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Everything posted by KptKrunch

  1. I remember Eugene Goodlow (spelling?) as a standout receiver that Brock threw to in the early 80's. If I remember correctly he broke his neck in a game against Calgary, and it was the last game he played for Winnipeg as he went to the NFL in the off-season. Goodlow became the first player in CFL history to reach 100 receptions in a season during the 1981 season. Then unfortunately, he broke his neck in Montreal. Missed nearly the entire 82 season. Nope - you missed it. bb king got it right. I forgot all about Eugene. Check it now as again going by memory but it was early in the second quarter - Goodlow already had 7 catches for over 100 yards and three (yes three) Touchdowns. But then on the 8th - he was sandwiched - but his head down when the Calgary safety (game was in Calgary) hit him head to head and compressed his vertebrae. He went to the NFL and the New Orleans Saints the next year where he spent two or three seasons as a third receiver. I'm sure he came back here though to finish his career and it might of been in Montreal as a player but he never reached that level again. That season he caught everything Brock threw him. How could I forget Goodlow
  2. Bombers won't win with Willy anyway - like I said in the other thread (Walters) ONE and FIVE in the last six, and that ONE was at home against Alex Brink. Bombers have come back down to earth. They're still miles ahead of last year, but we were lapped a few times so that's not saying a lot. Hamilton is playing well, Collaros (who I picked in TSN fantasy this week) is playing much better now that he understands Austin's offense - yeah, Willy should sit this one out as even a healthy Willy loses this game. Sorry folks, facts are facts and my pessimism is back on. On another note - Eskies should trounce the Riders on Friday
  3. one and five WITH Willy - and that 'one' was against a Montreal team that started Alex Brink. There's a lot more issues than the running game. Still a Willy fan but he's come down to earth since his hot start. Picked Hamilton this week and if Willy doesn't play well, the bombers brass better not be dumb enough to put another boat in the end zone, as the 'Cats will be spending a lot time in there
  4. Well, if Willy does play, he better stay in the freaking pocket and hook slide. I like what Suits said about Reilly today - if he runs and doesn't hook slide - FINE HIM - Bombers should do the same to Willy. Still really pissed at that guy (Willy) - 30 seconds left in the half and he's not only running for a first down he's trying for extra yardage. I really thought he was smarter than that. For crissakes - every single defense in the league (including ours) just salivates when a QB is in running in the open field. EVERYONE is looking to take his head off. EVERYONE! Get the farg down!!!! If he doesn't - goodbye Willy - I'll send cards to you at the Health Science center.
  5. Where do people get the idea Matthews had a bad attitude last year? I sit behind the Bombers bench and while he was injured he was the biggest cheerleader on the sidelines. Seemed like a great teammate. One thing we forget as fans is we have absolutely no idea what is going on (or off) the field.Yes, Mathews had a crappy year last year and didn't look good in the games he played in, but we have no idea what was causing his bad play. Could have been coaching, could have been an injury, could have been his emotional state. From what gbill is saying though it doesn't sound to me like he was giving up on the team. And who knows, he may be back (or not).
  6. I voted for the smartest one - John Bonk. When he was our center, or oline was never 'weak'. Bonk wasn't big, especially by today's standards, but he was very fast, and very very smart. The center position is critical in football and you can't be no 'dummy' (not saying the other guys were, not at all, I'm just saying you have to be smart) and Other than Bill Frank it's a good list. I'm surprised Norman isn't there either, thought eventually he got his knee taken out, ole Butch was Dieter's personal protector and did a great job as Brock wasn't exactly Mr. Mobility. As for the question on who Brock's receivers were - Mike Holmes was one. Leo Ezrins was for a bit too until they turned him from a tight end (yes they still had tight ends in those days) to a linebacker. Tommy Scott was another one (though they traded him to Edmonton for the right to draft Joe Poplawski, or maybe the Esks had already drafted Joe Pops and it was the trade to him outright - this is by memory I ain't looking it up). I'd have to look up the other receivers, if mentioned I'd remember.
