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Posts posted by jazzsax

  1. Just now, rebusrankin said:

    So sounds like the talk is about moving the game up. Penton's article in the Athletic mentioned that bidders for 2020 were told the game would be one week earlier.

    Edmonton has always had an issue every time games happen in November. It's been known for 30 + years.... 

    Bombers used to bring multiple sets of shoes to try....

  2. 2 minutes ago, BBRT said:

    Lyle E. Style or good ol Nasty Nate - brings back memories that's for sure. Wonder if he still posts somewhere? He pretty much has been run off most fan sites. Lived over on Riderfans.com for awhile until he got punted there.

    What is Lyle Bauer doing these days anyone know?

    Being retired and staying healthy from what I've heard. Guy went through a lot and served this team well for years. 

  3. 3 hours ago, Throw Long Bannatyne said:

    Much like Dervin from the War Amps video I'm sure all of the Import receivers they've brought in can "run", "jump" and probably "catch the ball" when thrown their way.  The problem is this position has been chronically underused in LaPo's game-plan for years and the role is reduced to a secondary support position when it needs to be a primary position of attack.  Until Nichols starts distributing the ball more equitably and habitually targets this receiver 4-6 times per game it's very difficult to determine whether a receiver like Thomkins skill level is actually inadequate.  From observation I would guess that he's got all the tools but is rarely called upon to use them.

    Funny how earlier in the year his game plan had far more passing. Lots of Demski, Wolitarsky, Dressler, Adams.... seems later in the year we pulled away from the focus on the pass and more at slamming with Harris and screen plays 

  4. When are you guys going to get over the fact that this team LOST to the BEST team in the league, hands down for the last 3 years (barring the grey cup), whose defense had the GAME OF THE DECADE as far pretty much every pundit is concerned...

    We kept it close.

    No blowing stuff up, no rebuilds. This team is learning how to win, step by step. 

    Big things for next year, with hopefully the core intact and a few tweaks here and there. 

    We are not Edmonton... We are not Montreal or Toronto. Hey we're not Hamilton.

    We were a few passes away from the Grey Cup.

    Foundations are solid. Fix the receivers, get a beast in the secondary, and a beast for a returner and keep the rest of the core and we are set. 

  5. 55 minutes ago, TBURGESS said:

    Are you trying to argue that effort, culture, players wanting to be here, and an exciting team (Which I'd argue we aren't) is more important than getting to and winning Grey Cups? That's exactly why I say that folks are OK with the team we have.

    No, I'd argue that tearing down alot of those things will set us backwards. You want a cup? Build off of what we have and fix the holes. Obviously our scouting has been a work in progress but we are making inroads compared to 5 years ago. Night and day. 

    Some of you just look at the glass as always half empty.

  6. 1 hour ago, bearpants said:

    from someone who was actually at the game... was Calgary's downfield coverage as good as it seemed?... it just felt like there was never anyone open except for the two overthrows (Adams and Harris)...

    Yep. Honestly they played their game of the year, and as some commentators said, possibly the decade. Their coverage was always on the man, the only time it got loose was the last two minutes. 

    The two overthrows were probably the only times we got open. 

  7. Ask yourselves these questions ----

    1. Is management and the coaching staff making an effort to find good players for the various positions and make the upgrades when identified needed? 
    2. Are we creating a culture of team first, individual second?
    3. Do players WANT to come and play here?
    4. Is the team actually exciting to watch?

    Some of you would argue about #1, but reality is the answer to all of the above should be yes.

    We finally have a decent quarterback, with a decent backup. We aren't ready to poop the bed the minute our starter goes down. We have a defense that is starting to gel. We have an O-LIne that when it's hot is HOT. We have the workings of a good team, and a solid locker room culture to boot.

    Remember the culture when Troy Westwood left? And when Matt Sheridan left? Yeah, it was broken and needed a complete teardown and rebuild. Unless you're lucky like the redblacks (who had the good fortunes of being able to pick and build their team from all teams, just like the Knights did in the NHL), you work with what you have and try build off successes. 

