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Posts posted by BBRT

  1. 1 minute ago, Floyd said:

    Who the fk called that play... if that's a Nichols check down - he really should sit for the season.

    93 yards to go in one minute and you lob to the flats across the field...  embarrassing.

    If they lose the Banjo Bowl - Walters, Osh and everyone are finished...

    I agree 100%. I actually morbidly want them to lose next week - only then can the Bombers at least understand they need to make changes. Doubt they will but we can hope! 

  2. 4 minutes ago, wanna-b-fanboy said:



    ITS GAME DAY....!!! YAY!

    *read quote*

    Daaaamn man.. you are the the type of guy who enjoys pissing in someone's cornflakes.

    You're the kinda guy who rains all over people's parades... 

    You're the guy who pops a child's balloon

    You're the guy who reminds a diner where veal comes from.


    Why do you even bother "cheering" for this team? 

    I still don't know if you are a troll.

    You are like the source, just less obvious.


    Anyways Debbie downer- I hope you can enjoy the game.

    Please stop using double spacing! Waste for view space! :) And I tend to agree with TB's thoughts. Difference between Cheering and Reality! Get use to it!

  3. 9 minutes ago, TBURGESS said:

    I see a fan base who thought this team was way better than it's turning out to be. We beat some bad teams and believed that we were the second best team in the league, some folks even thought that Calgary wasn't that big a deal anymore. Now that we've played a couple of +.500 teams and we've seen where we really stand, those fans are beginning to realize that we aren't as good as they thought we were. That's where the anger comes from.

    If we lose today, and that's a real good possibility IMO, these sites will be full of anger, hate and sadness as well as calls for patience and hope. We've already gone from talking about hosting a playoff game to just making the playoffs and see what happens.


    Pretty much bang on! Seems to me that we have been here before year over year pretty much since MOS and Richie Hall have been around. Great expectations - poor results.

  4. 30 minutes ago, Mike said:

     Things are down right now but some folks are acting like their life is over. 

    I really do not see it that way - what I see is a Fan Base that is getting tired of a team that appears to be going no where fast. And the trend line both past and present tends to support that. I can only speak for myself living in Calgary - but I will tape the game (go to the mall during the actual time the game is being played) and watch it tonight.

    Life certainly will go on regardless of the outcome. Especially with college football starting and NFL just around the corner.

  5. 9 hours ago, 17to85 said:

    the wrong time to trend down it at the end of the season, not midway through. Bombers came out relatively strong, slumping at the moment, but plenty of time to get it sorted out before the important games happen. honestly this is probably the optimal time to slump if you have to have a slump. fix what's not working and be strong going into the playoffs.

    While I agree with your thoughts I have some problems with a few things - First of all IMHO the Bombers came out strong against very weak opponents. The second problem I have with your thoughts (which I appreciate BTW) is that you assume the Bomber management can identify the problems and take corrective action to remedy. I am not sure I can agree with that. I have not seen anything that would give me much faith that they understand what the problem is and have any idea how to fix the problem. 

    I hope I am wrong but given what we have seen over the past 5 years since MOS has been on board and especially with Richie Hall (who IMHO is the major issue with the defense) I have little faith that they can or are willing to take the necessary corrective action.

  6. 3 hours ago, NorthernSkunk said:

    What is the worst restaurant in Regina,  I got a supper bet to make before the game with the Regina relatives.

    Not sure about the worse - but if you would a great steak and what I believe is one of the worlds best Caesar Salads go to "The Diplomat" (http://thediplomatsteakhouse.com/). I hit it every time I am in Regina which these days is not all that often.

    Golf's on Victoria Ave is pretty good too.

  7. 1 hour ago, Eternal optimist said:

    Pessimists complain the wind is heading in the wrong direction. Optimists hope it will change - realists actually adjust the sails.

    Truer words were never spoken! And IMHO the Bombers coaching staff and especially Richie Hall never ever "adjust the sails" - hence IMHO we will be lucky, extremely lucky to just get the cross over. And IMHO I would rather not make the playoffs and send Richie Hall packing if that is what it takes to make it happen.

  8. 2 hours ago, Bomberfan85 said:

    On the surface, this year's matchup reminds me of the first Labour Day Classic I attended, in 2004. The Bombers won and then won the inaugural "Banjo Bowl" the following week and, call me crazy, I think they can sweep this year too. I'm feeling pretty discouraged right now, like most Bomber fans, but I think if they can limit turnovers on offence they can score enough points to get by, even against an impressive Rider D. I have not been at all impressed by the Rider O this year and I think it's an opportunity for the Bomber D to bounce back. Yes, I'm an optimist. Can't help it. I just hope I'm right! If I hear some Rider fans chanting "We're number 4!" in the stands next week, as thay did at that first LDC I was at, I'll be extremely happy.

    Well - I do like your enthusiasm! Not necessarily your logic but do like your enthusiasm. I just have to wonder if Richie Hall's defense will give up 500 or 600 yards to the Riders - Not sure what the over and under happens to be on this one. Also have to wonder if MN will just implode!

