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Everything posted by KptKrunch

  1. Actually I like Willy - he's just in the wrong situation. He's a statue back there. Zack Collaros would have been a much better fit here because of his mobility. He got off to a rough start (apparently Austn's offense was hard for him to grasp) and Marve reminds me a bit like Collaros. He's not a statue in the pocket, he can scramble and put pressure on the rush, which is exactly what our oline needs. But hey, what do I know? Records speak for themselves.
  2. Make no sense to me, Willy hasn't played well for Weeks now he hasn't earned the start based on his play other players have to sit and wait their turn but Willy gets to start based on what ? I won't be watching if Willy is playing I am done with stupid coaches starting their guy let the best players play ! Tired of Romby Bryant as well and EJ would be playing if he wasn't injured MOS neesd to learn to start his best players regardless of salary or who his favorites are... Willy IS the best QB, don't be ridiculous. Suggesting he's not is bordering on idiocy. I like Marve and think someday he may be better than Willy. That day is not in the near future though. I agree with your statement. I cannot for the life of me figure out how anyone could think Marve is the better QB right now. Well, Willy has been very ordinary to bad the past 9 weeks. But, I get why MOS will start him as despite Marve's great play Willy does give us the best chance to win. I mean, on one hand you got a Qb who's been playing all year, and mustered all of 23 yards passing and 1 yard net offense against Edmonton, and that same Edmonton defense, the next week, went up against a QB who hasn't thrown a ball in over a year, and he mustered up 23 yards passing in his first series. Yep - Willy is the man for sure.
  3. Yes he looked much better than Grigsby ever has here. I hope his play continues he was very promising in TC but did squat in the regular season up until last night. Nice to see
  4. And speaking of 'small sample sizes' it's amazing how quick a lot of people here are to judge a QB when they have a bad game or two - immediately writing them off. One specific example - my guy (and many others here) Zack Collaros. When he started the year in Hamilton, and basically did the opposite of what Willy was doing here - a lot of posters on here were crowing how Willy was their 'first pick' (and I'm not saying he wasn't he was) and how crappy Collaros really was. Well, the year is almost out and it's a complete 180. Collaros is winning games and despite playing 5 fewer games is only one back of Willy for 300 yard games and sorry Willy fans is a much better QB right now (not even close) than Willy is. So, Marve is in fact a very small sample size, but he looks a lot like Collaros did when he first took over for Ray. Let him play. Lets get a bigger sample size. He's earned it. And Willy has earned is spot on the bench (for now).
  5. Difference between Collaros & Marve for me is that Zack has 2 good knees. Marve has had multiple ACL surgeries & because of that may not have a very long playing career. That's the point that scares me a bit but even with no knees he's a heck of a lot more mobile than Willy, who, but sorry, as far as I'm concerned is a much as fault for the hit's he's taken as our oline is. He is a pure pocket passer and doesn't (yet) have a quick enough release. I like Willy - but in an albeit very small sample size Marve is much better (and it's why I wanted us to get Collaros so bad in the off season, because of how he can move the pocket - though I had no idea what Willy would bring to the table when we first signed him)
