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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. Yes Tracker we get it... Like that Clown is a closet eskimo fan, you are showing your rider colors more and more these past weeks.
  2. Owens is definitely more than a talented mid carder... so is cesaro.. I suggest to anyone who thinks otherwise to look up Kevin Steen and Claudio Castagnolli when they were in ROH... Watch some of their matches, watch their personality... they are allowed to be who they wanted to be. They both have "it" in spades. But in WWE, quite honestly the guy running things, Vincent Kennedy Mcmahon has lost "it" and wouldn't know "it" if "it" punched him in the face. This is the same Vince who signed Austin out of ECW, sorry actually JR was the guy who signed Austin and what did Vince do? The guy that was lighting it up in ECW with his promos? What did the genius Vince do... Called him the ringmaster and stuck him with Ted Dibiase and told him not to talk... Brilliant really. Scripted Promos don't work these days and 99 percent of them are scripted big time... sometimes you can tell when it's not scripted cuz the guy speaking actually shows some passion but for the most part, guys are told what to say and how to say it now a days by a bunch of hollywood writers who don't know the first thing about getting over in the wrestling business. Owens is Over, Cesaro is over and that is saying something considering how Vince and his writing team has booked these guys on occasion, they are over because they are good in the ring, after all, it's wrestling... You aren't going to the show to watch people talk anyways at least i wouldn't.. I'm going to watch them wrestle. When they come to Winnipeg, i don't go up to my friends and say hey guys wanna go to the sports entertainment show, i say wanna go to the wrestling show at the arena? There is also a reason why the house shows in my opinion are 10 x better than what you get on tv... it's because at the house show, these guys are actually allowed to be themselves a little bit.
  3. Our best chance at winning is if the QB doesn't have to throw 30 times.... Our best chance at winning is if we actually come out and have a good game plan... Honestly, this game is one that will be interesting to watch, It will be interesting to see what plays MB actually calls out there...do we go run heavy? do we go pass heavy? balance of each? IMO, the best chance at us winning isn't what the QB does or doesn't do... It's about what the OC does. 5 yard passes work if you actually hit the guy in stride, crossing patterns, screens, where oh where have you been this year... let's see some of those this game... best chance is to get the ball in to our playmakers hands and let them turn a 5 6 yard pass in to a 10 15 20 yard gain.
  4. If Nichols can learn the playbook in 2 days... that playbook needs to be burned and thrown away like NOW...
  5. I'll be the first to admit that i will be happy when Brohm is sent packing but... this whole making stuff up that people are doing here just cuz they don't like the guy is pretty ridiculous at times. Brohm definitely has an arm, that's basically why he was drafted to the NFL years ago.. cuz the guy put up huge numbers in college. Is this right? the bombers haven't won in regina on labor day in 10 years? If so, wow.. don't matter who we start but... it's kind of funny... the amount of people just shitting all over Brohm this past week on here... it just, get this feeling that he plays well and we actually win, wouldn't that be something, haven't won there in 10 years on Labor Day... Win this week and the riders go to 0-10. Something about numbers reallly... fascinating stuff at times.
  6. His wife being diagnosed with Cancer might have had something to do with him thinking of retirement.
  7. Confirmed. Brohm starting. Hmmm Interesting Brohm also got the start vs Edmonton last year going 19/34 for over 200 yards... O TD's, O picks tho That Calgary game where he got hurt..again 0 TD's and No Picks Marve came in went 5/10 for 64 yards.. No Tds, No Picks and had 5 rushed for 36 yards.. No TDs... Not exactly sure how going 5/10 for 64 yards is exactly coming in and making a game out of it.
  8. According to the Baumer... Brohm got 19 reps today... Davis got 11 (3 near the goal line) and Nichols got 2.
  9. I was thinking about going with Davis also, and to be honest, it wouldn't shock me to see him get some reps this game.. Guy looked good in the pre-season with Calgary going 9/10 i believe... plus how much film would SASK have on the guy... None really... Don't really know what to expect from Davis... But thinking about this a bit more... I'll change my answer from Brohm to... it doesn't matter who we start, Our D needs to play well, Our Special Teams need to play well, we need to use the run game... if the QB regardless of who he is can just manage the game and not turn the ball over, i think we will be ok. I'll just add this... I don't think you need your QB to really win you the game, IMO, if the QB manages the game well, doesn't throw any picks or stuff like that... just manages the game... let's say even 14/23 for 194 yards or so... doesn't need to throw for 300 yards... you have a chance.. If he throws picks and doesn't move the ball at all, like last game really, DONE LIKE DINNER. QB doesn't necessarily need to win the game but... what the QB can't do really is cost you the game by throwing picks.
  10. I'll reserve judgment on this until someone other than Wicek mentions it. Seriously, i don't think he's the most credible source.
  11. I'm no expert but pretty sure most of us understand what the basic fundamentals of a good QB are. I think the main one to be honest, one of the many actually is being able to throw the ball with some accuracy more than 5 yards.
  12. I went with Brohm but... that's only because Nichols hasn't been here long enough to learn the O, i mean really, if the guy could learn the O in 2 days... What that tells me is the O is definitely written in Crayons... and quite frankly, it doesn't really matter who we start at QB but... since that's just my guess as to what the playbook is written in Brohm for sure since he's been here longer and in all honesty, last year when he did get his one start, he went 14 of 23 for 194 yards passing. Not bad, better than Marve last week by about double.
  13. It's just unofficial practices really.... No need to look in to the line combos at all... However if one was going to do that... Lemieux and Copp on one line together? That could be 2/3 rds of our 4th line this year...
  14. No lol but its better than what Marve did right lol
  15. I'm willing to give brohm one start to see what he can do. Honestly how much worser than Marve could he be. If we are being honest, Marve totally sucked. Not sure brohm could do worse. We all wanted Marve to be awesome or even average but he actually showed why he was 3rd string. It's unfortunate but Marve wasn't good. 135 yards net O last game. 96 through 3 quarters. Marve wasn't good.
  16. It's probably more of a collaborative effort. I'm sure all coaches have a say... MB and the QB coach included
  17. Few weeks back most ppl thought we had Damn good QB depth. Few weeks later... Here we are. It really is crazy. Mike Kelly was certainly bang on about what he called some of the fans. Give the devil his due he spoke tge Damn truth and you see it after every win or loss this team has.
  18. If true, it may just mean that there's better job security under O'Shea if he likes you, even if you suck. Or it means he's a good coach and people want to play for him.
  19. So after the weekend we could all have 4 wins. We are right there plus we beat bc once already and play them again. BC winning is good for the bombers actually
  20. Just ignoring the lawless article that said Mos is a coach players around the league want to play for to push agendas. It's crazy.
  21. With Marve on the 6 game I think brohm is here a while longer still.
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