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15 minutes ago, Taynted_Fayth said:

the storyline to genysis wasn't overly complicated if you've watched the other movies or are an avid fan of the previous movies, but I can see how someone who isn't or misses a little of the beginning could sit there with a big ? written across their face, and nothing is worse then watching something you don't understand.


RE: Baywatch a big ol MEH from me,  thought the show was dumb (not to say i didnt watch the slow motion running scenes as a kid ;) )


RE: Star Wars, i weould have thought the December release date was the original target date, xmas around the corner can only mean merchandise $$ in a frenzy

Timeline was pretty tight for Star Wars too.  They just started principle shooting so its not that tight.  But given the success of TFA, it makes sense to keep the same release date and to allow for the anticipation to build up all throughout 2017.  Provides a better buffer between Rogue One and Episode VIII.

Baywatch could be fun.  I was never a fan of the show although I remember watching the pilot (see how old I am?) which was pretty different from the actual series.  Rock is a smart guy and he and Effron together should be a lot of fun.

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1 hour ago, Logan007 said:

I liked 1-3.  4 was meh and 5 was absolute crap.

I've made my comments on 4 clear. 5 was not as bad as I heard it was. Sadly they went with that blue filter look for the movie. Could have set up Jai as the new Die Hard. I'm still waiting for Die Hard on a boat - that could be awesome.

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1 minute ago, FrostyWinnipeg said:

I've made my comments on 4 clear. 5 was not as bad as I heard it was. Sadly they went with that blue filter look for the movie. Could have set up Jai as the new Die Hard. I'm still waiting for Die Hard on a boat - that could be awesome.

i think it was called under seige

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If they had just kept the Die Hard formula it would have worked.  Even the idea that its ridiculous for the same thing to happen to the same guy 3 or 4 or 5 times, thats the hook!  And keep John as just a regular good cop, not a friggen action star.  The one great thing about casting Bruce Willis was that he was known for his comedy roles (Moonlighting).  And people were angry, thinking it was a joke.  He helped usher in the new era of action starts that were sensitive and "average" as opposed to muscleheads.

Whomever they cast as young John, they should look to people with strong comedic timing, not an action star.

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Seems like they went every route with willis' character, 1 & 2 was with his wife(ex), 3 was paired up with a joe nobody (jackson) 4 was with his daughter and partnered up with justin long,  then 5 was with his son.  unless his parents are to be slated for a prequel, seems his introduction in the first die hard was he was just an average NYC cop, not a warrior against terrorists

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that's a tough stipulation to cast, most young people are pretty cut and dry one style or another, its usually later in their careers onces the've been established they try 180's on their roles.  couple of the few that are a little of both action humor are a little too old already, like Chris Hemsworth, Chris Pine, tom Hardy

Edited by Taynted_Fayth
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lol might be but camera angles did wonders for stallone


this is the Escobar trailer, even tho the movie came out in 2014,  with some camera love i think he could play the part of a young McClane as a young cop



10 years of NYC crime made him into the older shoe leather mcclane lol

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If there's one thing Stallone's "Expendables" tried to tell us, is that there's too many p*ssies trying to be action heroes (Hutcherson...Ephron...seriously??) these days. Back in the day, it was legit tough guys like Stallone, Willis, Arnold and others. You wanna do a prequel for DH, fine....but make it a tough guy....make it a man.

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4 minutes ago, Noeller said:

If there's one thing Stallone's "Expendables" tried to tell us, is that there's too many ******* trying to be action heroes (Hutcherson...Ephron...seriously??) these days. Back in the day, it was legit tough guys like Stallone, Willis, Arnold and others. You wanna do a prequel for DH, fine....but make it a tough guy....make it a man.

I dont disagree but you aint gonna find too many ppl that could probably fit the bill and be believable to Bruce Willis (who will be in the movie too) maybe Ryan Reynolds back when he did Van Wilder?

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5 hours ago, Noeller said:

If there's one thing Stallone's "Expendables" tried to tell us, is that there's too many p*ssies trying to be action heroes (Hutcherson...Ephron...seriously??) these days. Back in the day, it was legit tough guys like Stallone, Willis, Arnold and others. You wanna do a prequel for DH, fine....but make it a tough guy....make it a man.

You mean like the TV actor lead in a comedy drama like bruce Willis was in the 80's? Yup. Big action star. That's the gist of our discussion that they should not be casting an action star and trying to capture what made die hard cool and bruce Willis and "new" kind of so called action star 

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