  6. Really - tell me who. Give some specific examples. I haven't seen a QB do what Marve did in Wpg since Clements.
  7. Agreed - but I just want to say this - those two completions he made, the first one in the third quarter, where while scrambling he stopped to turn his body just enough to get enough zip on it to complete that pass was the best throw I've seen a Wpg QB make since the 2002 Glenn to Stegall 100 yard miracle catch in Edmonton. Then he out did himself even then in the fourth quarter, proving that it was no fluke. Even Duane Forde said that that would have been a heck of a play if he was able to throw the ball out of bounds, never mind get it down field to Brett Carter for a first down. That is talent, not a fluke. And we haven't had a QB here that had that kind of talent since Tom Clements. I know, I've seen them all since Don Jonas. And my fav part, he's OUR QB. He's not some cast off from Edmonton, Toronto, Calgary, B.C. or Saskatchewan. Sure, once in a while you manage to snag a guy like Anthony Cavillo but how many of those do you actually get? Bombers get no one, ever. Drew Willy has surprised me this year, he is a very capable QB who unfortunately over the course of the season has taken an hellacious beating. I said it three weeks ago, two weeks ago, and now that I've seen them play, I'll say it again. If Drew Willy throws another pass this year, I'll throw up. He needs to retire for the season. He's done. He's 1 - 8 and last week here in Edmonton, in one half of football, he managed a whopping 23 yards passing and 1 net yard of offense (for those of you that can't trust your eyes and brains and need stats instead). Marve should get the starts over the next two games. He's mobile, he can evade the rush (Willy is neither one of those, main reason why he is so beat up he's a statue back there) and he can throw on the run. I want to see him with more reps. I want to see how he does when MB puts a game plan in for him that shows what Marve can do (admittedly it was a lot of sand lot football out there ala Doug Flutie - and Marve reminded me of Doug Flutie on those two scrambles btw). Season is gone so it doesn't matter. Even though I've soured on Willy personally because of his poor performance this isn't a personal thing - I wanted to see Marve and Brohm the rest of the way anyway. But with Marve playing like he did in the preseason, and showing in one half what he could do here - against the best team in the league no less - well, I want to see what he has. Not sure what MOS will do - I know they are loyal to Willy and make no mistake, Willy comes in next year as our #1 QB - but if Marve keeps going the way he is, he's a 1B QB to start the year next year.
  8. Willy has not been nearly as good as people here (generaly) think he has been. Collaros and Crompton are two QB's that are now outperforming him. That being said, those guys aren't going through what Willy is either. I don't think Willy is as good as he was made out to be after his first 6 games here, but he not even close to being as bad as he has been over the past 8 weeks either. The man has been beaten to a pulp, has no help from either an OC who can (not) be innovative, nor an offense with players on it who can make plays. Willy literally is on an island. But, it is an interesting game to watch (well PVR I'm going out for dinner tonight so I'll get to skip the commercials) as Brohm will be playing against a team that is trying to win first place. The sooner they can do it the better. Brohm will also be playing with the same players that Willy is playing with soooo...... if Brohm is OPOTW and the bombers beat Calgary - for sure he starts and keeps going until the end of the year or he falters, whichever comes first. If he does play lights out the rest of the way, and bombers win one, two, or even all three of the games, definitely there's a QB controversy. Willy has zero collateral to work with. At least, in my mind. He started good, but progressively played worse and worse. His deep balls are terrible now, he's no where near his receivers on long passes. Even when his receivers are wide open. He's not very mobile. He's not very good at improvising. Only problem here is, Willy is still a far better QB than Brohm, and we'll see that tonight. This game will get ugly in a hurry.
  9. But that's the thing KK. You're not stating facts…you're stating your opinions. Would there naturally be a certain let up when the score is up? Sure there would. Would Jones allow letting up because of circumstances? Not a chance. This is the same team who, on 3rd and 2 went for the 1st down, despite having a huge lead. They were stopped, but how is that letting up? Did they let us stop them? Nobody wants to get beat at whatever position they play. Edmonton's front 7 did not want to let up. They have stats to pad and bonuses to reach and plenty of rolling to be done. Brohm's release in that game was just enough to beat the oncoming rush, or did they let that happen too?…starting in the 2nd half. Go ahead and believe what you want to believe…because "you saw it live." I'll hang in here and believe what I see too. As to getting hammered, i'm more than capable of taking care of that myself. No Mr.Dee. Is English not your first language? I don't know how to explain it to you, and frankly, if you didn't see it, there's nothing I could say anyway. I left with 10 minutes left in the game. It's a simple word, look it up, it's called 'intensity. Eskimo offense had zero intensity in the second half. Oh, and Percy Harvin, Adrian Peterson, Larry Fitzgerald, and Tom Brady missed their flight, that's why Bowman, Reilly, White, et al were still in the game. Are you serious? And yes, I already said the defense didn't let up so I guess English isn't your first language after all, you can't follow a post
  10. Well, I for one, am so glad you've set the record straight. Now I can make my half time adjustments, knowing, in my heart, it won't do me any good. It's nice that the Eskimos went through the motions and left their #1 QB in there to continue getting hit and abused. Kind of foolish though. I guess that's why they kept going to Bowman…to ease him out of the lineup and wean him off setting any records. Good plan. I guess Thanksgiving Day WAS aptly named after all. Mr Dee, I was at the game. Do you need to be hit in the head with a hammer or something? You can say anything you like. Today, the sun is out, when I look outside, the sky is blue. Ok, post back and lets hear a sarcatic comment on that. Did you listen to the post game show here? Or are you in Winnipeg. Were you looking at the bench? Or were the TSN cameras not showing it. If you think for one second that the Eskimo offense was playing with even half the intensity that they were playing with in the first half, then you are just kidding yourself, and the sky in your world is yellow with a blue sun then. But if it makes you feel better to slam me then go ahead, Sky is blue my friend, and the 2nd half was the second half. Just stating facts.