    Calgary has been successful for a long time... but they've built that culture and instilled it in their locker room, their front office staff, everyone. When you walk around the building and the stadium, spend time in the R&W club, you see and hear things that make you realize it's not just that they have good players --- they focus on team. 

    We are on the way. Keep things up the way they are and we will be fighting with Calgary for top spot again next year. A few other plays go our way and the west final is in OUR barn.

    Just a matter of time. I've waited 28 years for a cup, I can wait a few more if that's what it means to build a dynasty. 

  8. 42 minutes ago, White Out said:

    Unless we signed Mike Riley, Matt Nichols is going nowhere and will be the starter next year and people really need to get used to that.

    He didn't have a good game yesterday, but neither did anybody on offense really outside of Andrew Harris. Even the Run blocking, which was good most the time, also screwed us over on a couple second and shorts. Calgary had perhaps the best defensive game I've seen in the CFL in decades and unfortunately had to be against us.

    I'm as deeply disappointed as anybody as a fan, but there's a lot of positives to look forward to next year, and we beat the writers and their own building in the playoffs. It's nothing to sneeze at.



    This. I was in regular chat with the fans all around me and this is what we all said. It was Winnipeg's game if Calgary's D hadn't stepped up, but even the fans were surprised how their secondary performed. It was pretty much flat out until the last minute when they were playing more prevent. 

    Was their game of the gear as a D by far. 


    We have alot to look forward to next year if we can fix out secondary, fill some holes in the receivers and keep the core together. 


    We also had to go to hostile territory for this game. This season could have been entirely different had we not lost Nichols for first 4 weeks, plus lost 4 in a row in the middle. So many positives to be happy about. 

    A cup is coming. Just hopefully next year. 

  9. Bering present in the stands maybe I saw it differently than on tv...

    - Medlock scored us points but that one punt in the 2nd quarter that went almost straight up, and bounced back towards us didn't help (and the next drive cgy scored 7)... completely changed momentum.

    - our secondary couldn't stop a wet noodle in a paper bag. BLM was able to get 20+ yard plays all night long

    - our O-line wasn't giving matt as much protection as he needed

    - CGY's Secondary and DB's had their game of the season IMHO.


    We have lots of positives to build off of. Some great talent on our team, but the main diff is CGY has experience and it showed. Our first time in the "2nd" big game in years. Maybe the curse of the visiting team?

    No massive rebuild next year. Fill some gaps and give Streveler a bit more experience but otherwise keep on trucking. Keep it up and we will be fighting for 2nd/1st for the next few years.

  10. Well not the result we hoped for. 

    Calgary's D had the game of their life. Solid rushing on Nichols, shutting down the threat from harris and great coverage down field. We simply lost the game because we couldn't counter.

    There were a few stupid calls from the refs, but ultimately these didn't cost us... inability to put yards on offense and score more than field goals did us in.

    Making progress, excited for 2019.

    (And yes, made it on TV multiple times! LOL!)

  11. 5 minutes ago, Tracker said:

    The allegations were made by the aforementioned Ezra Levant with no proof and repeated by that bastion of journalistic integrity, the Toronto Sun.



    I can ignore the rebel, but I've done enough of my own research on suzuki, and the foundation (among many other foundations) and they are no saints. You'll note in the article they don't deny owning the real estate, they are just arguing it's not an oil company. 

    So what about the claim from David recently that he owns a home in Australia (check out some publishing from the guardian). That would be ironic. 

    And no answers from him on how much money the foundation gets from US interests... (which is pretty significant)

  12. 7 minutes ago, Tracker said:

    I'm sure that Suzuki flies, but the allegation that he has three houses is pure baloney. He would have a hard time traveling to international or national conferences if he did not.

    Where is the validation that this is bogus? It's a given he owns homes in Vancouver, owns a share of other properties (according to land title records) and according to the guardian admitted owning a house in Australia.

    Sure burns alot of carbon flying halfway around the world...



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