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25 minutes ago, Goalie said:

Jerry Lawler suspended indefinitely due to a domestic violence incident 

Here are some more details on it:


The mug shots seem to indicate visible damage to Lawler and none to her.  Not that it means anything.  But Lawler is legitimately one of the really nice guys in the business.  Hopefully this isnt that.  Cops arrested both, unable to determine who was the aggressor.

WWE policy is to suspend.  And if convicted its an automatic release.  If I had to guess, I'd say the issue ends up "resolved".


Also Lawler dating a 27 year old hottie?  Respect.

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10 hours ago, Goalie said:

I think Cena is probably a better wrestler than people give him credit for. He is probably somewhat restricted tho in what he's allowed to do. He's not awful but he's not Cesaro either but he's decent enough. Cena is a star cuz like him or not he has a presence about him. It's not how he's booked... it's just how he is. You either got it or you don't.  Cena has got it. Besides since when did being a great wrestler matter to wwe. I mean Hulk Hogan was champ for years. Sucked in ring while guys like Mr perfect and Rick rude and steamboat put on the classics... hogan much like Cena put the asses in the seats. 

Cena isnt restricted to having less than great matches.  He isnt restricted to being awkward in the ring or not hitting the ropes very well.  WWE does have a "style".  For example AJ Styles works different in WWE then he did in New Japan.  But he's still light years ahead of Cena.

Certainly, Cena's workrate ability doesnt diminish his star stature.  Just as it didnt for Hogan, Rocky or Austin.  Michaels was a 5-star worker but was a poor drawing champion.  Nash was neither a good worker or a big star but they tried to make him the next Hogan.

If Perfect, Rude and Steamboat came along today, all would probably be world champions.  Actually all three were world champions, just not in WWE.

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Thought the ppv was overall very good. Ambrose cashing in on Seth who just beat Roman was unexpected 

Hell of a spot by Cesaro also in the ladder match. Off the ladder springboard to ropes to flying European uppercut was wow 

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I actually thought they'd do that but not enough to post my prediction here darn it lol

ill say this. Ambrose deserves it. A guy people said wasn't good enough or big enough. Didn't have the right look. Couldn't cut promos. Etc etc. And no matter how poorly they booked him he just worked hard and got over and stayed over. He deserves it. Good for him. 

Dean Ambrose is world champion and his girlfriend is Rene Young. He's doing alright for himself. 

Guess Vince for tired of ratings dropping with Roman as champion. But more likely it's setting up a shield tnree way at SummerSlam with the idea of Roman getting over by having to overcome a great challenge 

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Cena's yelling of spots was really bad.  After this much time in the business, the fact he seemingly cant remember the spots and needs to talk that much is weird.

By all reports, Seth has done well on house shows so I dont think this was any sort of test.  I think its just a matter of pushing a Shield Three-Way and needing to elevate someone for the Brand Split.  Both scenario's need Ambrose to be looked at as a top guy.  Once they turned Styles, who was drawing better at house shows than Roman, and the decision to keep Seth a heel, they badly needed to push another top babyface.  We'll see how much the poor booking of Dean has damaged him or if the rebuild can be successful.

Seth vs Roman was good, not great.  They went for the Epic match.  But it was flat in many places which has a lot to do with Seth not being as over due to the fans wanting to cheer him, and Roman being boo'ed.  The WWE-way of kicking out of every big spot is getting a bit ridiculous too.  It builds drama to a degree but the expectation will be that no one decent can lose to a finisher.

I thought AJ/Cena was decent too.  Cena is big, strong and awkward and I think that came across with how he worked with Styles.  Styles is a great heel and really showed a lot of personality.  In both top matches, they just had to protect the face.  With Styles, having the Club do the run in...which I cringed as it happened but its story telling so be it.  In Roman's match, there was no need to do that ref bump to protect him.  Roman acted a lot more heelish too, by the way.

Surprised at the Natalie heel turn.  Didnt see that coming, but love it.  Wonder if they will put her with Charlotte in sort of a second-generation Horsewomen group.  She's a tremendous worker and character so I imagine this is to give the faces someone really solid to work to prepare for Charlotte.  They used to do that back in Hogan's day, the solid worker who was just below Hogan would be the guy that got the big heels ready for the run on top with Hogan.  Will see Natalia/Becky in the short term but I imagine Natalia/Sasha will be a big program before Sasha goes onto Charlotte.

Another idea I had was with the brand split, they want women on both shows.  Create a Women's Tag Team Championship for one show and the World Championship for the other.

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It all seemed very predictable. My 9 year old called the Ambrose run-in at the end of the main event. I considered it an almost foregone conclusion that he was going to win the money in the bank match. They all but announced it on the previous RAW episode.

I don't watch a tonne of wrestling, but from what I have I'm not much of a fan of Ambrose or Styles. I'm not sure what it is. Maybe it's Styles' terrible haircut...

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Ambrose said on RAW that he was going to win Money in the Bank and cash in on the winner of Roman and Seth and that's exactly what happened.  It was predictable because they made it that way.

For some reason that crowd loved Del Rio.  Would have been funny for him to win it and cash in.

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5 hours ago, sweep the leg said:

It all seemed very predictable. My 9 year old called the Ambrose run-in at the end of the main event. I considered it an almost foregone conclusion that he was going to win the money in the bank match. They all but announced it on the previous RAW episode.

I don't watch a tonne of wrestling, but from what I have I'm not much of a fan of Ambrose or Styles. I'm not sure what it is. Maybe it's Styles' terrible haircut...

Which is interesting because Owens was originally looking like he was going to win.  There was a sudden change in direction on Saturday. 

Styles is probably the best thing in wrestling right now. But a friend of mine hates his hair cut too. 

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40 minutes ago, Jpan85 said:

Angle going to be paired with American Alpha when he returns.

Thats the obvious way to use him.  Another would be Rusev.  If they bring Angle in with the idea of using him sporadically I think they will be surprised at the reaction he gets and he will end up doing far more than they originally anticipated, sort of like what happened with Sting.

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