  11. Well, good to keep the optimism. But, just to set the record straight - bombers didn't do anything to stop the Eskies last week. The Eskies stopped themselves. Totaly different game in the second half - Eskimos were going through the motions. They were still playing hard on D yes, but offensively, they mailed it in. Trust me, if they wanted to, they could have put up another 30 points in the second half, easily This game, Calgary wants to clinch first place, and the Wpg locker room is imploding. I really doubt Nick Grigsby was a 'loner'in the locker room. Tonight we'll find out who his 'friends' are.
  12. Hey now look at it this way - you just see them, you don't cheer for them. I do my best to tell my fellow bomber fans to look up - things could be worse you could be Oiler fans too. I also tell my Oiler fans - hey cheer up, things could be worse, you could be 'bomber fans'. So what do people tell fans like me, that are fans of both the Oilers and the Bombers. I used to enjoy the misery a little bit (kept it interesting still - by that I mean wanting the people in the organisation I didnt' like gone) but like who the bombers have in place now and I think they deserve better (on the field). As for the Oilers....... I did like what they were starting to do - but the more I reflect, the more Eakins reminds me of Jeff Reinbold. He didn't ride into town on a Harley like Jeff did, but he did arrive with that same swagger, and really made a lot of sweeping changes to the culture of the locker room. The bomber downward spiral with the arrival of Reindolt - who was, up until last year, the biggest idiot I ever saw running a team (yes, bigger than Kelly, bigger than Burke - neither had assistant coaches quitting on him in mid season, that spoke volumes to me) until Eakins..... I think Reindolt may have gotten trumped - may have. Jury still out - but it's a close race. Ok ISO - take me out back and shoot me now please. Put me out of my misery. To the OP - good on you - it will be another blow out tonight. Calgary wants to clinch first place, and Wpg has no clue what they are doing, they are imploding from within.
  13. You can find no less than 100 post this year where it is stated Lawless is as useless as they come yet you use him to support a comment from another guy that is also considered a useless writer. A marriage of convenience. I will admit Grisby's production went down the crapper. He might have been a cancer but until Mr. Insider gets a name tag I am not about to take it all as the truth. The reason his production went down is most times he got the ball the opposing dline was past our oline and waiting for him. The reason our QB is getting killed and our running game stinks is all on the Ol;ine. Cotton had 31 yards on 8 carries and that including one of 15 yards. Try this: Find the Ottawa game on the PRV and skip to the plays where we are running. Jog until you are at the point where Willy makes the hand off. From there single frame forward 15 frames which will be half a second after Grisby got the ball. See what he's looking at and tell me where's the hole he's supposed to go through. Try this, find the games where he actually had a hole and hesitated to allow the defense to close it, or the times when he went down at an arm tackle, or the times when he managed to be in the open field and find his own blocker to run into.... Everyone knows that the OL got stuffed a bunch and there was no running room, the issues with Grgisby come from the times when he had room to work with and failed to capitalize. Though I agree Grigsby wasn't 'the answer' - you still gotta face facts. Facts are, Cotton is WORSE than Grigsby. Cotton is more explosive (though for some reason Grigsby has this great 40 second time - 4.29 or something like that - that doesn't equate to 'game speed' though Grigsby made some nice YAC yards especially close to the end zone) but he also goes down on first contact, has an even harder time finding the holes, and can't catch nearly as well as Grigsby could. My issue on the 'defense' side of O'Shea - and I watch the Presser - O'Shea was asked 'what were his options' (earlier in this thread it was erronously reported that O'Shea was not asked this question when in fact he was) well I don't know how you guys define 'options' but to me options mean you have more than once choice. Grigsby didn't have a choice - his option (no 's' here) was O'Shea told him that he was sitting again Saturday in favor of Cotton because he hadn't seen enough of him. When