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Posts posted by ddanger

  1. 21 hours ago, 17to85 said:

    Honestly that game comes down to 2 things for me: receivers didn't make catches and collaros appears to have the yips. Has for a while now. He just doesn't have the same swagger he had previously. Off on his throws,  doesn't trust his protection. Not sure what's going on with the guy. 

    Agreed. Zach just seems to be a bit off.....and then he throws that beauty pass in the OT

  2. 1 hour ago, GCn20 said:

    Honestly, Parker does nothing for us in the return game either. If Grant is not ready to play I could care less whether it is McCrae or Parker returning. The only thing Parker does well is catch. His returns are non existent. We desperately need Grant back soon, and if not a new returner that can actually give us some returns.

    Totally agree. The yards we gave up on kick returns compared to what we generated DEMANDS a change

  3. 43 minutes ago, Booch said:

    Well...Jackson would woop him there lol...I like Jackson if roster size was bigger....don't get me wrong

    Jackson left it all on the field tonight. Series late in the game he was a fullback, then blocking on the convert, then on kick cover, then dline . I honestly thought he was going to need help just to get off. Coach went and talked to him, clearly giving him an atta-boy. It's pretty obvious to me why he's on the roster. Will he be QB4 by playoffs?? 

    1. Brady in beast mode again tonight.

    2. Entire D but in particular the dline shutting down their run. Gave up 1 first down in the second half, and 3 points in the game.

    3. Demski. Is he not the best all-around player in the league??

    HH  QB1 for keeping it together after what may have been the worst 2 quarters he's ever played.

    Crunch. Couple of good ones, but the one on their running back by Nichols was awesome.

  4. 13 hours ago, bustamente said:

    Sheehan punts the ball like he is playing Aussie Rules, short and low kicks get you killed in the return game

    Stumps' big return in the 3rd ( I think) was when he punted one that came down almost in the middle of the field...can't do that!

    Sheehan is also our holder for Sergio so doubtful he get replaced. But I do think we have another global kicker on the PR

  5. 4 hours ago, rebusrankin said:

    I was half joking when I posted last night about no changes. Frustrating. Parker needs to go in and they need another DL. Why does this staff use Jackson? No tackles on ST or D and he barely plays outside of teams?

    It may because he can play several different positions. And he made a great block on one running play after lining up on the right side and pulling to the left. I know we could use an extra dlineman, but we're not the coaches. Quite likely should we be going up against Toronto or BC we may see a different group.

  6. 3 hours ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    The officiating is nuts.

    The replay official buzzes down to make sure they call a no end penalty on us first drive of the game.

    Where was he on Betts uncalled offside?  Where was he on the Bighill play that was blatantly not a penalty?  Where was he on the next play when BC receiver was clearly down at 40 with contact gets up and runs across 30?

    If they are going to auto review some plays (aside from scoring ones) they need to review all of them.

    Also O’Shea needs work on when to use the flag.  On a 60 yard play to Lawler…use it.  On a blatant illegal tackle by us…don’t use it.

    I've commented repeatedly while watching games for our team and others....there's far too much interference and reliance upon the command centre. You're totally correct that no end call right at the start was terrible. Yes perhaps the refs missed it...but if you're going to intervene on one missed call, then you gotta do it for all the missed calls!! And then why even bother to have refs??


  7. 4 hours ago, GCJenks said:

    I thought was an extremely weak call. At the game the flag didn't even come ouut until the LK player came and bumped Cole long after the play was over. I thought it was going to be a misconduct against the LK's lost my shi$t with Proulx announced roughing the passer.

    From where I was sitting Corney was pleading/demanding a flag from Proulx and he got his wish...which I thought was a complete crock of manure. Glad when Osh talked to him he didn't tear his head off. Almost thought a challenge might've been appropriate 

  8. 13 hours ago, Nolby said:

    It was good to get the win but they need to do some serious tinkering of that Oline on this bye week.

    By the end of the game last night Neuf and  Hardrick were struggling to get up and certainly seemed to be hurt. I wonder if those two have been dealing with a few "nicks" the past couple of weeks.  

    12 hours ago, bigg jay said:

    Yup pretty sure Schoen didn't play after getting popped. 

    He went to the room with the trainer but came back a few minutes later.  Stayed on the sidelines in full gear but didn't see the field again unless I missed it.

    No I was watching the bench from 232 and he still had his helmet but he was obviously done. He didn't appear very pleased with the decision to keep him out

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