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  2. So I generally remember Bombers by their best moments rather than their worst -- I remember Michael Bishop throwing laser bombs all day against the Als and I remember Ritchie Hall absolutely owning the Lions last year, and I remember Lapo's Grey Cup 2019 game where he had the Ticats chasing smoke all day. Lapo had some frustrating moments in blue but he had his high points too.
  3. It's Harris. BLM may get hurt first but he'll say he's fine (he's not) and refuse to go on the IR. Masoli doesn't count because he's still on the IR from a trip to the bar two years ago.
  4. He is a better head coach than he is oc if you ask me.
  5. TSN’s top 50 players list yet again shows how low the level of intelligence is amongst our overall media
  6. He did one or two Games last year, I caught the end of one before a bomber game. It was excellent.
  7. BLM doesn’t get hurt. He has been hurt for like 6 years now.
  8. Always liked Lapo as an OC... Maybe a little conservative but his play designs are excellent... Dreadful head coach however
  9. Yeah lapos bug weakness as a coach is his offensive playcalling. Dude knows football, he just doesn't know when to go for it and when to play it safe. Down by 2 scores with little time left is the best lapo. Up by 2 scores with half a game left is worst lapo.
  10. Occasionally Matty will spotlight a little piece of the game that teaches me something. But mostly I enjoy him because I live his spirit and enthusiasm for the game, and he generally doesn't put lipstick on any pigs. The best TSN color guy for in game analysis seems to be Forde ... generally he's worth listening to. Would love to see Lapo try color, see if he can do his crisp explaining in the few seconds he's got between plays....
  11. I’m captain of the plop the oc sucks. But even as a leader he is better. I actually thought he would be solid as a hc if he could keep his hands off the offence in game.
  12. Today
  13. I have never seen anything but praise for Lapo's tv work on this site, even from the hardest lapo detractors. Dude has a gift for explaining the game that's so obvious that even mbb can't fight about it.
  14. I agree...they should give him a segment every telecast...I'd even go as far as a weekly or monthly show with content like that
  15. 8 out of 9 teams haven't played in the last 4 Grey Cup games.
  16. No one has ever said anything negative about Lapo on TV. It's Lapo the Coach that people rightfully dislike.
  17. You’re right. Plop was limited as an oc, but is excellent on tv. I’d love to see him talk cfl offence each week in a show with blm.
  18. Warning before reading: The following opinion may not be a popular one here. When it comes to best media segments and analysis that I've seen in recent memory, I have 2 give Lapo's coach's playbook as something I both thoroughly enjoyed and thought he broke down extremely well so even the average fan could understand. There I brought his name up, I am prepared for the hate on to begin.
  19. We might have a silly looking DL for this game. Surprised they didn't keep a Canadian LB/DB type around.
  20. Yesterday
  21. This would be like Angelo Mosca vs Joe Kapp all over again. 😂
  22. Hell yeah, love the super dogs. Only halftime show I’ll stay in my seat for.
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