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Posts posted by BBRT

  1. 46 minutes ago, WBBFanWest said:

    Classic TBurgess post there.  Might I suggest that to save time you just post something like this:

    "the usual"

    We'll know that it means... 

    Let me be perfectly clear on where I stand. I am in pretty much agreement with TB's posts. Most of what I hear here and I want to be absolutely clear I include you "WBBFanWest" in that group - is that most of what I hear is all of the "We Could Have - We Should have" etc. etc.

    The Bombers beat Edmonton - great win! They are a 500 club with an uphill battle and I have my doubts they will win more than 1 maybe 2 more games. They may or may not make it in the playoffs as a cross over. They are just not that good and that includes from the top to the bottom and I fully expect changes in 2018 regardless of what happens for the balance of the year. You have your opinion and I happen to align my thinking more closely with TB's.

  2. 11 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    They'll get to the playoffs & the Esks will kill them. 

    not sure about that - the Edmonton offense seems to be having some issues and their defense does not scare anyone. Just to get there would be nice. All the Bombers can hope for is a cross over (if that). Riders seem to be able to figure out how to win when they probably should not have won. Give them credit for that at least. We on the other hand seem to be able to ****** defeat from the jaws of victory quit easily.

  3. 6 minutes ago, rebusrankin said:

    Being there live, I would say not impressed by Manziel. He can run but man he throws a lot of ducks and off his back foot a lot.

    That was my thoughts also. Manziel just does not have that good throwing motion that all successful QB's have. His throws were off his back foot, wobbly at times and seem to only have arm strength no technique. Great running capabilities but as a CFL QB doubt he will be here next year unless he learns how to throw. Just not impressed with his passes period.

  4. 4 minutes ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    Big story has to be Harris and Demski going forward.  No chance we beat anyone left on our schedule without Harris, and probably about the same with Demski.

    Agree - Injury report will be very critical. We don't have much hope with them in but without them we have zero hope. All that happened tonight is that the Bombers beat the worse team in the league and the score did flatter the Bombers IMHO.

  5. 10 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    Even then I am sure you can find a way to make excuses for it.

    I agree 100% with TBURGESS's comments. Winning over Montreal means very little IMHO. Losing to them would mean much more. When and only When the Bombers beat someone like Calgary, Edmonton, heck even Regina now, would mean progress and create some positives IMHO. Winning over Montreal is just a Meh to me. Losing to Montreal would be an interesting scenario IMHO. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, TBURGESS said:

    No surprise that O'Shea is starting Nichols again, even tho he's already had several chances to work out his problems. Montreal provides the best chance for Nichols to get a win. When he does, O'Shea and a bunch of folks around here, can do the Itoldyasos. The real test comes the week afterwards when we play Edmonton.

    This is how I see it too - MOS gives Nichols the start and the Bombers win against the worse team in the league. Then all is sweetness and light and some folks around here can plan the parade. I see it differently;

    Winnipeg wins - to be expected

    Winnipeg wins by a lot - Wow! We are really good!

    Winnipeg Loses - Well can not even imagine what I will read here.

    Bottom line to me, a Bomber win by a few or lots means nothing to me. It is what happens after this game and the next game that counts IMHO

  7. 25 minutes ago, Mike said:

    It is. All 5 guys were listed as participants in the autograph session at Fan Fest too. I can't post their tweet since I'm blocked on Twitter, but I think they tweeted it too.

    Mike what is the twitter account for the bombers? I am sort of new to twitter and not sure which one to follow - and hopefully not get blocked right away😀

  8. 35 minutes ago, Ripper said:

    You have no qb. simple.  Riders have trouble with a passer. They wouldn't go after Harris for fear of Powell, and Powell was hurting us too. Perfect storm.  Nichols scares no one, shut Harris down and wait for the Picks to come.   Riders mistake was not blitzing, we should have went after Harris guns blazing and we didn't

    Can't help but agree - shut down Andrew Harris and wait for the picks to come - seems to work quiet well. Wonder if Montreal saw the game film on how to handle the Bombers? I was surprised that neither Hughes or Jefferson got a sack last night. Maybe the Ottawa OL is a little better than we had thought.

  9. 50 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    The Stamps are down three receivers & they can still throw the ball deep to a depth receiver better than we can with our starters.

    That is the truly sad part and tells us more than we care to know about the Bomber organization. The Stamps always have 1,2 or 3 in the wings waiting for their chance - all quality people at just about every position. We are lucky to find a fill in for Buzz and Boomer!

  10. 26 minutes ago, rebusrankin said:

    BC has: Hamilton, Hamilton, Toronto, Calgary, Edmonton, Saskatchewan, Calgary

    Winnipeg has: Montreal, Edmonton, Ottawa, Saskatchewan, Calgary, Edmonton

    We need to win at least two because I'm not sure BC wins 3 of those 7.

    I see BC winning one of the Hamilton games maybe Toronto and then if Calgary has first place wrapped up maybe win against Calgary - that gives them 3 wins.

    I see Winnipeg winning against Montreal and maybe finally win one against the Riders (as it is in the Peg). But that's about all I see on the win side for the Bombers.

    That would leave the Bombers with a 7-11 and  BC 8-10. Will be interesting to see if either team can pull one out against Calgary or Edmonton.

  11. 17 hours ago, Tracker said:

    The Riders are not a good team, and won both games only because Nichols threw the games away- literally.

