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Everything posted by KptKrunch

  1. nice recap Gbill ditto the thanks. I really hope Wild is healthy enough to go. My fav bomber player (defensive side) this year.
  2. Not a big fan of Cotton's - he's been worse than Grigsby when he has had a chance. I still remember his second game where to this day I hope he was high on something because he sure played like he had no clue what was going on. I think Grigsby is just showing the signs of getting pummeled and O'Shea (O'Shame - I like that but not yet, save the insults to next year if we get worse or stay the same) is giving him a rest. I'm hoping I'm wrong, I'd love to see Cotton have a break out game and have Mr. P call me out don't get me wrong, just haven't been impressed from what I've seen of him during the reg season.
  3. There's 30 yards of field position right there Close - I'd say 55 yards though (3 Roughing and 3 offsides)
  4. I haven't lost interest at all - I wouldn't be posting here if I did. Contrary to popular belief - I'm excite for our future here. Willy to me still looks like the real deal - he's taking a hell of a beating and he's really shown his human side over the past 8 games but I liken this season to what happened last year here in Edmonton. Look at what the eskies are doing this year now. Willy will get better, and so too should the Oline. Only thing now I'm watching is how the players react to losing. Nice to see Leggett upset and talking to the D - and nice to see Wily screaming obscenities as he's walking off the field after his third int of the night. Shows they still care - frustrated but they still care. Unlike last year where they were joking on the sideline as they were heading to another blowout loss. Looking forward to the thanksgiving game - though I think we'll get blown out I always enjoy seeing the big blue play live
  5. I remember a bit about the Labatte thing. 17to85 has it right - the bombers wanted to move him center and Labatte had no interest in that. IIRC though the bombers were talking about it, not demanding it. I'm sure those convo's happen all the time with olineman. Ripper - I respect what you say but of course the parents will wear bomber jerseys when their son plays for them, all of them do. If Labatte went to B.C. they'd now be wearing Lions Jerseys too. Their loyalty is to their son, as it should be. Bottom line is Labatte was wanting to go home, and who can blame him? He became a FA even though he was offered a contract (a good one too IIRC) by Mack to stay here. Mack didn't play that game though. As much as despised Mack as a GM, I admired him for one thing - he never let a player hold him and the WBB hostage. Unlike Hockey, Basketball, or Baseball, football has a very dynamic roster. On any given game your star player can suffer a catastrophic injury and can be gone for good. The average life span (playing wise) of a football player is very low compared to those other sports. So when a star player starts that game (happens in the NFL too) its see ya later - have fun. You are replaceable (Quarterback being about the only position that's an exception) and non skill positions (O/D lineman) being the easiest ones to replace.
  6. Wow pigseye - didn't know that. Interesting. I have no issues giving Volny a bigger role, sharing the load so to speak like one poster mentioned Harris/Logan do in B.C. (or did not now with Harris on the 6 game). It won't hurt. I would also like to see Marve get some meaningful reps. Ottawa was killing us, Willy was stymied (yet again) - why not change things up in the fourth quarter. I'm predicting a blow out in Edmonton - and with Edmonton's pass rush I wouldn't want to leave Willy in there with the game lost. I hope they gave Marve a quarter, he won't do anything per say, but he needs to shake the rust off so he can get more meaningful snaps as the season draws to a close. Now, before everyone starts freaking out accusing me of wanting Willy gone - that has nothing to do with it. Willy is our future and with a better oline and offense scheme he'll be fine (but he's struggled this year same as Grigsby has, I have no issue calling it as I see it). What, IMO, the bombers need to know now is if Willy does get hurt, and goes on the 6 game or just misses a few games, is what do they have in Marve. Clearly Brohm is not a player that, say next season, if we are involved in a tight race and Willy gets hurt and is forced to miss a few games, can get us a win or two to hold the fort down while Willy convalesces. Not sure if Marve can either but now is as good as time as any to see what we have in him. Of course, MOS won't do that, he'll leave Willy in there every play no matter the score just like he leaves Kualie in, until he gets hurt that is and can't go.
