial behaviour, perpetuating the hardship for everyone. They can't even see past their own noses. So, how do you reason with people like that?
    And attempting to understand a person who chooses not to get vaccinated with the "medical freedom" or "my body, my choice" narrative is a futile endeavour, as there is no rational, objective, or scientific justification for either. They're often the same ones who claim, albeit erroneously, that rights and freedoms are being taken away or trampled on, but there's no evidence for that, either.
    "The sky is green."
    "The Earth is the centre of the solar system."
    "Vaccines cause autism."
    "The pandemic is a hoax."
    "Bill Gates murders children."
    "Justin Trudeau is a communist."
    "5G causes health problems."
    "The Holocaust didn't happen."
    "The moon landings were fake."
    "The Earth is flat."
    Facts do not support any of those arguments. Not one. And those who choose to agree with such nonsensical claims without a shred of real, hard, verifiable evidence cause irreparable harm in doing so, especially when they have influence in society and can easily spread their ignorant messages on the internet and social media to others without accountability.
    The world would be a much better place if people actually chose to be informed and educated, and put in the effort of understanding the world around them. Rather than fall prey to misinformation on Facebook or YouTube.
    There is no respectful dialogue to be had with conspiracy theorists or the willfully misinformed. 
    "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out." - Carl Sagan
  22. Agree
    Sard reacted to SpeedFlex27 in Vaccine Debate   
    I do think one would have had to live in a cave the past 20 months to be uneducated. The problem is that people seem to believe in conspiracy theories & that Big Government, Big Pharma, Big Oil, the Military Industrial Complex... Big ANYTHING is out to get them. There's enough dummies out there that are easily swayed which is unfortunate. No surprise when there are people out there that still believe the Earth is flat. 
  23. Agree
    Sard reacted to 17to85 in Vaccine Debate   
    How do you have respectful dialogue when people reject facts in favour of feelings?
  24. Like
    Sard got a reaction from GCJenks in The TV Thread   
    Loved Fraggle Rock as a kid.
    Was doing some work up at a mine a couple of years back and said to the guy (about 10 years younger than me) touring me around that it looked like Fraggle Rock down there.  He gave me a blank stare because he had no idea what I was talking about... I felt bad for him that he didn't know the joy of Fraggle Rock.
    Made sure my kid knows about it... one of her nick names as a baby was Doozie, so we dressed her up as a doozer for Halloween when she was 2 or 3.
  25. Haha
    Sard got a reaction from BigBlueFanatic in Early chat- Ticats vs Champs Grey Cup Thread   
    Yeah, and I think Neuf said "Hey... HEY!!!" and then just nodded at the guy who backed off (didn't catch who it was, but might have been Bailey.
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