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Posts posted by BBRT

  1. 16 minutes ago, TBURGESS said:

    Argos have a better defense than we do and we have a better offense (At least in the first half of games). Strength against strength. 

    Argos have a fair offense and we have a fair defense. Weakness against weakness.

    I expect a split on these back to back games.


    that's how I see it too. Both teams win at home and we stand at 3-4. The next two games after that will be interesting both Hamilton and Ottawa come to our house. We might then be able to get above 500 before we go into Calgary last week in August and get clobbered.

  2. 2 hours ago, Mark H. said:

    I have become neutral when it comes to this team - they will not get me a too far up or too far down. 

    This is sort of my approach. When I lived in the Peg I lived and died each game. Died more that Lived. Now that I live in Calgary, I pick and choose which CFL games to watch. I have corporate season tickets to the Stamps but tend to give them away. I try and catch the bomber game when they come to town and maybe a Rider game but other than that give them away to clients. I am at the stage now when I at times, prefer to watch other teams play rather than a Bomber game. I hope they win and make it to the playoffs etc. but at the end of the day given what I believe is IMHO the worse CFL management group other than  the gang in Montreal, I really do not get all that down when they lose.

  3. 13 minutes ago, WBBFanWest said:

    If we had know that the Lions were only going to score 20 in this game, there would have been few people, excluding you of course, who would have predicted a loss.  This O should be expected to generate more than 20 points in a game, especially when it gets 17 in the first half.  The D wasn't perfect but if the O plays only an average 2nd half, we win this easily.  

    Bottom line to me - Even though the offense really stunk up the joint in the second half. The defense could not make the stops when necessary to at least get it into OT. And as others have indicated Lulay missed a large number of wide open receivers throughout the entire game. Richie Hall does not get a pass on this loss not now nor ever.

  4. 1 hour ago, Booch said:

    good teams beat the also rans...The Bombers whalloped the also rans...I'd say that the Bombers, especially now with their QB back have to be considered one of the top 2-3 teams league wide...a soild win this weekend should solidify that notion

    Getting there but until we can hang a win against Calgary and Edmonton not going to go there just yet.

  5. 1 hour ago, M.O.A.B. said:

    I'm not too worried about Lulay. With all his injuries, I wonder if he will stay on the pocket more instead of do more scrambling.

    For sure he will want to stay healthy for the rest of the season. Another exit with injury will definitely end his career. 

    i agree - you have to wonder if Wally will want to start Lulay this soon. It is a long season and if Lulay gets dinged next week that might be it for the season (and may career) for him. Wally might be better off just going with what he has and give Lulay a chance to be 100%. I guess we will know later this week what Wally's decision will be.

  6. 1 minute ago, Throw Long Bannatyne said:

    Riders were within 2 pts. of the Als at one point late in the 4th Q. in a sold out Mosaic stadium in a town where people really don't have much else to talk about and yet  Jones at no point thinks to put Bridge back in the game to try to salvage a victory.  Bridge is not much of a QB imo. but there is no doubting his physical ability, he can throw the ball a mile and he can run like the wind.  Somewhere in his mixed bag of QB skills and experience I believe he had the wherewithal to put together enough plays to defeat the Als. and yet Jones decided early on not to explore that possibility and pissed away the second half playing Watford.

    that one was hard to figure out - with Bridge I think they had a chance as the Als were really not doing that much. I think playing Watford was Jones's way of telling everyone he runs the show in Regina. They now have back to back with Hamilton and it could get ugly in Regina if they drop both games.

  7. 22 minutes ago, SPuDS said:

    It's so cute to watch rider fans get bent outta shape on a rival fans forum.. like what do they expect everyone here to echo their asinine comments and insanity??  that's what riderfans.com is for bud.  dont like the heat, back to the stable for you!

    I actually do not mind Rider Fans posting here as long as what the have to say makes a little sense and is in good taste etc. I post over on RiderFans.com and as long as I keep it clean and reasonable never had any issues. I would expect the same treatment here for Rider Fans. Heck I would even welcome Nasty Nate back ----- Just kidding on that one! :)

  8. 1 hour ago, USABomberfan said:

    Time to rebound after the loss and with guys like Leggett, Lefrance, and Wild coming off the 1-game we're going to be in even better shape for this game.  Streveler was great in game 1 and I am now eager to see him run out onto the field and get it done in week 2.


    I also think our defense is going to have a better showing this game knowing Willy and his holding onto the ball too long habit.  I know BC's defensive line is probably better than ours, but Willy was giving them sacks on a silver platter all game and he's likely going to give us some too in this game.  Not at all elusive like Reilly.


    I'm going to bet that if the Als offense sputters like it did in the second quarter and beyond against BC that we'll be seeing the Als march out Matt Schiltz or Jeff Matthews during this game.

