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Posts posted by Tracker

  1. Just now, Mr Dee said:

    The loss? Pretty disappointing in the fact that we didn't play better for the crowd. 

    Otherwise, the fact remains we stood up to Calgary for a good portion of he game despite handing them 16 points. You just can't do that against any team, never mind the Stamps. 

    They are a championship caliber team. We are not..yet.

    They held the stamps to 9 points in the first half and came up with 10 of their own. That was huge..considering the turnovers.

    But despite that, Calgary adjusted and we didn't adjust to their adjustments. Couple that with more turnovers, and you're not going to beat them. We had to play a fairly clean game. We didn't.


    Penalties weren't a factor unless you count that iffy call of PI that Dickenson threw a challenge flag on, after an incomplete pass…on the other side of the field…away from the play. Those calls have got to go.

    This was part of a sequence that led to 3 points for the Stamps, followed by a sack on Nichols, on the next series of downs.

    Again the Bombers stopped the Stamps, but the backbreaker, and end of game for us, came on Nichols pic 6.

    That was it for the Blue.

    Momentum gone and Calgary took over.

    Aside from a couple of players, Carmichael and Lankford, I believe we have a decent team. We should be able to muster 10 wins for a playoff spot. We will get better.

    Its looking more and more like its not all on the players, though a few of them really stank last night. Almost everyone in the media and many in this forum have pointed the finger at the lack of adaptation in the second half.  The same thing happened against the Riders last game but they were inept enough that we got away with it...barely.

  2. Just now, Captain Blue said:

    Lankford has no vision on returns at all. He has mastered running in several different directions and going nowhere. In my opinion he doesn't line up his blocks well and made a few poor decisions too. You could predict the fumble coming.

    Lankford seems unable to read his blocking at all. He is very fast in a straight line, and if the opposition would get out of his way, he would score a lot.

  3. Just now, Eternal optimist said:

    Agreed, I know last night when Lankford fumbled that return the general atmosphere at IGF was "here we go, again...". The silver lining I guess is that considering we served up 5 turnovers, we managed to hold one of the best offenses in the league to under 30 points. It's too bad the offense couldn't muster up more positive plays.

    For me, the highlight of the game was the Bombers stuffing the Stamps at the goal line FOUR times, and the game absolutely pivoted when LeFevor failed to make the one-yard plunge for the first down. All the Bomber heads were down coming off the field following that play.

  4. Just now, Atomic said:

    Nope.  I was never under the illusion that this was going to be the best team in the league.  I saw us finishing anywhere from 8-10 to 12-6.  All I know is that this is a playoff team and my opinion hasn't changed in that regard.  Get hot at the right time, get into the playoffs and anything can happen.  Sure I would have loved to see a win last night, but I wasn't expecting it.

    Once again, it wasn't just the loss, and you could make a good argument that the Bombers were out-matched. It was the wilting in the second half with the coaches unable or unwilling to make adjustments when the Stamps sure as poop could and did, plus all the turnovers. The game was winnable, but the Bombers shot themselves in the feet once again. After the last game I posted that the Bombers would have to be a heck of a lot better against Calgary to compete , but they weren't. O'Shea's ` I'll have to look at the tape` is insulting to the fans, as all in this forum and probably every fan in stands could see what went on.

  5. Just now, Atomic said:

    Never said it was a gimme but I'll take the Bombers at home for sure.  Argos will be on 4 days rest.  My confidence in this team isn't shaken by one loss to the best team in the league.

    And its not shaken by barely scraping by the worst team in the league and then playing the same the next game? Good teams step up against good teams and this edition of the Bombers played worse, if anything, against a wounded opponent.

  6. Just now, DR. CFL said:

    O line was fine? Seriously? They were playing against a make shift band aid d line and Nichols got rocked a couple of times. It looked like when Willy was getting the snot knocked out of him.

    And its not up to just the QB to notice the blitzes- as I understand it, any offensive player (most often the center) can call them and that radio in the QB's helmet ain't for decor, either. The O-line should grade out as C- and the receivers no better. Coaches? F's for sure.

  7. It absolutely was Carmichael who stood offside on that goal line stand. Maybe Knox can step in for Wild who does look to be out for a few days, but the coaching is the problem, and no better than last year. There seems to be a philosophy that changing the game plan mid-game is taboo. I am not as down on Nichols as some, but its hard to separate his performance from the coaching direction and not being in sync with his receivers.

  8. Just now, Blueandgold said:

    We have to hope that Nichols performance last year wasn't an aberration. Yes it's just one game, but it was the home opener and a game he needed to play well in. 

    Instead, we got what was likely his worst game as a Bomber. If Nichols continues to struggle, a move for Franklin may be a necessity.

    Nichols' stats were not that much worse than BLM. The difference was the turnovers and timely plays. Stamps did it, Bombers didn't and that has to be at the feet of the coaches.

  9. 8 minutes ago, Mr Dee said:

    More on Duron Carter..how he and his receiver's Coach Markus Howell are spinning Carter's 'handling' of the face mask incident.

    To me, it is utter and complete bull****...

    "The league made a ruling and we stand by the decision," Rider receivers coach Markus Howell said on CKRM's Coaches Show on Wednesday. "Duron and I sat down and watched the film and made the necessary corrections. It wasn't intentional on his part. The ball was intercepted and Duron was trying and run down and make a tackle, and knock a guy out of the way. He caught his facemask instead of his shoulder pad. Duron accepts the fine and we're moving on."


    I hope that Marcus wiped his feet after delivering that so that he didn't track that bullpoop all over the new shiny office.

  10. Just now, Taynted_Fayth said:

    Not If it sure what all the hubbub is about... Nichols did what he had to do at the end of the game in finding the endzone 4 times and only tossing up 1 pick (that was more due to the ball being volley up by the target).  4:1 any day is a good day even if he had a slow start.  IMO Harris didn't come flying out of the gate either when called upon.

    Our D on the other hand let up 40 points, which isn't all that great of an outing and will likely lose you most games. THAT needs some shoring up, and I fully expect it will be

    If the Bombers get into a race-to-40-points game , the odds will be against them. The defence has to limit the Stamps to under 30 points or else.

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