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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2020-07-12 in Posts

  1. "I am so looking forward to running out of that tunnel for the first game and defending the Grey Cup." Zach Collaros https://www.bluebombers.com/2020/07/11/first-10-column-catching-collaros/ Ed Tait
    4 points
  2. blue_gold_84

    US Politics

    Well, just ask a couple of his ballwashers...
    3 points
  3. If you want to get an insight into an Inuit discussion of this issue I strongly recommend reading this article in the local Iqaluit (Nunavut) newspaper: https://nunatsiaq.com/stories/article/edmonton-football-club-responds-to-new-calls-for-a-name-change/ It's not so much the article itself but rather the comments on it that I found really interesting. Just a random example: Posted by Northern Inuit on 6 July, 2020 just because you have a twitter account doesn’t make you the be all and end all voice of eskimo’s and inuit alike. talk to us, many of your fellow inuit love the name Edmonton Eskimo’s. I’m not a fan of the CFL, but I’m proud and happy that Edmonton chose their name. now wash your hands and stop worrying about the small things.
    3 points
  4. 3 points
  5. 3 points
  6. Tracker


    2 points
  7. Mr Dee


    You couldn’t depict the year 2020 and the Republicans any better than this...
    2 points
  8. Mr Dee

    US Politics

    Never Trump -“Hi, my name is Josh and I live in North Carolina and I voted for Donald Trump — my bad, fam,” he begins, before explaining that this November will mark the first time “ever, ever” that he will vote for a Democrat. “If Joe Biden drops out and the DNC runs a tomato can, I will vote for the tomato can, because I believe the tomato can will do less harm than our current president.”The unsolicited video submission to a group called Republican Voters Against Trump is just one small part of a broader “Never Trump” rebellion that began four years ago as a largely ineffective cadre of appalled Republicans, but which has transformed in recent weeks into a potentially disruptive force in this year’s presidential race.On Sunday, Republican Voters Against Trump will air an ad during “Fox News Sunday,” a program Trump frequently watches, in North Carolina and Arizona highlighting 15 Republicans who voted for Trump in 2016 but will now vote for Biden. “It’s okay to change your mind,” the ad ends. “We did.” https://apple.news/AGG1ljKZJQEmgpyVTtuWwew
    2 points
  9. Mr Dee


    If you can’t listen to Bill Nye..who can you listen to?
    2 points
  10. Floyd

    Renaming Sports Teams

    I've been in the north for almost 25 years now... Jordin Tootoo, Tanya Tagaq and Mumillaq Qaqqaq's voices have A LOT of weight up here. I too know a lot of people that don't care about the word Eskimo... but its DOES have systemic racism connotations. Eskimos just lost Boston Pizza as a sponsor... once again, the CFL is behind an issue instead of ahead of it. On a basic economic level, any diehard fan or casual fan would not 'stop liking' CFL football if they were 'forced' to cheer for the Edmonton Elks... but the name Eskimos has been hurting the CFL brand and now the bottom line. Minority voices or not... the Eskimos brand now prevents the Feds from giving the CFL any sort of bailout... what point are we trying to prove?
    1 point
  11. Wanna-B-Fanboy

    US Politics

    Is that using a soapy cloth or their tongues? Maybe those people cheering on trump wearing a mask (it's almost like when a parent cheers on a child when they poop in a toilet, Yay lil' donnie!") have yet to see this pic of the "very stable genius" 3 mins after donning a mask.
    1 point
  12. SpeedFlex27

    Renaming Sports Teams

    Well, the leadership from what I understand has been silent. I could be wrong there but I don't recall any senior community leaders say they want the name changed. Have you?Therefore, I believe it's only a minority that does. If it was such a pressing issue then there would have been a message sent & there would be no doubt. The call to have a name change looks more like bullying to me. That isn't a good enough reason to force a name change, I don't think. I don't have an issue with a name change if it can be shown that the majority of the Inuit community want that.
    1 point
  13. Floyd

    Renaming Sports Teams

    Well I hate to break it to you but Canada barely knows what the CFL is... ha if the Eskimos have a letter from the IRC (Inuvialuit leadership) and NTI (Nunavut tunngavik) saying that the name is not offensive, it’s a non issue... if not, then just change the name - every move a private business makes does not have to appease all canadians - but right now the name Eskimos is not helping the brand if Edmonton came out and said we are being proactive in support of indigenous peoples and changing the name - look at how much free advertising and goodwill the CFL would get... at a time when we are asking Canada for money
    1 point
  14. Mr Dee


    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. FrostyWinnipeg


    12 in a row
    1 point
  17. Tracker

    US Politics

    Maybe, just maybe, the tide of opinion among GOPers is starting to turn. Should Trump somehow stay in offce, at the end of another four years with him, it will be difficult to tell the US from North Korea or Russia.
    1 point
  18. bustamente

    US Politics

    Seriously what the hell is wrong with these people
    1 point
  19. Mr Dee

    Did You Know..

    DYK We’ve drafted a kicker who can him ‘em from 70 yards...
    1 point
  20. FrostyWinnipeg


    11 days in a row.
    1 point
  21. iHeart


    man are the case updates taking a day off today? well Frosty is telling me off board that it's 11 straight....I guess I'll do the honours
    1 point
  22. You know, maybe I'm just clued out when it comes to the discussion here about changing the name Eskimos. I was never told or taught that Eskimo was a bad word. It was a designation given to people who live in the arctic. Not just in Canada but the US , Northern Europe & Russia. As I see it, it was a name given to people who lived in one of the harshest climates in the world & thrived as a people. Able to live off the land with their own unique culture & language. I always thought Eskimo meant a proud people & heritage. I don't know anyone who considered the word Eskimo as derogatory. Edmonton named their team for the Eskimos as a compliment & acknowledgement of their proud way of life & that is how & everyone else including me has looked at it. It's not a derogatory name like Redskins which should be changed. There are no teams called the Pale Faces. The word Eskimo is supposed to be a proud team name. If the Inuit community overwhelmingly wants a name change, okay then do it & make the change. If they think Eskimo is a derogatory name then who am I to say it isn't? But if all this is is just the work of a few activists in their community being picked up by the Cancel Culture while the majority of Inuit are silent then no, it shouldn't be changed. I say, put it to a vote. If the Inuit community votes for change then change it. That should put an end to this once & for all.
    1 point
  23. bustamente


    This is what happens when government fails you and gives up and there are no signs that it's going to get any better in the next period of weeks
    0 points
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