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Everything posted by Yourface

  1. That's ridiculous considering the way he played last year and so far in TC. If anything, Brohm should be the odd man out, or relegated to third or fourth stringer duty. He's completely immobile and lacks accuracy. There's nothing about him that's attractive except a strong arm.
  2. Brohm must have a really great personality because I don't see how else he could have endeared himself to the coaching staff as much as he has.
  3. So we all agree that Marve needs more time to be properly evaluated. Excellent! I still think he may have more potential than Willy based on his athletic ability and the little he's shown so far.
  4. Also, Marve scrambled so much because he HAD to, as the o-line ****ing sucked... At least he didn't just stand there, take hits and make ill-advised passes under pressure like Willy seemed content in doing in the latter half of last year. Marve actually managed to throw the ball away a couple of times, escape pressure, make something out of nothing, etc. I would agree that he still needs to prove himself as a pocket passer, but I don't think he's gotten the chance to do so at this point. I don't think there's anything wrong in suggesting that Marve may have more potential than Willy.
  5. What? Did you watch practice or preseason at all last season? All I hear about Marve is how well the guy can throw. Marve was the Bombers' best QB in training camp, and maybe even in practice, last season and was very good with limited reps in the regular season. The offence performed incredibly well with Marve at the helm, considering the circumstances (down by 16 against the best team in the league in the first game, awful weather in the second one). They scored 29 points (should've been 36) in the 53 minutes that he played. He was only sacked once during that time, did not throw an interception nor fumble the ball... He basically did everything necessary to win games. Marve has excellent potential, and frankly, I think it's stupid to suggest he might not stay on the roster. I agree that Marve has a lot of upside and possibly could be better than WIlly in the future. I don't think JBR was disputing that, nor do I see anywhere that he thinks he will be cut. However, there is more to throwing than just arm strength. Last year Marve did not show the ability to recognize certain coverages and did not get the ball out in a timely fashion. While this made for some tremendous excitement when he scrambled, these were broken plays. Until Marve learns to read coverages, can take a 3-5 step drop and deliver the ball he will not be surpassing anyone on the DC. Marve looked decent last year in limited playing time. A quick look at his stats will show that he was far from incredible. I get it...you're stoked about what could be a good young QB, however, I think you are overstating things right now concerning Marve. Again, considering the circumstances he played in, it' s hard to draw conclusions from his stats. He played the last 23 minutes of the first game against Calgary, engineered two touchdowns plus another drive that should have resulted in a field goal. He was put in a difficult situation with a minute left as the Bombers were in a 10-point deficit and in a hurry to throw the ball downfield. Three of his ten throws were made then. You just can't draw conclusions from 10 pass attempts, as he likely would've completed a higher percentage had he played the entire game. He didn't struggle in his second game either considering the weather conditions. The offence managed to score 15 points in one half of football under his lead. Marve was on pace for more passing yards than Mitchell (despite Mitchell dealing with relatively decent weather in the first half). Marve in 53 minutes = 29 points for the Bombers (should' ve been 36) Other quarterbacks against the same opposition in 67 minutes = 12 points for the Bombers
  6. What? Did you watch practice or preseason at all last season? All I hear about Marve is how well the guy can throw. Marve was the Bombers' best QB in training camp, and maybe even in practice, last season and was very good with limited reps in the regular season. The offence performed incredibly well with Marve at the helm, considering the circumstances (down by 16 against the best team in the league in the first game, awful weather in the second one). They scored 29 points (should've been 36) in the 53 minutes that he played. He was only sacked once during that time, did not throw an interception nor fumble the ball... He basically did everything necessary to win games. Marve has excellent potential, and frankly, I think it's stupid to suggest he might not stay on the roster.
  7. Who's anti-Willy? I just think that Marve has the potential to be better than him... And that's not really far-fetched.
  8. Irving asked him if he liked the moves made in the offseason. Turner (with a huge smile on his face): "Some of the moves I like... Jason Vega... It would've been better to see him around." You can just tell those two are bros.
  9. Not surprised about Marve. I think he might have more potential than Willy (not that I think he'll get the chance prove it necessarily).
  10. Bryant Turner sounds like a great guy. I like his honesty regarding Vega's departure haha.
  11. Just came across this article from the Journal de Montreal... So much for treating this guy like any other football player... Marc de Foy is an idiot. He writes: "I'm excited to put my equipment on and hit someone," says Sam. You have to admit that it sounds funny coming from the mouth of a homosexual.
  12. Wow, if I knew this forum contained so much ignorance before, I would've defended 17to85 to no end on the topic of Dallas Eakins. Seriously, the opinion of Dallas Eakins expressed by 17to85 is pretty much unanimous throughout the Oilers fanbase. Eakins was unarguably one of the worst NHL coaches of all-time. No coach would have gotten the Oilers in a playoff spot during his tenure, but he made the team a lot worse than it should have been nevertheless.
