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Everything posted by bearpants

  1. not necessarily... that's about the same size as Wild... Wild is at 220 and I believe he added more weight for the NFL. Fair enough... but that doesn't change the fact that he played WIL successfully for 2 seasons at around 210...
  2. not necessarily... that's about the same size as Wild...
  3. The thought of that happening literally makes me light headed, dizzy and sick to my stomach... I don't know how much more I could handle if Sask makes a quick turn around... I like Walters and O'Shea and I'm willing to give them another year... but if Hufnagel is looking to take the reigns of another team this off-season, I would drop those two in a heartbeat, double their combined salaries and offer it to Huff... The idea mentioned above that he's not ready to give up coaching makes sense... and Calgary is in a fairly safe spot with arguably the best up-and-coming HC and GM in the game right now... Cgy would likely be fine going forward with Dickenson and Murphy taking over...
  4. Edmonton had a lack of good interior Canadian OL but had a few experienced American OL around. Edmonton is probably moving to a 4 NI OL with O'Donnell back in the fold so they can afford to get rid of an American tackle. But more than anything, this trade was Greaves for a second round pick. Capers is just a throw-in. He may never even start a game for us. Exactly this....it's all about us essentially getting into the first round... We're basically guaranteed the 9th overall pick... cuz if it's not the Edm (via Sask) pick then it's probably out own 2nd rounder!
  5. I would argue he's just defending his friends (Greaves/Daniels recently)... though he did make a comment about the players not being a problem... which I agree with to an extent...
  6. Just thinking the same thing... if this rumour turns out to come true I'm gonna smash my head against a wall!!!
  7. There's a lot to criticize Kyle Walters about... but to say he doesn't care about winning and won't do anything to improve the team... that's just insane...
  8. Nothing wrong with an O-line that goes Int-Int-NI-NI-NI... if that's the best use of the players... Calgary was running that while Federkeil was out...
  9. Agreed. Willie looked great. He showed some flashes of having some big play abilities. I actually noticed Willie looks HUGE out there... I was surprised he's only listed at 6'2 220... I woulda guessed 6'5 235...
  10. Jones and Heenan won't be back in the CFL until they truly exhaust all NFL options... both were looking good to make their respective teams before getting injured... they'll take this year to train and try to get another crack this season or next... I know the Colts have said they would be willing to give Heenan another shot once he is healthy...
  11. Hopefully they mean the "too short" list. I spent a lot of time on that list when I tried out for basketball. Unfortunately Muamba is the perfect size to play MLB in the NFL... the too "slow list" might be our only chance...
  12. As someone else mentioned... timing and availability are such critical factors... there is no one like Hufnagel, Bauno, Barker, or Austin available right now to just snag up and hire, whether we spend the money or not... if there was someone who became available, I would would be fully in favour of dumping everyone today to hire that person but I can't think of who that might be... Mike Riley had a rough first game at Nebraska
  13. He played it in Calgary so I wouldn't really classify it as a "foreign position".... but a huge loss nevertheless...
  14. Do you know if Longo is playing LG or he is at RT with Neufeld over to LG?
  15. If we move Leggett to SAM, I'm wondering if we might be able to change the ratio by putting Newman or Waggoner at safety and an import at corner...
  16. I find he is generally a supporter of the team on twitter... I avoid things like twitter and this site during games so that I don't post stupid things... so maybe he has more of an agenda during games... Also, he clearly has no intentions of coming back... he recently posted a pic of him at 265 lbs... obviously trying to lose his playing weight... unless it's easy to put on 35 lbs in a week... I might be able to do it if I have a diet that consists of strictly fast food burgers and donuts...
  17. The last throwing TD was to Cam Marshall Aug 14 against Toronto... but that actually proves your point even better... that was essentially a broken down play... quick check down to the RB who made it happen from there... It gives me chills to imagine Willy in a good offense... imagine Drew Willy playing for Calgary or Toronto... "to a receiver" My reading comprehension needs some work apparently!
  18. I'm glad someone agrees with me... I think there actually is a lot of talent on this team... I'm not saying we have Hamilton or Calgary talent but we have a good enough roster to be competitive... good coaching can make an average team good.... but we are getting out coached far too often... probably every game...
  19. The last throwing TD was to Cam Marshall Aug 14 against Toronto... but that actually proves your point even better... that was essentially a broken down play... quick check down to the RB who made it happen from there... It gives me chills to imagine Willy in a good offense... imagine Drew Willy playing for Calgary or Toronto...
  20. I doubt Simmons has the speed to be covering slot receivers... but I could be wrong... I'm actually not sure who we have on the roster that can fill that spot.... Lin-J Shell??
  21. Agreed, that's the first thing I noticed on the play... not only was the punt right down the middle it also had no hang time ... the ST unit was basically SOL right from the beginning... Lirim shoulders most of the blame for that particular punt return...
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