  7. Can't blame him here. This is 100% on the person who stole it. Some people have zero class, and zero empathy. She's probably a molester of some kind too. No conscience. Good on Pinball to put his trust in that terrible animal called a human being. From what I understand he does this all the time and has never had a problem with it. I'll bet he still continues to do it, because he's a man of faith and has class. She's lucky I wasn't there, if she ran by me, she'd be in the hospital as I'd stick my foot out and trip her - she'd get whatever injury she deserves. People like that disgust me.
  8. After watching Brohm play against B.C. in the second half........ only way we win any game with him is if he does QB sneaks only and Marve takes the snaps. 6 of 13 for 33 yards in a half, regardless of who your opponent is, is simply not good enough. I'd still be happy with 8 - 10 but to me it's looking like we may only get one more win, as Willy wasn't exactly setting the world on fire lately either was he?
  9. One thing for sure - the man better learn how to slide. It's funny, the CFL has changed so many rules to protect the QB except for one rule - a rule against themselves. Next rule, they wear flags - if you pull the flag the QB is down lol
  10. That's because it isn't a valid comparison. Trouba is probably going to play 15 years in the NHL at least assuming he avoids serious injury. You can invest time into developing a player like that in hockey. When the average CFL/NFL player has a career of around 3 seasons, you can't invest a lot of time in developing players. This is especially true for imports, but also non-imports. If guys can't play well and contribute right away, why bother? We should call this the Etienne Principle. By the middle of next season, we might forget who Nic Grigsby is, especially as a running back. When there are 500 guys unemployed and just as good as you looking for work in football, you do need to produce consistently to keep a job. Oh I get that don't worry. My point however, still stands. People in football want results instantly. Sometimes we get them because the 'rookie' in question is actually 24 or 25 years old and has been playing pro for a few years. In Trouba's case, it will take him at least another 5 years to realize his full potential (and I think he'll be one heck of a dman). I also think, that this time next year, Grigsby will be one heck of a CFL running back. Yes, his career will be shorter, but his development will be a lot faster that Trouba's and it already is. He has been improving every game. In football, like hockey, there are so many things that are being done 'away' from the play that the casual fan doesn't even pick up on, but the coaches do. My guess - Cotton isn't 'picking' those things up, hence the PR placement. Nick is. I'm a fan of his now.
  11. One thing that's really funny about football - most people expect instant results. How about Jacob Trouba? He struggled to start the year, but look at how he finished (Jets best dman). Grigsby had a great first game but remember, he played a depleted TO team AND really the first game of the year is just another pre-season game - it's just a pre-season for the starters. He has been getting progressively better. If this was hockey no one would be saying anything, but in football, especially here, you put out right away and every week or you're a bum. I'd be so much more concerned if he wasn't showing improvement. As many have said on this thread, his blocking is getting better, his running is getting better, and this is the first year of his life he's ever played CFL football which is vastly different from the football he grew up playing (people forget that little tidbit too). I'm glad their building with a back like that. Cotton - someone mentioned durability - great point. He couldn't make it past preseason without getting banged up - I think he's too small to be an every day back (Chuck Bob was small too but he was a tough as nails - Cotton has shown he's not as tough, or at the very least not as smart).
  12. Well, lets not blame Harris here. C'mon guys, what's he supposed to say " Our oline is crap I hope I can get double digits against the worst run defense in the league"? I'll give you saying stuff like that is great locker room material for the bombers to get them fired up, in reality I don't think it does much. For the most part I think it's media thing and a fan thing. I truly believe the players filter that stuff out as all of them have been mis quoted many times in the press. What was the question to Harris? Was he smiling when he said it? Did he wink? Or did he flag down a reporter in the street just to blurt that out? Hey, I'm glad there's some talk before the game,makes it more interesting. And don't forget, if the Calgary / Toronto game runs long - switch to TSN2
  13. There's something wrong with Cotton. I posted on the GDT in that one game (I think it was against Edmonton but not sure) when he first got in. He fumbled the first time he touched the ball on a punt (or maybe it was a kick off). When Willy was in trouble later on, he flipped the ball out to Cotton who was looking right at him - ball bounced off Cotton's chest, then he put his arms up. I said then on that thread the man must be stoned because he sure as heck is doing a great impersonation of Serena Williams in that doubles match in Wimbledon a few months back. He's been better since (you really couldn't be any worse) but no where near as good or consistent as Grigsby has been (and we all know Grigsby has had some 'inconsistent' games, that's my point). So let him move on. Lets bring in some NFL cuts to see who can push the Grigs. I think Grigs has been fine, he's more a victim of our weak oline and offensive scheme more than anything.