  7. Well, the last decent game we played in Edmonton was won by a 100 yard pass/run to Milt Stegal on the last play of the game. Last time before that was the coming out party for Khari Jones but he was ulitmately outduelled by Crowley and we lost 51 to 49 (or something like that). In between, and after, no matter how bad the esks are, or good the bombers are - the bombers lay an egg in Commonwealth. Esks D will probably get another shutout - Esks will probably run for another 300 yards. You say no team this week is invincible? The way the Esks compare to the bombers, especially in Commonwealth - the Esks are invincible to the bombers. It will be a complete blowout. And don't forget - after that we have Calgary twice and B.C. once - then the bye week. 6 - 12 is much more likely than not as those team will all be playing for positioning. In B.C.'s case it will be for a cross over. Calgary will still be fighting for first. Last week of the year, we'd have a chance but we don't play - so I think we're done.
  8. Good post gbill - agree 100%. I mentioned in another thread I cheered when Kuale went down, and will cheer louder if he's forced to go on the six game. I never like seeing a player get hurt for an extended period - it happens it's part of the game but I don't like it. Except, in this circumstance, as it's the only way to keep this jerk off the field. MOS has to hold his players accountable, and he's not. I think it was the Banjo bowl where that idiot took FOUR roughing penalties and two off sides, yet he wasn't benched. Not even for a quarter. Really! I would understand if he was having the type of season that Ellimenian (spelling I know) is having in B.C. - but even then Benevides would sit his a$$ down if he was doing that for a quarter at least. Loyalty is good so long as the people you are loyal to do not abuse it. Some of these guys are abusing it and MOS is too dumb or too stubborn to realize it.
  9. You love it when people call me out and say I'm stupid. What's your point?
  10. How about Mr. so called Perfect gives it a rest. Now you're putting words in my mouth. What's wrong Mr imperfect - I'm too right for you? What you don't seem to get is nobody is right, that is your opinion, and just your opinion, opinions are like assholes really, we all got them. Not sure why you think you are right alll the time and not sure why you have to let people know you think you are right always, you lack some confidence bro? Need to feel all big and like you matter on a fan forum or something? You aren't right, it's just your damn opinion. You need to understand that. But for some reason you like to play the I'm right everyone else is wrong game, THis is a fan forum dude, nobody is right, nobody is wrong, it's all just opinions but i do know that you blaming Willy all the time, well this isnt opinion, this is fact, You are dead wrong. Get a sense of humor too, you take yourself way too seriously on a fan forum. I'm right, I'm right, I'm always right and i need to say it in everyone of my posts which are the exact same after every loss.. Give it a rest dude. Repeating the same crap after every loss doesn't make you right, it just makes you very repetitive. Hey goalie - why don't you go back and read. I stated an opinion that's all. Mr. Imperfect called me out. Now he's putting words in my mouth. I hate Burris - and was very upset with the Bombers when they offered him a contract. I was one of the happiest people here when he shunned us and signed in Ottawa instead. I was happy we got Willy - and I still stand behind him. I just sick and tired of week after week reading thread after thread and post after post about how bad Grigsby is, our Oline, our play calling, our run defense but yet no one says a thing about Willy. 9 TD passes in his past 13 games now. All I'm saying is he still has a long way to go. Mr. Imperfect started insulting me because of my opinion. So excuse me for standing up to him. Are you his lackey?
  11. How about Mr. so called Perfect gives it a rest. Now you're putting words in my mouth. What's wrong Mr imperfect - I'm too right for you?
  12. hmmmmmm Mr Drew Willy got blown up by Ottawa. Didn't see that coming. I thought we'd get blown out only if Willy didn't play, but I knew we'd lose the game (as I called and predicted on the game predictor, me an one other it seems). So, we still all 'Willypeg' or do I need to reference my 'tough love' thread (oops, guess I just did, didn't I). Anyone see Willy's hissy fit after his last INT? Showed briefly him screaming FUUUUUUUUUUUU##(@*@(@(#& as he was walking off the field. Willy, along with the rest of the team, wasn't good enough. I was hoping for a 6 - 12 season, well, looks like we're getting that unless B.C. is resting all their starters in the last game, if so it will be a close one that could go either way.