MOS was asked if he wanted to release Grigsby he said no. When asked if he wanted to trade him, he said 'no comment'. So MOS, why are you using the term 'options' when he didn't have any. See, MOS is starting to wear thin on me. Again, I'm not against the not dressing of Grigsby, but lets call a spade a spade here. Either MOS is lying about the 'options' he gave Grigsby, or he's lying about what the options were (as in PR or outright release). Something doesn't smell right here - and remember what they did to Corey Banks this year - had him fly back to Wpg, met him in a coffee shop (Tim Hortons) by IGF, and released him there. As Banks said (and again I could care less they did released him, I never wanted him here to begin with the guy was washed up last year) why did you fly me back just to do that and in a coffee shop no less. MOS is looking slimier and slimier (is that a word?) to me as time goes on. I just hope Walters is getting on his scouts now to scour the US colleges/NFL teams for PR RB's, cause we don't have any here worth anything.
  14. I want to see how Grigsby does in Hamilton. Lets say, for a moment, he signs there, and lets say, if he does, he runs for 150 yards on 20 carries and is OPOTW. What then? What will happen? For the bombers sake, and fans, here an elsewhere - I hope he doesn't sign on somewhere else. That would do more damage to this club than any tweet or twisted quote from a Wpg media type could ever do
  15. Hey max I disagree completely with this. Not sure why you'd say that? Unless your being sarcastic - in which case maybe you should re-read my post. Or phone Khari Jones and ask him how his shoulder is doing. Tell me, what's the point of playing your #1 guy, who you are banking on for next year and beyond, with a banged up hand and shoulder, with an offensive line that can't block and zero running game. Go ahead, I'm listening, I'd love to hear you non-sarcastic comment on why playing Willy to finish out the string (who btw is probably the worst QB in the league right now - don't believe me look at his stats the last few games - don't take my word on it) and risk his career on a lost season.
  16. Collaros would have been a good fit here, I still argue that.
  17. yep - seriously. Never seen that so I'm asking a question, hard to believe? Is that their normal routine or is O'Shea trying something different. Again, maybe they were late coming on for the warmup as both teams were on the field when I got to my seat. I haven't seen a team do that in all the years I've been going to the games. Not one. So shoot for me for asking a simple question. Nothing to do with the game, the team sucks and no amount of warmup will change that.
  18. you were there? Admittedly I wasn't there when the players got on the field. Maybe that's part of their calisthenics and they were late getting on. On one side the Eskies look normal. all in different groups running plays, and on the bomber side they were all walking around the field goose stepping. Just saying - never seen that. They didn't really scrimmage all that much and when they did it didn't look as organised to me. It's an observation is all. Maybe I should have filmed it and posted it so you'd see how strange it was.
  19. I said in my tough love thread I started a few weeks ago that Willy should sit. Back to back blowouts - I see no use in starting Willy anymore. He drops to #3 in the depth chart. Why? Cause he's the best, by far, QB we got. We need to preserve him. Last thing we need, especially with a banged up shoulder (ask Khari and Travis what a banged up shoulder on your throwing arm does for your career), is Willy taking another hellacious hit on that shoulder as we have no plan without him. If he throws another pass this year, I'll throw up. Time (like I said a few weeks ago) to see what, if anything Marve is capable of. Brohm gets the starts but Marve needs to see some significant playing time. Willy shouldn't play unless #'s 1 and 2 (Brohm and Marve) get killed, which could quite possibly happen
  20. Not trying troll here - but what the heck are the bombers doing pregame? THey don't do this Wpg too, do they? I mean, one side of the field, you got the eskimos doing what normal teams do, they stretched and stuff, then they ran some generic plays, O against D, some running plays, kicking. The bombers - looked like they were warming up for ballet. No, seriously. They were all walking around the field goose stepping for about 20 minutes. I don't get it. Do they do this in Wpg too?