  14. Probably 3 or 4 drunk bomber fans lol. You're right, we all have 'obnoxious' fans, but the big issue with Rider fans that I have is their attitude towards other teams fans. Here's one for your chew one, I was at the game many many years ago, when John Hufnagel was our backup, Tom Clements was our #1, and IMO the greatest RB the bombers ever had was in the backfield, Willard Reaves. After our first five possesions (all in the first half) it was 35 to 0 for the good guys (us). Final score IIRC, was 48 to 3. Leaving the game, there were about four or five Sk fans (I knew that because they were all painted green with Sk Rider capes on and the sk logo painted on their faces). I was walking beside them back to my car, which was across the street and across the tracks (west side) in a field/lot off of Silver ave. They were probably um, approached by about 50 to 70 'bomber fans' on the way to their vehicle (I had gotten to mine first so not sure where they were parked). Want to know something? Not ONE bomber fan talked smack to them. Not one. All the fans that approached them told them to 'hang in there' and showed respect to them to how they supported their team which in the 80's was badly outclassed by the bombers (and pretty much every other team in the league). So don't come on here preaching about how 'good' the Sk fans are. Good fans are fans who know how to win with some humility. There's always bad apples in every fan base for sure, but for the most part I've always found bomber fans more or less respectful of other teams fans. But when the shoe's on the other foot, and you get 15 years of being humiliated by the other teams fans (because after all, what else do they have and IMO people who do that have extremely low self esteem, so they make up for it through their sports teams) do not get any respect from me whatsoever. The team - yes, The 'Riders have built an awesome team out there after decades of futility, good for them. But their fans, the way they are acting, do not deserve that team. Feel free to cheer, feel free to jeer the opposing team, but do not diss the fans. Everyone has a right to cheer. Me? I love it when other fans of the opposition are around me. I usually have a lot of fun with them, but I never disrespect them. Except for rider fans, they are fun. But when it's all you got, well I still pity the fools.
  15. But do you expect them to from, and I won't even call it worst cause they were beyond 'worst' last year - to Grey Cup contenders overnight? I expected a 6 - 12 season, and if we had some breaks maybe 7 - 11. Now it looks like 8 - 10 will be a solid bet (I'm sure we can win two more games). If, at the end of last season, I'd say we'd be 8 - 10 this year, and compete in every game we played in (except the Edmonton game, we definitely did not compete in that 23 to 3 loss we got steamrolled) everyone here would have been ecstatic. This is a process, and we are definitely on the right track, with the right coach, and the right QB. Don't worry, be happy
  16. Interesting - so they are #1 in holding in the league, then play two games (one I can see) in a row and don't get called for holding once. Put your green suit away for minute, or switch that over to the bombers. What would your comment be then? Anderson was tackled in Labour Day on his way to Durant (no call and Durant ended up with a 13 yard run to extend the game winning drive) and Pointbriand practically had his jersey ripped off off on Dressler's return for a TD in the open field, at the point of attack. If you called Glenn Johnson right now he'd admit the officials blew that one. Not saying we lost because of it - the Riders are still a better team right now, that's a fact. But as a CFL fan you should be concerned, because I'd love to hear your comments when Calgary beats you the same way and get away with holding called. If that happens, you come back to these series of games and keep your comments to yourself.
  17. It wasn't a late hit Tom - again, you're off. Proves what you said last week as well (about the non PI call) that you really don't know what you are talking about. I heard the whistle live. However, none of the players did. I've seen this kind of thing in the past - usually in the NFL the umpire and referee (as they are the ones close to the LOS) will both wave their hands and blow their whistles if the players continue to play - and if a player (QB usually) is hit when they are doing that, they WILL throw the flag for Unnecessary roughness. I heard a whistle but did not see ONE official - and I only heard ONE whistle, until AFTER the hit, then we heard them blowing it again. Too bad for Darian - but he kept playing if had just stopped and stood there chances are he'd be trotting off the field with the rest of his teammates. He kept playing, so did the bombers. It wasn't the CFL's fines moment but it was the OFFICIAL's error, not the players, hence no flag. Late hit - are you smoking crack when you're watching the game?
