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I will agree there with Hunter being face on NXT and heel on RAW is very very confusing, I don't get it.. I actually liked the cold open, it was cool and very ECW ish with Paul Heyman always doing the same type of thing there... But i do agree that it doesn't make sense that he's a face on NXT and heel on RAW... makes no sense.


I'd love to see them shoot an angle tonight, hell, vinces birthday, could have Vince come out to celebrate, Vince will get a reaction, then you could have HHH come out and say... Happy Birthday DAD then pedigree his ass in to retirement lol, or have a bunch of NXT guys come out and all hit their finisher on Vince (doubt that would happen, some might kill him lol) and start an invasion angle of sorts with NXT taking over RAW...  It won't happen and generally i think invasion angles are over done but... this one actually makes sense..  You could incorporate the real life stuff in to it, HHH wanting to take over, Vince refusing to let go really. 

Not only face in NXT and heel in WWE, he changes allignment week to week on RAW, almost segment to segment.  The idea is he and Steph are above everyone else and are "legit" and in business sometimes you're a heel and sometimes you're a face.  But wrestling has a specific way it works and their constant changing and tweening waters down the people they work with, most notably Seth Rollins.


Funny you mention Hunter/Vince.  That was the original idea last year.  Vince was going to choose Austin as his proxy and the company control would be on the line at WrestleMania, Austin vs Hunter.  Austin declined and Vince has been shy about being on TV.  He's older and smaller.  But I agree, thats the last money angle they have right now...Vince vs Hunter.  Bring back SHANE!

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Dunn is an odd looking guy.  I dont find him particularly good at his job either.  WWE production is very slick but it changed when **** Ebersol was in charge of WWE on NBC.  He taught them how to bring their production up.  Dunn's weird camera angles and decisions dont help them.  And supposedly he is also very sexist and has been the guy pushing the decline of the women's division.  He's one of those guys that kisses up to Vince by telling him what he thinks he wants to hear.  Like Kevin Owens is too fat to be a top guy.


And whats funny about that is, the old Hunter would totally have agreed.  Kevin Nash recently criticised Owens using the old mantra of, to be a top guy girls should want to be with you and guys should want to be you.  Nash said that wasnt true with Owens.  But today's wrestling business is different.  But Hunter is the guy that cut the balls off of Steiner, Punk, Booker, Jericho, Angle and even in some cases Austin and Hogan.  Hunter's thing was never "if I make this guy a big star then I look like a bigger star too", it was "if I cut this guys balls off then I look bigger next to him".


Thank goodness he has changed...in some regards.

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Just reading some "dirt sheets" and i know they aren't 100 percent accurate at all times, he says that he says that he says that.... etc but... apparently John Cena was the guy who squashed Charlotte taking the divas title from Nikki, His girlfriend. 


Not saying i believe it but there does seem to be some truth to Cena refusing to put people over, lots of guys have come out and said it actually.. alex riley, tyler reks, others also.. saying Cena gets in Vinces ear and politics things. 

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Just reading some "dirt sheets" and i know they aren't 100 percent accurate at all times, he says that he says that he says that.... etc but... apparently John Cena was the guy who squashed Charlotte taking the divas title from Nikki, His girlfriend. 


Not saying i believe it but there does seem to be some truth to Cena refusing to put people over, lots of guys have come out and said it actually.. alex riley, tyler reks, others also.. saying Cena gets in Vinces ear and politics things. 

Just saw that too.  Haven't seen it reported anywhere reputable but will check into it.  It would not surprise me.  Even if Cena didnt specifically make the request, it would not surprise me if a writer pushed for something because they think Cena wants it.  ie. booking what you think the top guy wants.


It did seem weird that the Bellas were suddenly being portrayed as these awesome workers who were the ones saving the division.  And most of us said from the start Charlotte should have squashed Nikki on Day One.

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Just reading some "dirt sheets" and i know they aren't 100 percent accurate at all times, he says that he says that he says that.... etc but... apparently John Cena was the guy who squashed Charlotte taking the divas title from Nikki, His girlfriend. 


Not saying i believe it but there does seem to be some truth to Cena refusing to put people over, lots of guys have come out and said it actually.. alex riley, tyler reks, others also.. saying Cena gets in Vinces ear and politics things. 

Just saw that too.  Haven't seen it reported anywhere reputable but will check into it.  It would not surprise me.  Even if Cena didnt specifically make the request, it would not surprise me if a writer pushed for something because they think Cena wants it.  ie. booking what you think the top guy wants.


It did seem weird that the Bellas were suddenly being portrayed as these awesome workers who were the ones saving the division.  And most of us said from the start Charlotte should have squashed Nikki on Day One.


Yeah... Bellas eliminated Team BAD last night early without really seeing much of Sasha in the match was a little interesting to say the least. Dominating paige for a long time too. Becky getting the win and not Charlotte. Was odd. I was watching and thinking to myself, wow they are trying to kill the divas revolution already aren't they. The Bellas are such awful workers, they over act, don't sell, their moves look just so awkward... they both lots. It's not good and i think the bellas are part of the reason that the divas division is where it is right now, they aren't good and you got way better talent in paige sasha charlotte becky, even naomi trying to make them look good. 

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WWE is very stuck in the out-dated idea that a "new" person has to pay their dues by losing.  The crowd is screaming for Sasha so her team gets eliminated.  Just goofy.

They have lost touch with reality... They don't give the fans what they want anymore. That's why ratings are going down. People have seemingly had just about enough of the same old same old.


Rollins vs Cena was a great match but man Cena needs to learn how to sell, i'll give that match a 4 out of 5 but if Cena actually sold some of those moves better, it might have been a 5/5. 

