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  2. Hubris is exactly the word for that one. Years of "player x doesnt need to practice" "player y is a pro, he doesnt need reps in the pre-season" "we dont need to use that rule, and we can start 8-9-10 canadians because we're so great" has finally come home to roost...hard. I hope this isn't the beginning of the end, but its starting to look like "just one more year" of running it back without any competition or contingency for the aging out of veterans has finally come back to bite us. It could be a long season - I hope I'm wrong, but I'm worried.
  3. If Lawler hits the 6 game they’d sure better use that money to bring in Worthy or Alford to return
  4. Is Lawler's upper body injury his hand/wrist or his thorax?
  5. QB play definitely did not do them any favours. Keeping in mind this was watching on TV. I did see Dobson running up after the play without having blocked anyone at least 3 times. Lofton got beat bad once for sure. I thought the interior was pushed too far back in the pocket a lot in the first half, not so much in the second. I didn’t notice Bryant at all, which is a compliment. That’s true, the 2021 Grey cup was the last time he did. I mean, he’s had a ton of great games since then obviously but I do t recall him leading a comeback since then. When he’s off he says off now. Thing is Streveler is such a wild card in that they only really ever let him run the gimmick offence. I think he can get it done, if you go back and watch his early starts from 2018 he was slinging it. Even the 2019 BB. Still like Dieter Fan was saying, a Strev/Brown combo would have been huge. Would also likely have meant more money for a Jeffcoat or a good FA.
  6. Zac had the headlight look, for most of that game. Als completely shut down the middle pass lanes on D. Some throws missed, some more were just awkward.....
  7. Today
  8. I'm surprised how reasonable this forum is tonight lol. Some of the people behind me at the game were already jumping off the bridge. God help us if we get whooped by Ottawa next week
  9. I was at the game live and when I heard Lofton was in the starting line up I was surprised. I thought they opened some holes for Olivera, but he litterly tripped. More than once. I'm no expert here but It seemed to me like Zach had time to pass. Just was holding on too long
  10. 100%. It’s not like I enjoy being an ass about it or anything. I like Zach and I genuinely want to be wrong lol
  11. I don't think the OL was all that awful, Collaros when he's bad tends to make them look worse than they are by doing nothing with the ball but staring hopelessly downfield.
  12. I didn’t think so particularly. Decent, not great in the run game, poor in pass pro. I wasn’t impressed with either of the guards, or Lofton at RT, but at least he made that one chip on Stubblefield.
  13. I have tons of respect for what Zac has done for the team but you'd have to be blind or exceptionally disingenuous to not admit we hung on to a guy on the downside of his bell curve and let go a guy on the upside of his. I think Brown and Strev would have made a scary combo. 2 very mobile QBs and Brown who has shown he can take charge even coming off the bench. He could have had this year to sharpen his skills in prep for the GC in 25 at home. If he stinks it up this year I'll humbly eat my words as long as it's on him and not his OL
  14. I think it's reasonable to trust Walter's judgement. If they really believed Brown was all we Crack him up to be, than I think they'd find a way to keep him. We're paying Lawler 300 k ffs... That being said Walter's has made some bad judgements in the past. But not many
  15. Agree with all of this. Michell needs to go imo. In 2 preseason and 1 real game we’ve seen 2 pass drops, a fumble, and fiddle ******* around trying to catch the ball. Apple and a road map.
  16. I'm OK with letting Brown go if Streveler is the guy to take the reigns. Either way it's incumbent on the coaches to realize when Zach needs some sideline time. WHen he's in a funk he rarely pulls himself out of it anymore.
  17. This is well said. I'm not surprised they gave Zach time to work through it. But when he goes through lulls again Strev is a game changer. He can litterly turn the momentum. I haven't read back in our comments but I thought the Oline played pretty well tonight. Defence was fine. Secondary played pretty well
  18. Ford had some ups and downs but I suspect time will be very kind to him as the year goes on. Defense was mostly pretty solid until the end when they just gave up because it was clear the offense was never going to to anything to get back into it. Mitchell had a nice opening return then fumbled and just completely went walkabout for the rest of the game. If you do one thing as a returner just field the kick cleanly, he couldn't even get under the kicks as the game went on. Fail. Offense... what a load of crap. Better to be punched in the mouth now than when it's too late.
  19. I know he’s going to have better games than that, just overall I don’t see him improving season to season anymore, and I don’t think that’s the last performance like that we’ll see this year. I’m going to try very hard not to beat this point into the ground but It’s very hard to get over the fact that they let one of the only QBs they’ve developed in my lifetime go to keep a 35 year old regressing player who hamstrings the cap. They’re going to have to let Streveler throw the ball and play full games if they want any shot at keeping this thing going.
  20. I'd lead block for you to tippy toe into the endzone haha...I'm still a load hahaha when we use Strev we need to use him as a QB running the offence...not just the run plays they have...as teams will just sit on that....dude can throw...let him...plus he can scramble and move around...he not a sitting duck back there,
  21. How much you wanna bet I can throw a football over them mountains?
  22. oh he will be better than tonight. He was not even in the right time zone on most of his throws. That will be better and they will make some plays as the rust comes off (and it wasn't just him, Schoen, Demski, Lawler, Wolitarsky... did any of those guys actually play in preseason? They all looks largely like ****). The things that concern me about Collaros is that he came in and made hay on the intermediate routes but teams are not giving him that and he sucks at short throws and he doesn't seem to be as accurate on the longer throws as he used to be. I have maintained that the key for this year is lots of Streveler to take some pressure off Collaros. I understand why they gave Collaros time tonight to get over it... but going forward we need to let Streveler pass too because it's better for the offense as a whole. the quarterbacking was so bad tonight it sucked the life completely out of the whole team.
  23. Omg lol I just read this imagine being like “yeah I wish those guys who predicted this got some CTE instead of me being able to admit maybe I was blowing smoke up the wrong ass”
  24. we get a half decent offensive performance...we win that game....Defense has the horses....just get the right ones out of the stable Kudo's to Osh for actually admitting he screwed up....Light bulb moment?....we shall see Our D-line rotation is gonna be legit...and a strong point...If we can get Bennett signed as a Canadian rotation....less to no Jake only makes us stronger....and Ford is gonna be fine...Bonds looks legit....Cole....nothing needs to be said there and Wilson was solid but like some other vets...didnt have his sea legs....part of the Osh oopsie... I concerned with ZC tho...rust and NOT being in game speed mode didn't help and was apparent, but also seeing some the same stuff we have seen last year already that makes me wonder if he has regressed, as these "off" games happen with too much regularity now....Hope to see in coming games some Strev looks running the actual offense too...and running if/when things break down....instances now where with ZC he seems to go in panic mode almost...and either force things for a pick...miss a guy badly or just get sacked. BO also was not game ready and had no explosion or stamina....another coaching oversight in my opinion not involving JA more.... I still hate our punter and if we need him to actually kick us out of trouble I don't think he can, and Mitchell is not the return answer...Hopefully Smith is healthy sooner than later, plus he will be a nice piece on offence all is not lost if the right things are done....next week will be interesting, and imagine what this place will be like if Dru out plays ZC ...and badly.....I think if we have games where we get that ZC it should be a quick hook and let Strev actually play QB....
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