  18. Refs didnt' lose the game for sure - I agree on that one, nor did they lose it last week. But - they are not consistent. Early in the first quarter there was a hold on Zack Anderson - clearly seen on TV - not called. And the obvious hold on the Dressler TD - I fully understand it when it's in a crowd and it's tough to see through, we see it on replay and curse the ref's - I do but it's only cause I'm a sports fan - that's what we do. But - when it is in the wide open field, at the point of attack, and EVERYONE see's it except the refs, that's pretty sad. Best was the following kickoff - they call a minor hold on Wpg - something that was subtle, but nevertheless, they call it. Why - to make up for the last one they missed. They want to prove to their bosses they're not incompetent. Bombers did get some breaks today too, but not nearly as many as Sk did. I did agree 100% on the non PI call in the fourth. MOS had to challenge it but that was a solid play from the Sk DB.
  19. Really? 4 hrs before game time and all ready with the officiating? Yep - and as usual the CFL officials didn't let me down
  20. I only agree on the last call - it was a pretty lame one (he hit the QB after he threw the ball, but it was very close, and they did call a similar one on Sk so they saw each other off). But the other three were uncalled for. In fact, IMO - if you get more than one a game you should be benched. What was terrible IMO is that he was still playing after his FOURTH one. That's on MOS and Etch - and if I were in the locker room I wouldn't ask EJ - I'd ask MOS (as he won't allow his assistants to be interviewed) outright why would he leave a player in the game who continually makes boneheaded decisions and zero big plays.
  21. No he couldn't. It is a good pickup by the RB's. Who else is out there? I was extremely upset when both he and Brink were released the first time. As far as I know, Joey has only been 'cut' once. To me, the definition of 'cut' is when you go to a training camp, or are on the roster / practice squad, and the team brings in a player who is deemed 'better' than you and you are then, cut. Elliot was 'cut' once, by B.C., this year in training camp. The bombers didn't 'cut' him, nor did they 'cut' Alex Brink. They 'released' them prior to training camp to make room for two losers and that was when I lost my mind and called out that pathetic group of (mis) management on our bombers. I'm glad both Brink and Elliot are gainfully employed. Personally, I don't care if they get 'cut'. As I said two and half years ago, and I still say it today, both deserved a chance to compete for their jobs. If they are beat out, then great - that means the team gets better. Bringing in two losers prior to camp and releasing those guys outright told me all I needed to know about that bomber team and the season they were going to have.
  22. I have my doubts on this one. I think we lose this one too - it will be close but we'll find a way to blow it (or the officiating will)
  23. That's what I'm thinking. Wasn't a devastating hit - his shoulder is no good. He's done. It's too bad as I liked him for the league, a real talent.
  24. Well I for one agree on the Eskies being smoke and mirrors, they are all D and special teams. Their offense hasn't done much all year. In fact, their O is very conservative compared to the way the D plays. As for the Bombers - I think 8 - 10 (I don't think they beat Hamilton in Hamilton). We are 3 - 3 since the start of the year - we won at least two games we had no business winning, and as has often been said, the season starts in the CFL AFTER Labour Day. In other words everyone usually starts rounding into form and everyone has a good read on everyone else in terms of schemes. I will say this though - the way the east looks, If I'm a Western team 4th in the West is the PRIME spot to get, even moreso than 1st.
  25. They do - and they did. In fact, I have it from a reliable source that they found in his locker a spoon, a (used) needle, and 3 packets (grams?) of white powder. However, the bomber caretakers missed it but luckily they had it on video. After careful, thoughful review, the CFL reviewers decided there wasn't enough evidence to support the claim (all deemed circumstantial). They were later fired, last I heard they were reviewing PI calls for the Labour Day game in Regina......................................
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