  13. Link to those "rumours" please? I've read some stories regarding Hall on HF, and it seems to me that he's just one of those guys who don't like to be constantly bothered by fans in his free time (at the bar and whatnot). Some people expect these guys to be angels but ultimately, they're humans too and some of them like having a little privacy. Furthermore, Hall is always great with the media and complimentary of his teammates. He's never taken part in fights in practice or locker room conflicts, etc. To be honest he strikes me as a great guy who's probably just a little cocky, as most athletes are.
  14. Yeah Eakins was absolutely awful. All he cared about was Corsi (shot quantity over shot quality). Every offensive player on the Oilers had their creativity sucked out of them due to his coaching philosophy. His "swarm" defense was also a complete failure. It's not a coincidence that pretty much every single player on the Oilers improved once Eakins left the team. He completely nullified any progress that the team had made under Ralph Krueger. The Oilers have some holes for sure, and probably the worst defensive core in the league, but Eakins made the team a lot worse than it should have been.
  15. No they wouldn't be able to call him up until his junior season is done. He's almost a lock to make the team out of TC imo.
  16. Yeah I feel the same way... Though I've been a hockey fan for longer, I find more enjoyment in watching any random football game than any random hockey game. I'd say I'm as much of a diehard Oilers fan as I am a diehard Bombers fan, however I'm certainly more of a CFL fan than an NHL fan.
  17. Sad to see him go. He was one of my favourites when I first started following the Bombers. Seems like a great guy too. Arjei Franklin paid tribute to him on his Facebook page: I wanted to take a moment to share a little bit about a great teammate and better friend Romby Bryant. I was blessed to be teammates with Romby for 5 straight years across two teams. I can tell you this. Romby is one of the hardest working athletes I have ever met. He is also one of the most talented players I have come across. But what is most important is that he is as real as they come. A straight shooter and loyal friend. Ill never forget the time Romby decided on his own that he was going volunteer at a soup kitchen. He didn't ask for a jersey to wear. There were no cameras our interviews. All he wanted to do was volunteer his time as any other person would. I know that Romby would never share these types of things as he is too humble. But I felt it was important that people know that this guy has a genuine heart to help others. If you look through this guys Facebook page you won't see one football pic. Only pics of his family. What is most important to him is not the glamour of being a football star but simply the relationships in his life. So as a former teammate and life long friend I want to say congratulations on an unbelievable career. Salute!
  18. Eventually, with teams retiring numbers to honour great players, there will be no numbers left, so we might start to see fractional numbers on player jerseys.I'd rather see them go to triple digits. Or maybe negatives.Letters and symbols could be an option too. Roman numerals would be cool and unique.
  19. Eventually, with teams retiring numbers to honour great players, there will be no numbers left, so we might start to see fractional numbers on player jerseys. I'd rather see them go to triple digits. Or maybe negatives.
  20. I saw him at a gym near my work place (wearing a Riders shirt mind you) in September or October of last year. He clearly wants to make a comeback, going by his Twitter / Instagram pages.
  21. you can't develop a QB without giving him playing time. If it wasn't for Brohm getting injured last year, Marve probably wouldn't have seen the field at all. That's absolutely false. Especially in the CFL. What do you mean? Players need to be put in game situations eventually. Sure, young players usually need to be eased in at a slower pace but it certainly doesn't hurt that Marve got into some real game action last year. Do you honestly think that his development would've been hampered had he taken the few extra reps that Brohm got last year? I'm not saying Marve should be the starter or anything, just that he should be given the backup role if he shows to be more competent than everyone else at his position.
  22. You can't develop a QB without giving him playing time. If it wasn't for Brohm getting injured last year, Marve probably wouldn't have seen the field at all.
  23. Good point. It's certainly a good idea to have some insurance at the backup position, but I just hope that Brohm is not being anointed the #2 QB by default like last year. Brohm wasn't just handed the the #2 spot..he obviously showed enough to earn it. Like i said before, Marve was an exciting alternative but until he gets more reps, he will remain just that, an alternative. It will be a lot harder for him when teams are better prepared for his style of play. But it really doesn't matter because if we are arguing for more than one guy as our backup QB…that's a good sign, and if Marve can beat out Brohm in TC, then all is good. I'm not sure he did... He was only slightly better than Max Hall in preseason, and that's why he got a roster spot. The only reason he was anointed the primary backup is because we used an asset to acquire him and because he had more professional experience.
  24. Good point. It's certainly a good idea to have some insurance at the backup position, but I just hope that Brohm is not being anointed the #2 QB by default like last year.
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