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  2. Oh man outside of Marjhan she was a badass in her own right https://tvline.com/casting-news/911-lone-star-sierra-mcclain-leaving-grace-final-season-5-fox-1235255674/
  3. Nothing like a swift kick in the balls to punctuate an abysmal outing
  4. Thanks. I’m not sure who we would use like that that is also eligible. It would work well with wj, but they won’t do that, outside of the fact we don’t use the rule it self they don’t want to use that on our biggest defensive star. Ba seems back and we don’t have the right guy to rotate with him.
  5. amazing concept...and we refuse to use it cause..........???..??.'?????
  6. Honestly I kinda get it. They were putting the exclamation point on their ship and staking a claim to being the premiered team in the league.
  7. Yesterday
  8. https://www.tsn.ca/cfl/winnipeg-blue-bombers-wr-kenny-lawler-has-fractured-arm-trip-to-six-game-injured-list-likely-1.2131832 Bad news so who do we bring in. Or is it Johnson or Mitchell and Wilson. Does Lord Keric of Wheatfall get a shot.
  9. Lawler arm fracture they say. 6 gamed likely. Oh I agree. That’s why I said guess wait for some other games first. Agreed. There is no mercy rule in the pros. I’m starting to feel this could be the year it all goes wrong for the blue.
  10. You want to come out throwing and keep pushing the ball downfield, but this is just hilariously petty on the als part. Your opponent at that point has basically given up and you gotta throw in a flea flicker. But good job als, you got a win in week one.
  11. Awe and Mills are listed as designated nationalized Americans. Extremely smart usage of that rule as those two are going to see much the same game time snap count they normally would but in each instance can replace a lesser talented Canadian and therefore allow a stronger situational lineup where needed.
  12. No eye rolls here. If it was the Bombers I’d be laughing and saying “well, they could have stopped it instead of crying about it”. I’ve always felt that way about running up the score. Fair game. If the other team doesn’t like it, do something to stop it.
  13. No they were trying to leave no doubt and hit the killing blow. Isn't that something you complain Lapo wouldn't do? That's exactly what they should have done from a trying to win perspective
  14. Can we roll our eyes at the als pulling out a flea flicker late in game one when they're already cruising to a victory? Were they trying to win the cup in June?
  15. ‘Ford was victimized for the biggest play in the game, a 76-yard flea-flicker from Cody Fajardo to Philpot that came midway through the fourth quarter. Ford set his feet after the ball was handed off to Walter Fletcher, allowing the receiver to get behind him and the entire defence. Fajardo hit him over the middle of the field and the University of Calgary product outran Ford and Evan Holm in a footrace to the end zone. “It’s just eye discipline — it was bad on my part,” said Ford postgame. “I looked and I’d seen the running back had the ball and he was still running. I was like, ‘Oh, it’s a handoff,’ then he pitched it back and I was like, ‘Oh, shoot.’ Bad eyes. My eyes are supposed to be on my guy. Stuff happens.”’ 3rd down nation article today about the flea flicker.
  16. Probably using a derivative loophole of the rules intention.
  17. If the Bombers want to figure out how to use the Designated American they should look at Calgary's depth chart this week. There's absolutely no reason to not use this. Even if you don't plan on using it to the limit you increase your flexibility in case of injury(ies) immensely.
  18. He was out of the pocket and down field, wouldn’t be rtp, he wasn’t a passer any more. Any you cut it, that was a soft marginal at best call in a game with some pretty bad missed calls. Or in other words, “forget it, Jake. It’s Chinatown.” Wouldn’t be a cfl game with out a horrible inconsistency in penalty enforcement.
  19. The other argument would be that it was contacting the helmet, so still a roughing the passer... a very soft roughing the passer, but been called the last couple years either way.
  20. His finger hooked a bit of the mask on the way down. So technically you can call it a face mask but it was a 10 ply soft call
  21. At most it was a brush, not a grasp, it would have taken command center 3 seconds to correct that call. They'll never get where they need to be, if they don't know how to get there.
  22. Not lot of penalties called but several were bad timing. That face mask call, looked made up by the ref but I haven’t seen the replay. I think the rule says, “grasping the face mask”. Rule 7;art 4 e). https://cfldb.ca/rulebook/fouls-and-penalties/major-fouls/ It was quick and I doubted there was a legit grasp. It almost seemed that because it was a decent hit, the ref threw the flag and decided later what to call it. The penalty gave the visitors some momentum.
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