  21. The bomber faithful who have been supporting the team deserve better. I hope O'Shea is smart enough to admit he screwed up bigtime putting in Cotton and Bryant. Those guys were not the reason we lost, but they are not our best players in those positions. Kelly and Grigsby, unless hurt, should play the rest of the way.
  22. I called for Marve a few weeks ago. Willy I truly believe is not only banged up but in shell shock. He still is, by far, our best QB but that being said I don't think he has any confidence whatsover. Last week, throwing that third int in Ottawa, he was swearing and yelling all the way back to the sidelines. Today, he just accepted what was happening. He, and his team, for the second time, were grossly overmatched by the Eskimo defense. BTW - Edmonton easily, I mean easily, could've gotten another shut out. They all looked like they wanted to go home in the second half. I did, as soon as the 50/50 was drawn with 9 and half minutes left - off I went. Why? Because the game had no flow at that point. We are now, officially, in the same boat as last year. Worst team in the CFL - not even close. And as each week goes by, we get worse and worse. I shudder to think what Calgary will do to us next week.
  23. I don't think he's ruined, I think he's all beat up. But, I stand corrected, as I taped the game. Willy had ONE yard of net offense when he left. ONE. I don't give a crap how bad your oline is, or how bad your receivers are, to have one net yard of offense in almost a half of football, and this coming off of a 'mighty' performance against the REDBLACKS, and, well, I still say the Eskimos have the best D in the league, and we all know how Willy, when he and the bombers were firing all all cylinders fared, at home (3 stinking points). I personally am not against the man, but he, unfortunately, was blown up way to much in Wpg for what he actually is. He is no where near as good a QB as we all thought he was when we went 5 -1, but also I don't believe he is no where near as bad as his 1 - 8 record since either. He's somewhere in between, but he definitely needs a lot of help, starting with an offensive line and a running game. Oh, for all you 'Grigsby haters' out there - can you give it a rest now? I also said Cotton wasn't as good as Grigsby - and this game proved it. At least Grigsby can be a threat to catch the ball as well. Great great decision by O'Shea to sit out the #1 receiver in the CFL (for tailbacks) in favor of a guy who has not shown anything at all when playing against real players. I really really hope this Grigsby/Cotton debate is put to rest. Not saying Grigsby is the answer, but he's the best we got. And good going with Romby over Aaron. Yeah, like a big receiver against the big Edmonton secondary wouldn't help. I hope Romby is oK after that hit he took, but he's not ok enough to play next week.
  24. Well, not sure why some of you think the Bombers have a chance in a game here. You do realize, since 2002 they are 1 and like 50 here in Alberta. ONE win - and it was a miracle catch. And finally they pulled Drew Willy. He's getting worse and worse every game. Brohm looked way better. 27 yards of offense in the first half - what a joke. Willy is making Justin Goltz look good now. Yep - sure am glad we got him over Collaros. Even Johnny Crompton is looking better now - but what do I know eh?
  25. Over the last several weeks I'd argue that you could put any receiver's name there. Willy has not been accurate at all on the long ball. Most of the 'big plays' are YAC yards not 40 - 50 yard bombs (not that those have a high completion rate anyway). Bryant's biggest gains this year have come on YAC yards (all two of them) I don't recall one big play down field to him (though I recall plenty missed as 17to85 has eluded to). I'm not a big fan Bryant, and Kelly is more of a big target possession guy who I think complements Moore better. Last I checked - our first few games, what we WON, those were the receivers. But really what does it matter? This weekend is shaping up to be the killer weekend for Wpg (and I never thought of it when I picked my games, just thought of it this morning, already 2 - 0). With B.C. winning, and the given Edmonton route (I'll get my $100 Kal Tire coupon as Eskies will score more than 35 points ) and my sneaking suspicion that Sask will give Crompton his first loss at home, well, that means West 3 Wpg 0 which IMO pretty much eliminates us from the playoffs.
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