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Everything posted by bearpants

  1. You guys definitely have us beat hands down when it comes to the cheerleaders. A tip of the hat to the Bombers for assembling a fine group again this year Toronto ain't bad either... Is it wrong that the Argos are now my second favourite team?
  2. I'm thinking if both or either of these guys end up making their way to the CFL it will be after their peak years... maybe around age 30... like Westerman... could still provide a nice late-career boost to as team...
  3. Just flipped over to OB to read just out of curiousity... I know these "troll-type" are poisonous to fan forums... but man is it entertaining to read...
  4. Now he should come clean and tell them there next 12 games are lost as well. I guess they gotta go 12-0 now to meet Taman's prediction... it's not over yet!
  5. Ouch, that one's gotta hurt... the only game I regret leaving early was thanksgiving day, 2010, vs BC.. Brink started and Jyles came in to clean up... I'm sure we all remember that one... ended up listening to the end of the game in the car! I have Clint Kent jersey... he was a good player while here... problem was a got the jersey in the offseason before he was cut...
  6. The idea of cutting Moore right now is comically premature... if Veltung, Adams, and Gordon continue to improve and impress I could see Moore not being re-signed this off-season... but he's not going anywhere today...
  7. I kinda hope the riders get a win before labour day... I'd hate to go in there for the LDC while they're still Owen...
  8. I'm really liking the progression of Khalil Bass... it seems to me that while Hurl is on the 'cowboy' formation near and around the LOS, Bass seems to play in the more traditional MIKE role, filing gaps, covering the middle and sniffing out the RBs... anyone else seeing that?
  9. Sympathy for Kevin Glenn and some of his teammates?... sure Sympathy for the Rider fan base?... Never... maybe 20 years of 0-18 and I might change by mind...
  10. Blowout?? for who??? Here is a scenario where in the Bombers lose tonight - The Lions show up! Sorry dude but across the board - offense and defense, special teams etc. Lions are better! I would be happy just to see the Bombers keep it close. Oh Good... I new guys shows up to rip an established posted... and clearly doesn't recognize the tone
  11. We could use a Lemon here. Typically I would prefer a Peach to a Lemon... but I'd be willing to make an exception in this case...
  12. With the list of QBs I've seen in the thread... I might not sleep tonight with all the terrifying memories!
  13. I remember watching the first half of the Banjo bowl in 2013 and me and a friend both could see that team going 1-17... they were 1-9 (or maybe 8 or 10, I don't remember) at the time... that team managed to squeak out 3 wins... so I could definitely see them winning at least 4 this year... If u are referring to the riders, they came into the banjo bowl in 2013 at 8-2. Maybe u meant 2011, think we only had 3 wins coming into banjo bowl that year. sorry, I should have clarified...by "that team" I meant the Bombers... and "them" in the last sentence is the Riders... damn pronouns... can't you read my mind?!?
  14. With a torn pec I expect him to be out for the season. Yeah, January missed the entire 2010 season after tearing a pec in a preseason game. Didn't Lobendahn miss time with a torn pec one year too?
  15. I remember watching the first half of the Banjo bowl in 2013 and me and a friend both could see that team going 1-17... they were 1-9 (or maybe 8 or 10, I don't remember) at the time... that team managed to squeak out 3 wins... so I could definitely see them winning at least 4 this year...
  16. Jim Toth isn't perfect... but he's no where near the worst...
  17. It's coming to the point where I really dislike both those guys...for no apparent reason, just from all the negativity surrounding the debate. It is a bit of a change though... for so many years the back up QB was always the most popular guy in the stadium!
  18. the "bad" NFL teams are the ones most looking to improve talent... the "good" ones already have established starters, typically have groomed back-ups, and draft well... There's a reason Green Bay and New England are perennial favourites... you mean like the Seahawks, Chris Mathews, (big plays that helped them get to the Super Bowl) John Ryan former bomber punter. who threw a touchdown pass in the semi final, or Cameron Wake, Dolphins, probably a pro bowler every year for several years. the steelers, are one of the teams that have a good chance to win the whole thing. just checked, one vegas outfit has only seven teams ahead of the steelers. etc etc I wasn't agreeing with him, simply pointing out why it appears that way... but if you want to make it a fun debate I should point out a few things in your argument... Chris Matthews was largely insignificant in Seattle before the SB, was shut down in the second half of that game (by Brandon Browner, who would've have proved your point better) and it still no lock to make the team this year... Jon Ryan was signed out of the CFL by Green Bay, not Seattle... Cam Wake is phenomenal, but no one is confusing Miami for a perennial favourite... and yes the Steelers are trying out a couple guys this year but are both considered to be long shots... I don't agree that only the "bad" teams sign CFLers... but it's easy to see why that's the perception...
  19. I don't know that the Willy injury against Edm was an "obvious penalty"... but I did point out during the game that Jake Thomas got called for a penalty that was essentially the same type of play...
  20. Maybe the rational posters to a degree yes.. But there is ample reasons listed as to why this is.. I'll reinerate again tho.. -marve hurt -brohm is more experienced -brohm is more of a pocket passer These are the 3 that stand out to me as why brohm is ahead of marve at this point.. - when Marve was not hurt....Marve was outperforming Brohm. Once again, I'm going to ask the question, when? When has Marve outperformed Brohm? In practice? In preseason? It's comments like this that make me want to lose it on people. Practice and preseason mean almost nothing. Again, I'm not saying Brohm doesn't suck, or that I don't want Marve to play. I want Marve to play, and I hope he succeeds. But we haven't seen anything from him to say he is better then Brohm yet. The rest of your comments I agree with. Last season? BROHM, B 2014 WPG 39 70 55.7 454 54 0 0 1 1.43 69.6 MARVE, R 2014 WPG 11 22 50 140 42 1 4.6 0 85.4 So you're telling me that you can tell by these stats, that Marve outperformed Brohm last season? Really? Looks pretty similar to me, other then Marve running a lot more then Brohm. With this little amount of playing time behind Marve, we can't really judge if he's better then Brohm. Again, I hope he is if he ever gets to play because I'm tired of watching Brohm. But you have no proof yet. Every time I hear people say "WE NEED TO START MARVE, HE'S BETTER THEN BROHM", all I keep hear is the past few years bouncing back..."we need to play Brink, he's better then Buck", "we need to play Elliott, he's better then Brink", "we need to play Goltz, he's better then Buck/Elliott", etc... And when they got to play what did we hear from the same people who were screaming and yelling to have them play? "Get rid of Brink/Elliott/Goltz...he sucks!". I didn't say his stats were better... I just thought maybe DoD was referring to last season as his basis for the claim that Marve was outperforming Brohm... and you're right, Brohm's stats are a little better... but we all know stats don't tell the whole story...
  21. It's tough to push an agenda when you view things rationally and objectively
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