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They are very afraid to try new things or even things that historically work.  They wont turn Cena heel because he sells so much merch (never mind Austin or nWo).  They wont turn him because they dont have a top face replacement but they never give anyone the chance to be a top face replacement.


They botched Roman Reigns right from the start of his singles push by cramming him down the fans' throats.  Okay, so be it.  Did the same thing with The Rock.  But they fixed the Rock by turning him heel and letting him get over.  They desperately need to let Roman turn heel.  Especially since Ambrose is so over as a face.


Maybe the big angle tonight is Roman heel turn.


Talk of Sting too, who is reportedly in tremendous shape and was supposed to work SummerSlam but plans changed.

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They are very afraid to try new things or even things that historically work.  They wont turn Cena heel because he sells so much merch (never mind Austin or nWo).  They wont turn him because they dont have a top face replacement but they never give anyone the chance to be a top face replacement.


They botched Roman Reigns right from the start of his singles push by cramming him down the fans' throats.  Okay, so be it.  Did the same thing with The Rock.  But they fixed the Rock by turning him heel and letting him get over.  They desperately need to let Roman turn heel.  Especially since Ambrose is so over as a face.


Maybe the big angle tonight is Roman heel turn.


Talk of Sting too, who is reportedly in tremendous shape and was supposed to work SummerSlam but plans changed.

Yeah. Agree. They also lack top Heels, who is the top heel, is it rollins? cuz he's so good in the ring that he's starting to become a face of sorts, more tweener than heel, after that? Who is it? Sheamus? He's a joke in my opinion. Nobody really. I'd turn Cena Heel, he can still do his make a wish stuff, can still sell new merch... whatever really... Hogan turned, Rock Turned, Austin Turned, Cena hasn't, so stale as a face that turning him Heel would be a huge move and probably make things more interesting again. Lesnar ain't a heel either, he's too dominant so he gets over as a face... They lack top heel, Turn Roman heel? Maybe that's the plan. Hard to say.


Sting apparently was supposed to be involved in the Regins,Ambros vs Wyatts match but cuz Rowan was hurt, they just went 2 on 2... Sting at RAW for sure.. wonder what his role might be... Taker Sting is a match i'd love to see, probably won't happen tho. Not sure how sting is used really. 

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Turn Roman heel.  Have him chase Cena.


Seth needs to stand on his own and not be Hunter's little buddy.  Owens is a natural heel too.

Seth last night showed that if given a chance, he can steal the show too. Dude was on fire. But i think these days with the fans being smarter and maybe it's just NEW YORK but to me it seems like fans across the USA are smarter, they tend to cheer the guys who actually put on good matches... Yeah Owens is definitely a natural heel.. He's got huge potential to be a top Heel if they actually let him... that's the big question really, will they let him. They are dying for top heels, will they let owens become that guy. Roman as a heel is interesting, i think Ambrose would be the better heel but... I think if Ambrose turned on Reigns the crowd would cheer him. 

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I thought they might have Ambrose turn to try and get Roman more over.  That would be the WWE mentality to try and put everyone else under instead of doing whats needed to get a guy over.  The funny thing is Ambrose has been more over and is a better worker than Roman from day one but Ambrose wasnt the "chosen one".

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Raw was cool, The big man who looks legit scary as hell with the wyatts.... that was hella cool. The Dudleys Return, that was pretty good, Sting, The only issue with RAW i have is the womens match, the crowd took over chanting whatever they were chanting, it's pretty obvious the crowd wants women wrestling but they don't want the bellas out there. If the Bellas were actually not on TV for a while, the fans would start to enjoy it more but its so obvious the second the bellas start talking or wrestling even that the crowd loses complete interest and shits all over things. Can't say i blame them. 

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Raw was cool, The big man who looks legit scary as hell with the wyatts.... that was hella cool. The Dudleys Return, that was pretty good, Sting, The only issue with RAW i have is the womens match, the crowd took over chanting whatever they were chanting, it's pretty obvious the crowd wants women wrestling but they don't want the bellas out there. If the Bellas were actually not on TV for a while, the fans would start to enjoy it more but its so obvious the second the bellas start talking or wrestling even that the crowd loses complete interest and shits all over things. Can't say i blame them. 

Braun Stowman was the new Wyatt.  Looks good.  But he's very green.


The women's division is a complete disaster.  Someone in a position of power in WWE either dislikes women in general or is too stupid to book them.  You have two women in very strong power positions in WWE (linda and Steph, and that doesnt even count their other top execs, many of whom are women) and yet they were women who were secondary to strong men in their lives.  And I think that shows.


Steph is a paper feminist.  She is a feminist when it suits her, when she's giving a speech or when she's being honored for her accomplishments in a male-dominated industry as if her last name didnt get her every single thing she's ever had.  But the way the women in WWE have been treated for years is shameful.  And it continues.

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Yeah it annoys me how stephanie has to be the one to start this "divas revolution" like she was the one in NXT working with these girls they brought on to the main roster... what annoys me even more is the bellas now taking credit for it, like wtf really... There is just no logic in WWE at all.. none, i've know this for a long time, you aren't supposed to remember 2 weeks ago but... man we all do and it just makes no sense. The creative or lack there of, and Vince and his old boys club who are probably scared that if you let the women actually go out there and wrestle that they will actually be better than most the male roster is crazy. 


Sasha Banks vs Bayley... you put that on RAW and the crowd loves it. 

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As politically incorrect as it may be to say it, I simply do not get entertained by women's wrestling.  The hotness factor is really all that's in it for me.  Sorry not sorry :).

Do you watch any NXT women's matches?


Gail Kim...


There is some really good women's matches.  I remember back when Trish and Lita were on fire and main evented a RAW to a huge, monster reaction from the crowd.

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