    I have to disagree with you. Remember the Riders also beat Calgary - something we have not accomplish in a very long time. So get over it. The Riders have the best defense in the CFL (or at least 2nd best) and their offense does enough to win. So whether you agree whether or not they are a good team they are at the moment a better team then Winnipeg - and that is a fact!

  12. 1 hour ago, TBURGESS said:

    Sports isn't about a good environment or players liking you or about protecting your players. It's about winning games, playoffs and championships.

    O'Shea became our HC in 2014. He's below .500 in wins and hasn't even won a playoff game yet.

    Rick Campbell and Chris Jones also became HC's in 2014. Both have won Grey Cups. Jones took an equally bad Riders team to the one the O'Shea inherited to the playoffs and won a playoff game in his 2nd year.

    Jason Maas and Dave Dickenson became HC's in 2016. Both have winning records and have won playoff games. 

    Campbell, Jones, Maas and Dickenson's teams are all ahead of us in the standings this year.

    Not making the playoffs, or not winning a playoff game should be a firing offence this year.

    Truer words were never spoken. This summarizes it completely IMHO

  13. 15 minutes ago, 3RD AND 1 said:

    Rod... I’ve never said that. Not even once have I said anything about not being respected. I have spoken on how some people actually find hate towards their competitive team when it’s only a game and entertainment. 

    Shucks, what I wrote above about a Welcome Matt is pillow fluff compared to what your fellow Bomber fans are saying about Matt Nichols over in the  Matt-Nichols BOO!!!!!! page here in Morning Big Blue. For a Rider fan talking on here I don’t believe I am hated or dissrespected. I’m tolerated as much as a Rider fan could be on here. I have never taken a personal swipe at anybody. I take a lot of jabs and when someone doesn’t understand my comments like right here. I try to take my time to explain myself.   In fact if you Click on my name and you will see that I have a very good score. Tracker has never had to tell me or even ask me politely to pull it back. In fact tracker found the humour in the comment that you seem to be offended by. I’m repeating myself but it’s just a light hearted joke.  I am always clean on here. If Collaros would have played like Matt did in the 1st half. I would expect to hear 10 times no a million times worse comments about Zack than my insignificant humorous jab.  

    I do not dislike the Bombers in any way. I enjoy discussing football and the games in a respectful manner. I enjoy discussing football  with level headed fans as passionate as I am.  

    Just an FYI. After every game in SK. It’s discussed who are the 3 stars on each side of the ball. Offence, Defence and Special teams. So the Bombers 3 stars are mentioned and I respect that. Then I suggested the Riders 3 stars. Nothing more than that. 

    In Hockey they only pick 3 stars total from both teams. Then again Hockey has less than 50% of the amount of players. 

    I hope we can be somewhat friends on here. I’m not out to attack or hurt anyone. You are more than welcome to ask me why a fan in my Province might think differently than the fans in Manitoba. I would answer that question with 100% honesty. Hope we can all lighten up and have fun. 

    I don't have any problems with Rider Fans posting over here as long as they are not just trolling - which most of them are not - just normal Rider Fans. I post over on the rider site and have never had any issues. We are all CFL fans just support different teams. And a lot of things are said in good clean fun. So no problems from my perspective with any Rider Fan posting here as long as it is in good clean fun and CFL related.

  14. 48 minutes ago, B-F-F-C said:

    I never said you need to cheer him. Just don’t need to get on him too early in the game. If he plays a crappy game and it’s in the 2nd quarter. By all means. Fill your boots.

    If he plays a crappy game and its in the second quarter then it is a quarter and 1/2 much too late. Time to either put up and show you can take this team to the next level or exit - stage left!

  15. 22 hours ago, LeBird said:

    From your last two posts it would appear you have become quite an expert on this site twisting the knife while wanting to give the impression you are sympathetic to our cause.  I for one do not appreciate your comments here.  Your gloating under the guise of honest analysis wears thin.  I stay our off your site so why don't you do the same.  Yeah, I'm a little touchy right now and will read and accept critical comments from our posters but I kind of wish you would buzz off.

    I have no problems with Ripper's posts to say the least -  Me thinks you are being a little too sensitive. If you choose to say off Riderfans.com that is your decision. I post over there all the time and have never had any problems. Give it a rest - it is only a sports game and sports fans website. You should have been around in the old TotalCFL website days if you wanted to see some fur fly! 😁😁

  16. 32 minutes ago, Booch said:

    we are going 5-2 closing out the season..and based on the teams we play to for it to happen..likely end up in second in west..bank on it! 

    I'll have whatever he is drinking. Going 5-2 to close out the season? Never going to happen! After reviewing the last seven I think a 2-5 or 3-4 (given that the next to last game is with Calgary in the Peg and they will probably not be playing many starters) we could see 3-4 over the last 7. Then we might make the cross over and be one and done in the playoffs. 

  17. 14 minutes ago, Zontar said:

    Three horse race for second . CAL is tucked in nicely until West Final

    Isn't it amazing how teams like Calgary and Edmonton can find talent up and down the line? How they can win games at the end with either BLM or in Edmonton's case Mike Reilly.Nether team is ever out of the game and always seem to have talent sitting on the bench to replace whoever goes down. Their scouting is first rate both teams! - And Then There Are The Bombers non of which apply.

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