  13. He's saying he's being targetted by the refs. No accountability. Kuale needs to go. His injury tonight might be a blessing. I cheered when he went down - will cheer louder if/when he's put in the 6 game. Don't like the guy, never did. He's good for two to three Roughings and two offsides a game. Useless POS as far as I'm concerned. BTW - I don't like any player getting hurt but that's the only way to keep this clown out of our lineup. So, that's why I hope he's 6 gamed
  14. Smart plan starting the beef. Is Willy starting? If he isn't, won't be much of a game. I'm picking Ottawa - they are due and we're just what the doctor ordered. Hope I'm wrong
  15. I think finding better American OL needs to be priority #1 Actually, finding better and more national Olineman is the priority. Then we can add imports internationals to the skill positions
  16. Don't think you can trade a guy on the 6 game unless you took him off first. I mean, you probably could, but why would a team want a guy who's on the 6 game and can't play for you anyway? Interesting about Renaud, seems like his time here is done. Not that I'll miss him. I just hope Lirim doesn't get injured on a punt. We knew about Stoudermire already. What happened to Knapp, he looked good early.
  17. haha - way to revive an old thread Yeah, if Willy can't go, they'll win their 2nd game against us - easy. Could fluke out another towards the end if the team their playing has clinched, can't move up (or down) and rest all their starters - Ottawa players will be playing for jobs.
  18. LMAO - I always thought, and said, that Hank is a very overrated QB. That being said, no way this is his fault. If you watch REDBLACK games you'll see that his receivers drop about every 3rd catchable ball thrown to them, in a good game. I can't recall now, maybe it was the B.C. game, but there was a game in Ottawa not so long ago they had it won, Burris hit Carter for a great pass and he dropped it. Then at the end, he tried him again, this time Carter hung on, well within field goal range, but he fumbled it and the other team (B.C.?) recovered and game over. Hank has not been great - but this is a total team effort in Ottawa. And if Willy can't go - I take Ottawa by 11 points, easy.
  19. Can't hurt - we'll see how good Walters (his team) scouting is.
  20. WTF! What happened? I didn't see him get hurt against Hamilton. I was so looking forward to watching him play on Thanksgiving in person.
  21. Minnick before my time - Tyrone Jones all the way. Cal 'found' Jones at a free agent camp down in Alabama or Florida. Back then the players had to pay their own way to try out. I remember reading about him before he got here he impressed so much, like Marve did this year.
  22. That missed call I will chalk up to inexperience on Willy's part. That is going to happen, and it happened to have occurred at the worst possible time in the game. I won't forgive Willy again though. Sorry boys, I make a mistake a work, my boss doesn't mind, as long as I don't do it again. Willy is in the same boat - I'll forgive once, but now that he's gone through it, if it doesn't work he'll have to call his own play or set up something that he signals it's not working and the 'boss' then has to tell Willy by hand signals what the play is.
  23. This Wait till Quebec and / or the Maritimes get a team. If they get one sooner, 30 points will be like 50 now.
  24. Well, it is a process. I think the bombers have improved greatly as they only won one game last year (yes yes yes I know they beat Montreal twice but I've said it 1000 times Montreal played worse than Wpg, that's how we won the game, if Mtrl played - especially in the second game where we had FIVE turnovers to Mtrl's two but Cavillo who hated the new offence couldn't do anything and we won by 5 points but really one drive by Cavillo and we lose that game) and that was the Banjo bowl. This year we have 6 wins - which is what I was expecting. I was hoping for an 8 - 10 season after our 'hot' start (check it, I said it after we went 5 - 1) which to me would be a great season. After last nights loss 8 wins will be a stretch. I know everyone here expects us to beat Ottawa but Ottawa is due for another win, and the Wpg Blue Bombers is precisely what the doctor ordered for them. With an Ottawa win next week (if it happens) is see no way for us to win two of our remaining four games against Edmonton (in Edmonton where we always get trounced it seems, and it will be a blow out that game, White will be my RB and Reilly will be QB and edm D will be my D for CFL fantasy that week, and Calgary twice and B.C. Maybe, maybe we beat B.C. if Glenn craps the bed (which he will if the weather is windy and cold which it could be) but that's it. So, 8 - 10 is still possible, which after last years debacle is a quantum leap. I'm confident we'll only get better next year and MOS and Walters are learning too. But, realistically, I think best we can do now is 7 - 11. If we don't beat Ottawa then the B.C. game is our only other chance at a win for the rest of the year. At least we keep the games close and entertaining, not like last years embarrassment of a team/organisation.
  25. I heard he 'could' be ready by then but if his ligament is still sore, how affective will he be? Especially in the cold weather of November? He'll need a lot of pain killers.
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