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  1. Past hour
  2. The Wall of Honour signage on the East side has been removed.
  3. https://toronto.citynews.ca/2024/06/14/red-lobster-canada-to-ask-court-to-recognize-stalking-horse-bid-ok-sales-process/
  4. Mitchell and Chris Smith were both fielding field goals. I dont see MCI on the field.
  5. Augustine looks like he's a little banged up. Streveler is doing the holding for field goals so far today.
  6. Brady's not practicing, but he is doing some running. Kyrie Wilson isnt practicing. Schoen isnt practicing.
  7. I got way beyond tired of the flat brim and curving it by hand just bent or broke it so I did some research. Had to come up with something, I have over 100 of them, couldn’t have them all looking like a mess lol
  8. Opps yeah thats right. Even if we get 6 games of relief, it's too late for that money to make a real impact. But I think we will have few guys actually finish the 6 game stint. Our cap distribution is hamstrung by a bunch of old guys who can't produce or aren't used. We need to fix the roster management, but we also need to fix some cap issues. We are stuck between competing and getting younger only we aren't competing right now. And it's only going to get hotter in bomber town, if we don't hit a win streak right away it will be damn hard to be above .500 after the BJB.
  9. High price tag and $250k guaranteed for next year. They can try to get him to redo his contract but there's not a lot of incentive for him to agree to that so yeah hamstrung is right.
  10. and it's eating up big money SMS wiseright now as well....for zero production....
  11. Today
  12. Long season, but it's even worse when you look at how that position has been utilized over 2 games.
  13. Reminds me of when I was a kid when I would curve my hockey sticks using the stove element.
  14. Way too much money for the running back position. Especially considering most teams are spending about a third of that for their starting runningback and back up.
  15. In order to make a trade you have to find a willing trade partner. How many teams in the CFL are ready to lock-in a player $600k per, for 2 more seasons? The fatal mistake Bombers brass made was in October 2022 when they agreed to give Zach Collaros a 3-year deal at $600k per season through to the end of 2025. It's not just quantum at $600k but duration - 3 years for a single player. They are saddled with that now just as they were at the end of last season when they had to have considered trying to keep Dru Brown but quickly concluded it would be impossible since no other team wanted Zach's contract. Hamstrung themselves.
  16. I’m sure this is what you meant but it’s closer to 340k for Brady/Johnny
  17. Agree with all of that. Of those two, bolo is the one I wish we couldve kept. He's got the upside, demski is old and has had a lot of injury issues plus I don't see woli playing into old age or a wheel chair. I wonder if we still would've jumped into FA and brought in a big time player on D, I kind of doubt it. But that would've been the move imo. Idk, Yoshi is over the hill cant stay healthy and to pay him drastically more than big stan isn't in line with how we do things. Thats a good point. That was an ugly stretch of games too. At Zachs age though, I don't think changing will happen. If we moved on from Zach in the of season, we could've traded him for a significant value as well. I don't think 600k is crippling, I think what cripples us is how many fringe guys we pay premium money to. Like how much we spent between augustine and BO last year. Also, ach has taken a reduction in salary to the 600k. I'm guessing he is in the 550k range now at least, which is pretty standard. Right around 10% of the salary cap. Biggie is making 165, WJ 200k, lawson 140k, jake for sure north of 100k, kramdi making 140k, neuf north of 100k for sure, probably 240 between bo and augustine this year, 3 of the top 4 wrs combining for around 740k. We have a LOT of over paid guys, even sergios hard money is a good chunk more than any other K/P in the league coming close to 150k.
  18. ohh thats interesting I might have to try that! QFT LOL
  19. Thanks, will add that to my shopping list for my Saturday drive home from Fargo airport.
  20. Found it at Hamilton Food Store in Westwood. They import a lot of stuff from the States. It wasn't cheap. I want to say $20+ for a 12 pack but my wife bought it for me for father's day so she was coy about the price.
  21. I don't think you'd see BOLO or Bailey back because they were chasing expanded roles that they wouldn't get here. Bailey would at best be 3rd receiver here. BOLO is stuck behind Demski and Wolitarsky. You would have seen money shift to the D for sure. If anything I think they would have kept Hardrick.
  22. Did you get it here? I did pick up a can of the diet at Grant Park. I'll have to torment my wife with that info. We recently went to the states looking for it, but we went on a Monday and it came out on the Wednesday.
  23. The worst trend in sports merch is the move away from fitted hats to adjustable ones. Hate the adjustable ones.
  24. For some reason Collaros last year in Hamilton popped into my head while driving. 0-8 until finally replaced. Kent Austin kind of similarly stubborn. June Jones switches up the offense to a Run and Shoot look around Masoli and they take off. You'd think at some point he'd realize that he has to be willing to adjust to what the needs of the offense are.
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