    Any Defense that has Richie Hall as the DC is easy pickings for any QB even Willy. Would not surprise me to see him throw for 400 yds or more. Would like to see Leggett back to at least help.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Atomic said:

    I am not sold on Hamilton yet.  Those six wins in the final ten last year were against weaker competition, in general.  I don't think June Jones turned the team around just like that, and I don't think Masoli has much hope of holding onto the starting job beyond the first few games.  I'd love to see Calgary take a step back but... people predict that every season and it never happens.

    36-15 Stamps.


    I agree - weather here in Calgary sucks (chilly and rain) however Huffnagel and group always seem to field a good team year in and year out. Looking for a Calgary dominated win.

  10. 2 hours ago, BigBlue said:

    The request was made today to have a thread for the upcoming game on Thursday. I replied I didn't want to get yelled at for doing so. It is always the same 4 or 5 guys that want to get on my case ... they are abrasive and ornery just because they can  be ... they think it is funny to be mean... I have a thick skin so I don't care about their opinion but I do treasure this site and its overall goals

    Some just want two or three threads so they can just follow a couple of narratives without having to go to the effort of clicking other threads

    Others like to create very specific discussions about what they like to examine in detail. "Is Streveler our next James Franklin" is an example ...

    Some threads bomb getting a disinterested response and others takeoff like wildfire picking up half a dozen pages in no time: cutdown day  and game day threads are examples.

    So what do you want, what are your personal preferences?

    1] Just two or three threads or a tad more if there is something extraordinary or

    2] Do you want to see the freedom and creativity in  a lot of threads.

    3] Or maybe you want a modest approach of somewhere in between.

    Don't be shy - say what you love.

    Speak up for the silent majority that read but don't post..

    Do you want a pre-game thread (as one asked) for? Do you want a stand alone game day thread ro go with the chat room?

    And for the two of you who asked for a thread about a thread, you have what you want!!!


    I like game day treads that's for sure - Even the evil green empire to the west in the flat lands have a pretty good game day thread. I don't mind a lot of threads as I only read the ones that are interest to me. What I don't like is a 40 page thread on a minor topic. Again if you post over on Riderfans.com (which I do) by example they have a huge number of threads with tons of pages on minor obscure issues (even for them) and not even related to a Rider issue. Ugh!

  11. 1 hour ago, Bleeding Blue&Gold said:


    In the light of Nichols injury, maybe this is something we should pursue as an insurance policy.

    Definitely a better option then going back to begging Durant to come out of his 'retirement'.

    Nah think I would pass! Let's see what we have in camp does over the first 4-6 games. it is a long season and even getting off to a slow start may not hurt us down the road. Might be best to see what we have does when the bullets fly in earnest.

  12. 1 minute ago, Gotmilt said:

    Oh god Davis Sanchez is the worst. If you think Climie hates the Bombers, try Dirty Sanchez.

    you know I could never figure out what Climie had against the Bombers. Ever since I can remember he seems to always get that "left handed comment" or "negative viewpoint" on anything related to the Bombers. I try not to be hyper sensitive (I leave that to the Rider Fans) but he has always come across that way in my opinion.

  13. 26 minutes ago, Mark H. said:

    I think Heath not being back next year is being overrated on these boards.  The #1 problem was an MLB who played like a DL, a Safety who played in the box most of the time, and then a gap created at the traditional safety position.  

    Get Loffler out of the box and wreaking more havoc with receivers - suddenly the entire backfield is looking better.


    I agree 100% - get a real MLB that plays like a MLB and let our safety play like a safety instead of covering up for a weak MLB - and the entire D backfield will look better.

  14. I had no idea also - absolutely no words. Just heart broken since the announcement of the accident. I am a Bomber fan but have worked in a large number of small towns in Saskatchewan when I was with MHO. I really got close to a lot of the small town hockey life and traveled to a huge number of games with the local folks. Really at a loss for words at the moment.

  15. 22 hours ago, Mark F said:

    Is Sask.  going to start Sam Hurl at middle linebacker? Is that the plan at this point?


    I don't think they will start him - but at this point in time hard to say. I believe the Riders are counting on someone else to fill that void. According to RiderFans.com they really don't know who will fill the MLB role.

  16. My thoughts are that the Bombers may be marginally better over all. But with the defense still being a Richie Hall defense, I have my doubts we will be able to score enough points to win our share. The other concern I have is that the balance of the West appears, at least in my opinion, to have improved to a greater extent.

    So I see the Bombers as more or less a status quo while others such as Saskatchewan have become better. Whether Calgary or Edmonton have fallen off or stayed the same or even improved is a judgement call. 

  17. 12 hours ago, johnzo said:

    whoah, Quick Parker was a nightmare made real (as a football player)

    I don't know much about Parker's character but I do know that he's going to heaven, because St. Peter doesn't have Chris Walby to keep him out.

    yeah this one kind of hit me hard - not sure why other than I still remember him being an O Lineman's worse nightmare. Really did hit me hard!

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