  9. 27 minutes ago, Tracker said:

    To beat a dead horse, if Miller has to tell Walters what to do about the coaching staff, then Walters is not qualified to do the job and should be fired.

    I can see you point however there are times with the CEO does need to remind those below him about the overall goal etc. I think a gentle word would suffice however you may be correct and Walters is not qualified to do his job.

  10. 5 hours ago, M.O.A.B. said:

    Who is the mediocre team?

    They are on a 2game winning streak and beat the top team. We are on a 2game losing streak and was beaten bad by the top team.

    They went up to 3rd and we fall to 4th.

    Theyre improving each game , we are regressing.

    This is the scary part as a Bomber Fan - the Riders are trending up - we are trending down. And I really don't see any thing that will change that. 

  11. 4 minutes ago, pigseye said:

    Yes, I think that is a fair comment. Is it not the DC's job to go to his HC and say, I need to replace a few guys because they aren't getting the job done? 

    I would move this a little higher up. I suggest that Wade Miller go to his GM and inform him that a few coaches are not getting the job done and if he does not make some changes in the off season his job will be at risk. Not even suggesting blowing up anything until end of season but 5 years going no where fast is just about enough. Miller has to worry about season tickets and revenue streams for 2019 and given what we are seeing today - that may be a major issue.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Goalie said:

    When the O consistently does nothing... What do you expect from the D? They held us in it yesterday through 3 quarters.. Our O did **** all to help. 

    Both sides of the ball have under performed against the better teams. But Richie Hall's defense have been under performers for a number of years. Every so often the offense will show up but a Richie Hall defense never shows up IMHO. And before you respond with the Calgary first half I think the Stamps were just sleep walking through the first half until they woke up at half time. Calgary made adjustments at the half. The Bomber offense and defense never makes any adjustments at half time.

    Bottom line IMHO - Richie Hall needs to be shown the door at the end of the year - and if this does not happen maybe MOS has overstayed his welcome in the Peg.

  13. 14 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    I wouldn't be surprised to hear he needs knee surgery in the off season. 

    lots of thoughts on this. If he is hurt and that reflects in his performance than maybe he should not be in. However if he gives us the best chance to win (hurt an all) then we have to play him. However in no way can he or MOS use the hurt excuse for losing. I really think the next 3 games will be MOS and teams Rubicon. If they go 0-3 then there is big trouble in Bomberland. If they even go 1-2 I see problems. Only a 2-1 or by some form of miracle 3-0 will avoid major issues going forward at least IMHO.

  14. 3 hours ago, USABomberfan said:

    1.  Keep Lankford off the field except only to use him in the Dressler end around play.  That's his only use.

    2.  Take the headset away from Richie Hall and don't allow him to call any more of those garbage defensive formations.

    Maybe just leave Richie Hall at home! Give him the Saturday off! Calgary on a Saturday is just too busy etc.

  15. 55 minutes ago, WBBFanWest said:

    If I were HC, I would have the offence score as many points as possible.  At the same time, I would have the defense  do everything possible to limit the  scoring by the other team.  I'd stress that if we can score more points than them over the course of the game, we stand a good chance of winning.

    You may have a solid point there! Maybe just Maybe if we score more points then they do we might win (or maybe not). Seriously I think the Stamps will be out for blood and if we have any chance of survival we need to make it past the first quarter with at least the lead or within a few points. However and this is my major However - any Richie Hall defense will be destroyed by a good team like Calgary. The Regina game was an abnormality IMHO. 

  16. 5 hours ago, Tracker said:

    The Bombers have to play all four quarters?

    You do bring up a good point. I really am hard pressed to remember when the Bombers actually played a complete 4 quarter game. Seems there always was 1 or 2 quarters where they really did not do much. Can anyone remember when you could say that they played a great 4 quarter game etc.? Maybe back in the Dave Richie or Cal Murphy days?

  17. 25 minutes ago, Booch said:

    and so it appears to be occurring again..teams are constanlty evolving their line-ups..bringing in new guys at expense of current ones to better their squad...as we stand pat with the same old "we like our guys"...and "he has worked hard in practice"..."we aren't interested in him (Mathews)

    This is the reason that I don't think this management group has the stones to get over the hump...blind loyalty and "liking" a guy only goes so far...and I agree with what Leggett said last year...we need a couple grade A assbags on the team who play to win and don't give a flying @##$ what people think on how they do it...we have a more than capable locker room to manage and maintain it...time for coaches and management to stop being a bunch of ******* and be old school football men...infuriates me to no end

    I can't help but agree with your statement. However from the Board on down I doubt they (The Board, The Bomber Management Group) have the stones to do what is necessary to bring that forward. I think we will just go through year over year of maybe 500 ball with an occasional one and done playoff appearance .

  18. 8 minutes ago, pigseye said:

    I guess we'll find out in the next three games just what type of team the Bombers are. 

    This is the best statement in this entire thread. We will find out what kind of team MOS has and what kind of a coaching staff we have over the next 3 games. IMHO and it is only my opinion we win 1 of the 3.

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